The divine language is the language of the chakras.”
In India we know the category of gurus. Therein a guru who is called as Kuguru means is not a guru but a bad man. And they are all out in the market, in the West. Because they can’t exist in India. If they try to spread their ideas in India a farmer will say, “All right, you get lost. We know all this nonsense.” We have had this absurd in the sixth century sometimes but we have known all this, we have gone through all this. Now, one has to realize that you have to become your own master. That is the sign of reality. So they say that there are gurus which are just called gurus but they are agurus, mean they are not gurus but they do the job like priests and all these people are not gurus but they do the job you see they are paid for it. But the sat guru is the one that makes you meet the Divine. That’s the thing. So now what happens if your Kundalini is awakened. What happens when you get your realization, what should happen? When the disciples of Christ were blessed by Holy Ghost what happened? they felt the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. They started the language, speaking the language of centers, chakras. And people thought they’re speaking some Latin or Greek. If you become divine person you don’t speak human languages do you? Then you speak divine language. And the divine language is the language of the chakras, the centers. The people thought they were mad. I mean if you go in the madhouse everybody thinks you are mad, isn’t it. No use talking to the blind people about the colors. But here now we are to prove of the existence of God. And existence of this divine power. Existence of the divine laws. On your fingertips. The time has come, the blossom time has come so thousands have to become the fruit. The other day another gentleman just raised a question for nothing at all. That it is called as a serpent power. I mean I never called it, but somebody must have called it. Because I think in the west people are very allergic to the word serpent. But this energy is coiled into three and a half coils. And in some people you can even see the pulsation, just like a heart on the triangular bone. When there is obstruction in the stomach on the solar plexus but it rises it pierces through your fontanel bone area. And you get a cool breeze coming out of your own head. It’s an experience which is just the beginning. Then you have to feel your own centers on your fingertips. This is the actualization of that teaser. It’s not something artificial, that you put some water and somebody there and now you are baptized. And we accept it. We accept all these certificates we accept. William Blake said, “A priest cursed me on my head”, because he was a realized soul. We had so many realized souls but they could not convince people about it. At the most they were called as mad people. Nobody tried to understand. Doesn’t matter. Now when we will know the truth, that we are the Spirit, that we are in charge. Then you will see for yourself that whatever all these great incarnations have said, all these prophets have said is the truth. We may that is the knowledge of the roots. To know the knowledge of the roots we have to be at a subtler situation. We have to become a subtler personality. And when we become that subtler personality we know that we are collectively conscious. Truth must be experienced, one thing. And everybody must say that that is so…
So the central nervous system is the one that tells you the truth. Our central nervous system as it is at the human level has to be enlightened by the Spirit. Lots of confusions there are already, I find, about the Spirit. Language problem. Like the Spirit could be dead body which is haunting or could be the Spirit, the Atma the reflection of God almighty. ..
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Public Program. 1986-09-17