331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Nov 12, 2023


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Sunday, November 12, 2023



“Why all the religions have failed so far ?

As we are now Sahaja Yogis we have to know that we have become something different from what we were. We are Yogis, we are higher people than others. And as such we have to understand one thing, that we are not like other human beings who say something and do something, who can live with hypocrisy.
That’s why all the problems have arisen out of all the religions. A person who says he’s a Christian he is absolutely anti-Christ; who says who is Islamic, he is absolutely anti-Mohammed; who says who is a Hindu is absolutely anti Shri Krishna.
This is the main reason why all the religions have failed so far, because human beings talk big of ideals.
They all say that we have this ideal, that ideal, but they are not those ideals, they cannot live with those ideals. The ideals are not in their lives, they are outside. But they go about saying that these are our ideals, they become fanatics, but they are not the ideals.
By Sahaja Yoga now you have the method, you have the possibility, that you can become the ideals. The ideal has to first to be understood through your brains, in the West specially. What are the ideals we have become or we have to become, what we can achieve, this idea you must have.
And secondly you must have a capacity to deepen your meditative power, so that these ideals go and settle in your heart as a part and parcel of your being, that you can’t live without these ideals.
We can take an example say of Christ. For Christ He and His ideals were the same, there’s no difference between the two. He did not talk of one thing, did another thing and executed the third thing. This will be the difference between the Sahaja Yogis and non Sahaja Yogis, that whatever are your ideals have to be expressed in your life every moment, because you are that.
If you are gold, then gold is gold all the time. It is not gold sometimes, then sometimes iron and sometimes mud, it is gold all the time. Only human beings are like that, that sometimes they can be snakes, lions and could be foxes also. But as Sahaja Yogis you become pure human beings and this is what we have to know.
It is not difficult to strive for it, it’s not difficult, because now you have the power to deepen your roots to your heart.
So the brain must be used to understand clearly what are the ideals of a Sahaja Yogi; what are the things that a Sahaja Yogi should do; how he should behave in life; what methods he should follow. And then he has to bring it to his heart through meditative processes, through surrendering….
So you are very different from all others because a Spirit has given birth to your Spirit. You have been cleansed by the Spirit..
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi , Hampstead, London (UK), 6 November 1983.

Celebrating Diwali


"Now Narakasura was the one who was the devil from Hell, they say: very cunning, very clever, and he was killed by the Goddess. Actually he was killed by another Incarnation, Kartikeya, but Goddess gave Him the power to kill. So when he was killed it was celebrated because the evil was killed, but we don’t find that– these days the evil people are getting peace awards. So what is the reason for this kind of a perverted brain? How is it they are using perversion? Just the opposite of it. What has worked out these things?
So again we find the same so-called freedom to become also evil. So we have freedom to become evil. First of all, we have freedom not to be benevolent, and secondly to become evil we have freedom. So the Narakasura within us must be killed, the one which teaches us evil, to do evil to others. If you are busy doing evil to others, you can never enjoy. Because you enjoy doing evil to others. So that has to be faced within ourselves, not in other people. It’s very easy to say that this Sahaja Yogi is caught up, that Sahaja Yogi is like that, but very difficult to say: "Mother, I am caught up. I have got this problem within myself. So when you start seeing yourself, your heart opens out. Unless and until you learn how to open out your heart, how can you enjoy? Open your heart. Many people live on very superficial level. All right, some of them might say that: "I am possessed, Mother. I’ve got this possession." Why? "I’ve got this conditioning, that conditioning." But why? You don’t want to enjoy. So watch yourself, see for yourself. This is my conditioning, "All right, I’ll put you right." See in the mirror. Tell yourself: "This kind of a useless conditioning I’ve got it from where? Because I’m Indian, because I’m French, because I'm English." Open the heart. And opening the heart is only possible if Narakasura sitting on your heart is killed, finished, once and for all. In small, small things there is joy. In very little things also there’s a ripple of joy. If you are sensitive you can catch it. And why not enjoy? Why to have these stupid conditioning on our heads for nothing at all that we can’t enjoy? Enjoyment is only possible if you take out this one sitting on your heart.
So, that is the second part of the Diwali that you have to open your heart. Forget your nationality, forget your race, forget everything. It’s a funny kind of things Sahaja Yogis have. They must be respected, they must be treated like this, or maybe that we are something great and they are no good. If you cannot mix up with the collective, something’s wrong with you. Nothing wrong with others. Easy to find faults with others. But what’s the use? If you start finding faults with others you do not become clean. Supposing I find that your clothes are not clean. My clothes are not going to get clean by that, are they? It’s so practical and simple it is that we should see ourselves, what’s wrong with us, and improve ourselves, so that we can really, really, from our hearts, enjoy."
Diwali Puja: "The world is your problem"
Montecatini Terme (Italy),
29 October, 1989.
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