“The best way to make the whole world a dynamic source of spiritual growth.”
“The best way to make the whole world a dynamic source of spiritual growth.”
The roots of all philosophies were born in this country That’s why most of the Incarnations took their birth in this country. Or ended up their life here like Moses and Christ.
On spiritual life, I would say that time has taken its stone, we have had all kinds of sufferings and dominations because of the spiritual understanding and bearing power we have. That’s representative of what many saints have suffered on account of aggressive people.
Despite all that, this country has survived its all bans. And there is something still lurking behind every Indian mind, that the spirit of this country will never die.
With all these horrible things that we have gone through and the waves of calamities that have passed through, today, at this juncture, we should hope that this country should take a new turn to spiritual life. It should prosper in its own nature that is spirituality. It is not going to prosper through economics or politics or any such things which are extravert but it is going to prosper through its spirituality which is its nature.
Once this is realised by Indians, that it is the spirituality of this place which has given us the blessings of God to survive under all circumstances, that we should really pay full attention towards spirituality, they’ll change their ways and methods. And we’ll not take to western methods anymore, but we’ll take to the methods which were taught to us by saints long time back.
Actually it is surprising that many saints and seekers are more born …
in this country, we have people who are still seeking money, seeking all kinds of other things which should not be really be looked at because they are worth nothing.
It is impossible to convince many Indian leaders that they have to take to Spirituality if they have to take full advantage of the substance of this land.
I hope one day will come when they will realise it, that all other activities must be divert towards the spiritual manifestation of our talents, so that they receive the best results out of the mankind which is living in this country and can give to the world something, what every body wants, but not what they have.
As you know, I have been a participant in the Freedom Movement and as a young girls, I have gone through myself, all kinds of tortures and problems of this slavery to see what is slavery.
But after getting independence if the people do not understand the technique of the Spirit, they are going to loose every thing that they have achieved through independence. The whole direction is downward. They think of just physical, material development which is not going to help them at all and will take them much closer to disaster, much faster than the West has gone. Because West can depend on spirituality now, because they have realised that spirituality is the thing they have to achieve….
Sahaja Yoga is, as I’ve told you, is not for one person. It is not for one country, it is for the whole universe. That’s why I said now, we have established the religion of Sahaja Yoga, is what we call the Universal [vishwa] Nirmala [pure] Religion [dharma]. And this religion doesn’t have any faith in the low level caste system, low level racial systems, low level political systems, and low level economics’ systems. It has its own understanding of the Divinity and it works with that.
Once you come up to the level of that, then I’m sure people will be convinced that this is the best way to make the whole world a dynamic source of spiritual growth and of substantial achievements. The rest of it is frivolous, flippant and temporary. If you have to have something of a very permanent and a high level, they will realise that, “We have to see to those people, how they have achieved it, how they have become such beautiful human beings”.
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Pune, India, 26/01/1985