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Monday, June 12, 2023

Message of Christ Resurrection


So we celebrate Easter to show how Christ resurrected Himself. The Spirit that is Christ has to resurrect out of the material manifestation of the Divine Itself. The matter is manifested because we ourselves have created it. Not that we are born out of matter, our body, but we are attached to it, we want it, we want to have it. Whatever you want, that sustains itself, by your desire, because now you are on the stage. If you want to sustain the matter, if you want to keep the matter as the first priority, it will remain. It cannot disappear. It has to go out of your mind that matter cannot hold you any further.
Christ rose out of the matter, came out of the tomb which symbolises the matter which has enclosed us within, which has to be opened out with our spiritual power. Throw away, throw away the stone that is covering this grave. Get out of that and stand outside it. This is the message of Christ’s resurrection.
The tomb that we have created, we have created ourselves, because we have allowed people to dominate us. We have allowed them to make these graves for us, we have allowed them to bury Christ within ourselves, because we were afraid. But Christ has to rise. So we create our own matter through our conditionings, through our fears, through our absolute wrong ideas about goodness and kindness and compassion. In the light of the Spirit you can see what we think as compassion is nothing but a kind of sympathy which leads you nowhere. But one should learn to see everything in the light of the Spirit. But do we use all the time the light of the Spirit? We do not.
For Christ, it was not difficult, because He was the Spirit. But He has shown you the way. He crucified Himself to show you the way. All the ideas about sophistication, about our standing in the society, how we relate ourselves to other dignitaries, or to our country, to our politics, to our economics and the world at large, all of them can tie us down to that tomb. You belong to another category, I’ve told you a hundred times. And a category which is the Spirit, which can rise above ‘all’ the tombs, can throw away everything. This way you are conditioned. All absurd ideas have been accepted, which you cannot explain why you were conditioned like this.
Why I talk more of conditioning, because of England. English are very much conditioned people. The others are Americans who are abandoned. I mean, you cannot talk to them about anything because they cannot be rooted into anything. But the English are too much conditioned people, and when they are too much conditioned they build their own tombs.
All these ideas are to be seen with a new dimension of awareness that you have. You are the Spirit. Why should you worry about anything else but your vibrations. Because you are saints. You should just worry about the comfort of your Spirit. Whatever is congenial to your- Spirit, just go on doing that, observing that, accumulating that and sucking within yourself. All conditionings will run away because these conditionings you accept because they look comfortable, but they are not. Christ is a great example and if He is the one whom you follow, if He is the one you have understood and recognised in the light of your Spirit, then you must know why did He go into the grave first of all. The Man who was so powerful. Who when He will come He’ll reduce all of them into ashes-such a great personality like Him of Ekadasha Rudra. Why did Christ allow Himself to be crucified and to be buried into that? Because He wanted to stoop down to the level of other people, to come down to that level so that people should see that through His life they are shown that you can be resurrected. Now the Resurrection has taken place. Sahaja Yogis are resurrected no doubt, but still one foot is in the grave! And the second one I do not know whether it will be out or in–it is just halfway through! One foot is of course outside, no doubt, but still is not yet touching the ground, ‘and the other cannot be lifted unless you push the ground, this matter, again, to push it up. If you live with your Spirit, you should have no fears, you should have no worry.
Easter Puja.
Hounslow (UK), 8 April 1985.