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Thursday, January 10, 2019

Foot Soaking for internal cleansing

Foot Soaking for Internal Cleansing. The people practising sahaja yoga may be aware of a technique used for internal cleansing called as “Foot Soaking”. If one can do it every day before sleep well and good, but at least once in a week we should find time for foot soaking. It is not big hour of your busy schedule, but few minutes before you go to sleep. That is practicable. Sri Mataji Nirmaladevi and many very old sahajayogi often advise to resort to foot soaking. In this method we use the water and salt as medium to cleanse self internally. External cleaning us often do, even number of times in a day. But what about internal cleaning??? It remains to be done. In this technique you have to sit in front of the photo of Shri Mataji Nirmaladevi. Also keep with you a small bucket or tub with lukewarm water and raw salt or salt. You have to mix the salt in the water. Light a candle in front of Mataji’s photo and sit for foot soaking. Keep your both feets in the salted water so that your ankles are in water. Seat in the position, as we normally seat for meditation with both hands open and in front of mataji. Few minutes seating would do the work of cleansing. Then you have to wash the feets with clean water, rub it and make it dry with piece of cloth or towel. Then throw out that water in latrine and wash the pot used for cleansing by clean water. Those people who live near the sea shore gets naturally foot soaking when they stand in the salty water of the sea for few minutes. Thats a great benefit they have. But for others we have to use salted water at our home. It is believed that foot soaking relieves you and chakras or energy centres in your body with external obstacles.