Pepole are always seeking and searching for God. In this world there are many fake gurus, fake masters who claim to be gods and indulge in selling wrong notions, ideas, philosophy, in the name of God. They often describe some dress code, charge high fees for discourse and for special darshan. All sorts of dirty business they do.
People from many countries of the world come to India in pursuit of dharma, religion, god and such things. They often get trapped in the drama of third grade , criminal minded people, who often cheat them, loot them , their eyes are on the purse and belongings of the disciples. Those cannot be real spiritual masters. Those cannot be real gurus. In india many of such fake gurus are today in jail for various offences including rape, torture, cheating and somany crimes. So Beaware from fake gurus . Keep away from false gurus, kugurus.
In one of the lectures Mataji nirmaladevi has rightly described as to how to recognise such fake spritual gurus, trying to sell God. Folowing is the text of her lecture on the subject -
First Question Is Know How To Identify A Fake Spiritual Master