So we have to sort them out to begin with, because the second stage of awareness is doubtless awareness, you are doubtless about yourself, doubtless about the working of Sahajayoga, doubtless about God's existence, doubtless about His laws. You become absolutely doubtless not mentally, It's a state.
It's state of your being by which you achieve lots of results and you really become powerful, you can see your compassion so powerful, so discrete, so understanding, so for bearing. And you are amazed of yourself, you really become a saint in the real sense of the word, that you become humble, flowering beautifully, not talking anything aggressive upon yourself, and you are really in the kingdom of God that you feel that you are looked after, protected, guided, blessed, every moment you walk along. And that's the state everybody should aspire to reach, this doubtless awareness, and unless and until you reach that state, we don't call you Sahajayogi, you may start calling yourself, but that's left to yourself. There are not sort of...we do not have sort of certification, or things going on, we do not any written certificates to people, nothing of the kind. It is you who have to certify yourself. So graudually people grow up in to beautiful beings. They start having their self esteem fully established, understanding themselves.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.