331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Oct 9, 2022


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Sunday, October 9, 2022

Hansa Chakra provides divine descrition, wisdom and joy

"Hamsa chakra is, placed between the two eyebrows and two eyes represent the left and the right side. So this centre is very much guided by our eyes, by our ears, by our nose, tongue, teeth, throat. Is a very important centre because the Vishuddhi, which has to look after sixteen petals, which, sixteen petals, which look after all these ear, nose, throat, different, different organs within us, also it has to communicate with the Viraat. So it has to pass through this centre of Hamsa Chakra.
Hamsa Chakra is the very pivotal centre, which expresses auspiciousness in our awareness. That means, if this centre is alert and awakened, then we immediately know what is auspicious and what is not auspicious, or we can call it, we get the Divine Discretion.
" Now you should see there is no Deity on the Hamsa Chakra, but it is the formless energy of so many organs which are looked after by Buddha, Mahavira, Christ, Shri Krishna – four of them, managed by Shri Ganesha. So these genetics are put by Shri Ganesha because He is the source of the Wisdom.
So first, once they spoil their Mooladhara, the wisdom is finished: [the] basis, the fundamentals, are finished. That’s why immoral life is very detrimental to our life because we lose our discretion, the discretion is lost. Then if you can awaken Shri Ganesha in the Hamsa Chakra, then suddenly you belong to the higher race of Sahaja Yogis.
It’s surprising. I’ve seen people overnight give up their drugs, very immoral people become extremely moral because of this chakra being suddenly awakened and the light of the Spirit is best expressed through this chakra in everyday life, in the collective life also. "
" So all these things that we have gathered from our previous life, even after our second birth we carry little bit. Like an egg becomes a bird but still lots of things of the egg are hanging on to his body, so you have to cleanse it."
“So, at this point, when you have got your realisation, the first discretion should be, “How am I going to achieve that state of Spirit?” The Pure Spirit!
With this enlightenment, first thing that happens, I’ve seen with people: Their eyes are fixed. They don’t rove their eyes much now. They have very innocent eyes. "
" There is joy but you cannot feel the joy because the power, that subtle power of Divine Discretion is not there. Once that comes in, you start enjoying everything. It’s just the same, [your] life is just the same, nothing has changed: same house, same family, same city, same environment. But you start enjoying because the sensitivity of your Hamsa Chakra is now only for Divine Discretion and you immediately know and then you don’t want to do anything with the thorns, only want to gather flowers and you know how to gather flowers and you are in joy.
So the light of the Spirit, which shines through your Hamsa Chakra, gives you wisdom. Wisdom doesn’t mean that you know how to argue things or you fight with people. No, it doesn’t mean that! Wisdom means how you take to the good side of everything, to enjoy it, this is Wisdom. And that you avoid all destructive things and take to something constructive."
" So Wisdom comes to you automatically, but through experience. Then you know this is the right path. Through experience you start understanding. "
" But once the wisdom becomes transparent and you start seeing through it, everything, very clearly, makes your mind absolutely clear then, anybody who then tells things of wisdom, you never feel bad about it, on the contrary, you thank that “I’m so lucky that I can hear about these things, such a nice things!” And also those sayings start giving you joy. "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Canada. 13-09-1992 .