Innocence has a great effect on our character and on our sense of chastity. Actually, when you are innocent, you don’t know what is not chastity, what is being unchaste, what is being cunning. You are innocent and you are looked after by Shri Ganesha Himself.
Anybody who tries to harm a innocent person, Shri Ganesha looks after you and manages you. Many people who are innocent in this world – of course there are very few – but they become so detached from all worldly problems, like lust and greed, and many other. Because they are so pure that nothing can spoil them and malign them. This is such a great blessings we have, that innocence is actually created in us, and it was created much before, all the innocence, everything was created much, much before we were created. It’s such a great quality for us to become innocent.
The greatest quality of Shri Ganesha is joy. It gives you joy, as small children, they may not speak even, but they give us so much joy. Joy giving quality comes from Shri Ganesha. Even after coming to Sahaja Yoga I’ve seen people are not full of joy. Are very serious, they don’t know how to laugh, how to enjoy anything. That’s the sign that they are still lacking in innocence. "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Cabella. 14-09-2002