Today is Ganesh Chaturthi. The special ganesh festival lasting for over ten days starts in Maharashtra and many more places in India. Maharashtra has a special place in India, as it has all the Swayambhoo Ashtavinayakas in the state.
Lord Ganesh is the god of wisdom, Gyan, Buddhi, Sanskars, Good karma. Lord Ganesha also protects his disciples from devils, evils, demons, bad things around them. He is also called Vighnaharta i.e. the one who ends Vighna i.e. Sankat or any kind of Great imminent danger to person or property etc.
Adi Shakti Mataji resides in the form of Ganesha in our Kundalini. Let us know about Ganesha as expressed by Mataji Nirmaladevi -
Now we have to understand the importance of Shri Ganesha. What is His significance that is expressed today?
Like I had told you earlier, ‘vinay’, which is called humility. ‘Namrata’ [humility] is His special quality. One more special quality is wisdom. I wasn’t getting an equivalent word in Marathi, they told Me the meaning of wisdom will be ‘subudhi’. O.K let us say ‘subudhi’. All these things are gifted by Ganesha’s principle.
But then one more quality is that, He is a cool headed person. He’s a very cool headed person. His walk is very cool. Like an elephant. In an elephant you see that it walks very slowly. The walk is so beautiful that if any lady walks nicely she’s called ‘gajagamini’, meaning she walks like an elephant.
Slowly lifting the legs, thinking where to keep the foot so that no ant or animal comes under its feet. They walk taking care of these things. In the front they blow with their trunk while walking so that something that come in their way may not get destroyed.
Secondly, they eat only grass. They are so strong eating only grass that wherever heavy work needs to be done, like carrying heavy load, there only elephants are used. The significant quality of elephant is also that they do thing slowly. They do not do anything hastily. And one more significant quality is that their memory is very strong. Even if they see a child in a young age, however old that person has grown, they recognize. In the same as on the left side because the working is of Shri Ganesha, you also know that when your left side becomes weak, your memory fails. That’s why we always raise the left side when the memory fails. The reason is the principle of Ganesha in you is reduced. When you become right sided, your left side Ganesha principle keeps reducing. Those people who work a lot, do this do that; their memory, you can see in their old age it becomes a question whether they will be able to recognize themselves or not. That’s why Shri Ganesha specialty is that wisdom is there but along with wisdom,
His memory is excellent. He remembers everything. He has to remember. Because whatever is imprinted on the Kundalini, whatever written, all that is done by Shri Ganesha.
He has a pen in His hand and He writes with His pen. The pen is one of His broken teeth. From that He writes what type of a person you are? What difficulties have you undergone? In your seeking where all you went? What mistakes did you do? Everything He writes in it [Kundalini].
When the Kundalini begins to rise, like a tape recorder with problems squeaks, similarly you can see the squeaking of the Kundalini when She passes through your chakras. That’s how you come to know in the person this chakra is spoilt or that chakra is spoilt. This is absolutely classic scientific matter.
So, there is not only one principle of Ganesha, that you stay chaste, be without sins. There are many principles and one of them is that there should be wisdom in you, there should be ‘subuddhi’ [wisdom] in you. You should know what is good and what is bad.