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Saturday, July 16, 2022

Your Worries and Struggles can be neutralised by Shri Ganesha



May Shri Ganesha Bless us All 🙏
There are so many worries, there are so many struggles you have
- all this can be neutralised by SHRI GANESH
"For example, these days the life is very, very much busy with all of you. You are extremely busy with your work and you are doing extra work, I should say, than normal. But you think you are doing a very great job about it, as a result Shri Ganesha is neglected and such a man can become either very dry or very self-indulgent. One of the two things come up and he does not know where he is going. The only thing that keeps you in the middle, in Sahaja Yoga, is Shri Ganesha’s puja, Shri Ganesha’s worship, by which you can always be in the centre. All these diseases of the Right Side can be cured by Shri Ganesha’s puja.
Now there are various ways people worship Shri Ganesha, but there’s only a simple way – is to remember Him and sit before His photograph and take vibrations from Him. That’s the best way you can balance yourself. There are so many worries, there are so many struggles you have – all this can be neutralised by Shri Ganesh. He’s, though innocent, He is extremely clever and when He comes to your help you are amazed how He works it out and how He removes all the hurdles and all the worries from you."
- H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Ganesha Puja, Cabella Ligure (Italy),
25 September 1999