What happend in any of these treatment is that all systems are basically symptom based and hence try to conclude and treat the symptom. No specialist in this world is aware of the inner complex body an the functioning of various nerves , nadis within us. As a reality it is only a temporary treatment without going to the roots of the cause. Sahajayoga is a unique healing technique, which is based on using our inner power and awareness of Kunalini to solve any problem of the person in life. Kundalini knows every problem, its roots and so is able to guide us on what to do, when, how and all such questions. So get personal enlightment and become your own guru to resolve any of your problematic issues.
Sahajayoga is a world practiced and trusted heeling technique, scientifically proved useful mechanism in resolving where physical and psycosomatic issues of human beings. Number of experiments, researches are carried out supporting the claims of sahajayogi practitioners in this respect.
In order to spread this very easy, free, proven method of sahajayoga with the social cause of providing relief to patients of different ailments - physical and mental - caused by numerous reasons, workshops are help at different places in the world- which provides complete information on sahajayoga, how to meditate, demonstrates is reality by awakening of kundalini, and the participants personally experience and gain from such programs.
I have come across a interesting site on this subject. You can have a look at it, which will provide you more information on the subject-http://www.sahajayogaworkshop.org/ . You can realise that sahajayoga provides answers to many critical questions of life in very simple manner - it may be relation to physical problems, mental stress, relationship issue, addiction of any nature- drugs, drinks,sex anything, violent behaviour, suicide mood or for that matter any problem on this earth.
So in your interest and the interest of your dear one try to know about sahajayoga, get enlightened yourself, get benefitted and make a life more peaceful, enjoyable and attain Moksha in this lfe only.
reference- http://www.sahajayogaworkshop.org/