" Except your own Spirit you don’t possess anything. Except for your evolutionary development you don’t possess anything. For example, now you are a saint you’ll be born a saint always – this is what you possess. The rest you don’t possess. It’s logical, logical. You need not to be realised to understand what I am saying. So why should we worry about our possessions?
" How the news has been organised, in the nature you see when the flowers bloom, how these bees come all the way; how the birds fly all the way from Siberia to Australia. What wisdom is that magnetism in them, the magnetism that is in the Mother Earth which tells them this is the way you have to go.
So we have to see to this magnetism within us: what makes us magnetic is not what we put up, what unnatural things we have, but what naturally we have achieved within and we are not afraid to express.
In fear you are never aggressive, but even in fearlessness you are never aggressive. In fear you might say that you are not afraid but you could be aggressive. When people look very frightened, if you push them to the extreme of fright, they can come back, but if you are fearless, you are in the centre, you are just standing there and watching.
Fearlessness never means aggression . "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sydney. 21-03-198