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Monday, March 15, 2010

Fourth chakra in our body - The Heart Chakra - Cardiac Plexus Where resides our Spirit (Atma)
Fourth Chakra
Element : Air
Physical Aspect : Looks after heart & lungs
Qualities : Creation/ nourishment of antibodies, compassion, pure love, complete sense of security, confidence, auspicious boundaries (Maryadas), joy of the spirit.
Causes of Catch : Insecurity, motherhood/ fatherhood problems, fear, Hatha Yoga, atheism, no seeking, inconsiderate behavior.
Diseases : Asthma, heart problems.
Left Heart: Shri Shiva-ParvatiRight Heart: Sita-RamCentral Heart: Shri Jagdamba
On the physical level the Heart Chakra (also called Anahata Chakra) controls our breathing, the action of the heart and the circulation of blood. This chakra is placed behind the sternum in the spinal cord and produces the anti-bodies till the age of twelve years. These anti-bodies are circulated into the whole body to be ready to fight any kind of attack on the body or mind. If there is any attack on the person, these anti-bodies are informed through the sternum.