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Saturday, April 8, 2023

Teachings from Christs Life


Now, the other teachings which are out of Christ’s life is that His message of His life is resurrection. But not His cross. He suffered for us and it’s the end of all our sufferings.
Now, on a subtler way, try to understand where is Christ positioned within us and then you will understand what I am trying to tell you. In this picture, if you see, the two sides, the left and the right side cross at a point where you see this red mark on my head, inside the brain. Where there is the optic chiasma, where it crosses, near the pituitary and the pineal body. There lies the principle of Christ. Now, if you see that the Kundalini’s door to pass through is that one, is the constricted part, is the door, that’s why it is said that Christ is the door and everyone has to pass through that. Because over-activity of the sympathetic nervous system has created this kind of a very, very solid type of attachment which cannot be crossed easily. Because of the ego and superego crossing over each other, they press on each other like two very hard balloons. This is the cross.
Now, what Christ has shown by His life, that eternal life is not killed by anything, by His resurrection. This was the greatest job, is to pass through that very narrow space, crucifying Himself, He proved it that life has to be resurrected.
On the Easter day, we give everyone an egg. But we don’t know why we do it. Now, this egg represents our state, of human state and from the egg, with transformation, you come out as the bird, as the second birth. So you have to become the bird after this egg stage because your ego and superego press you here and you get your own “I” ness, like an egg.
So this is actually the second birth which Christ has said that you are to be born again. But we just believe that we are born again and we just live in this faith which is dangerous.
By ascending through this door, which is the Christ, you reach into the area called limbic area in human beings, which is the Kingdom of God. But this portion also has to be pierced through to get out of it completely to feel the source that is around it. This is the reality of baptism. You can see with your naked eyes, in many people the pulsation of the Kundalini. If it is pulsating, that means there is some sort of an obstruction in the being. But if it is a normal body and a normal personality, then Kundalini shoots off just like a jet and comes up. This is what has to happen in reality if you want to have your second birth. It’s the subtler awareness that comes into you. You start feeling in your hands, the subtle all-pervading power around you.
Second Public Program Day 2, "Talk about Christ". Rome (Italy), 9 September 1983.

Having a Good Tongue


Having a good tounge....................

have told you that for a Sahaja Yogi the whole thing should be decided by the witnessing power. Now the witnessing power is silent, it doesn’t talk, if you are a very talkative person then it’s not going to help you much. You have to come in balance. For the first time in this incarnation I have started talking and I get so troubled because I’m not used to this kind of talking. So for you people, it is necessary that you should not talk unless and until you feel like talking. And very few sentences, conclusive. As I told you before, the tongue is the master of all the organs of distraction. If you could master your tongue, you are master of all of them, in a way. Because everything has to be palatable .... The tongue decides about it all. If you want to eat some food, if it is not palatable then you don’t want to eat that food. It has to be palatable. Then a thought also, a thought has to be palatable. If it is not palatable, you are not going to have it. So the deciding factor is the tongue, the roots of the tongue goes up to the Vishuddhi chakra, which controls your ego and superego, or you can say that the tongue is reflected in superego and ego in a way.

Through your tongue, when you speak, one can make out whether you are in the realm of the ego or superego. She expresses, she decides. But if you understand her, then you know how to handle her. She’s your friend and Saraswati herself resides in your tongue. If you know how to handle your tongue then Sahaja Yoga can rise really higher. Because when others meet you, as Sahaja Yogis, they also see how the way you talk, the way you eat, the way that things are palatable to you. It is the tongue that decides.
If you are really very much evolved, you’ll be amazed that if you eat some food that, immediately the tongue will throw it out. It won’t have it, if it is something wrong. If some prasad, so called, is given to you, which is given by some wrong kind of man, immediately your tongue will throw it out. It won’t be able to take it in. And even if you take some of the food down in the stomach, still the tongue will inform the brain that throw it out, and the brain will inform the stomach that throw it out. It will be unpalatable. So the action of Vishnu in the stomach up to the action of Shri Krishna, who is the same personality, is all just by your tongue.
You must know how pure, holy, your tongue should be. That when you take the name of your Mother with this tongue, you must know it has to be the holiest of holiest. It is very important how you use your tongue. Those who talk very bluntly are just the same as those who talk very sweetly, to get something out of you is the intention. As I have told you, it controls the ego and superego. Even if Sahaja Yogis understand that the witness is also here, at the Vishuddhi chakra. So your witnessing powers will increase and decrease according to your tongue.
Of course it controls sixteen sub-plexus. It also controls the muscles of the eyes. It controls all these muscles, it controls the palate, it controls the teeth. It controls the ears. But here, you hear something you cannot control it. Tongue you can, because that is the thing which releases, which goes out. With the ear you cannot give anything to others. That is just one way. This is double way thing, you can take in something and also can throw out. It has a double purpose, it is a very important organ. And that’s why we have to look after our tongue.

Talk to the Sahaja yogis,
Delhi, 1976