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Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Stay away from Fake Spiritual Masters selling you GOD

Pepole are always seeking and searching for God.  In this world there are many fake gurus, fake masters who claim to be gods and indulge in selling wrong notions, ideas, philosophy, in the name of God.  They often describe some dress code, charge high fees for discourse and for special darshan.  All sorts of dirty business they do.  

People from many countries of the world come to India in pursuit of dharma, religion, god and such things.  They often get trapped in the drama of third grade , criminal minded people, who often cheat them, loot them , their eyes are on the purse and belongings of the disciples.  Those cannot be real spiritual masters. Those cannot be real gurus. In india many of such fake gurus are today in jail for various offences including rape, torture, cheating and somany crimes.  So Beaware from fake gurus .  Keep away from false gurus, kugurus.

In one of the lectures Mataji nirmaladevi has rightly described as to how to recognise such fake spritual gurus, trying to sell God. Folowing is the text of her lecture on the subject -

First Question Is Know How To Identify A Fake Spiritual Master

- A false master leaves you no freedom to ask questions
- A false master has no knowledge of the mind.
<<The first question is how to identify a fake guru. First thing, I have to say it's a fake guru who won't give you all the freedom to ask questions, so you can't oppose it anymore. A guru who gives you no freedom to ask questions is not good. But you have to know that you can't pay for the truth. For example, I can see with My eye that there is a mat lying here. You know that. I don't have to pay I have my eyes. Similarly, now to know the truth you can't pay money.
The second point is that you must first see what is the quality of the disciples of the gurus. When you go to a store you want to buy something, first you ask those who bought what they have to say about it. You will be surprised that none of these so called gurus have any followers who have any idea of the truth, whether they don't know the Kundalini or have any knowledge of their minds. They also don't live a life that is right, that is holy. On the contrary they sometimes live a very bad life, if they don't live a bad life they are always sick people, they are in trouble. >>>>
Goddess Sri.
HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 1990-0621 Public Program Day 2, Athens, Greece.

Real Yoga - Sahaja Yoga



Yoga is a blooming of Lotus with in
Attainment of our self realisation ,
An Enlightenment , a divine vision
An inward journey , a heavenly mission .
Yoga is not just a physical exercise
To stabilise or energise ,
It’s neither sitting in Meditation
With closed eyes .
Yoga is a union and communion
With our self and the spirit ,
It’s the strengthening of our connection
Yoga is an awareness of subtle energy
Overcoming indolence and lethargy ,
It’s the awakening of our own power
Blossoming us into a fragrant flower .
Yoga is the widening of our expanse
Of mind body and soul
That ultimately connects us to the whole .

Sahaja Yoga is real yoga wherein the seeker through the awakening of Kundalini gets connected with divine spirit, within own body. This enlightenment results in wide spread benefits reflected in the persons feelings, desires, acts, deeds and words too. He becomes just a living saint in real sense, free from all worries and happy, enjoying every moment of life within the kingdom of god.
Mataji Nirmaladevi has done this herculian task in a very simple , easy manner and changed the life of lakhs of people all over the world, without any kind of money in return.

Jai Shri Mataji.