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Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Open the Gate of Joy and forget yourself while Enjoying the BLISS


" There is great significance to your rebirth. But you yourselves have to achieve that ; find the meaning of 'SWA' (self). Sahaja Yogis can do it. It is a big contrivance. I have told you the secret but what you have achieved? Nobody sulks having been benefited. You are unhappy means you have not been benefited. If you achieve the trick, you will open the gate of joy and forget yourself while enjoying the bliss.
Nobody become happy from wordly matters. I have given you the key to the treasure, which others have not got. But you must work to open the door. You have taken everything casually. You want Mataji to feed you, to take you up in the morning and make you sit in the Meditation, to clear you of your anger, hatred etc.
Today is the day of Guru Puja . What 'Guru Dakshina' have you given Me ?
Understand, that your money is not worth the dust on the feet of your Mother -Guru. You should give your hearts; only clean and holy hearts. You must clean your physical beings. Do not be lazy in that. Make a vow. You must get up early in the morning and spend at least one hour on meditation and worshipping . Perform Arti and meditation in the evening.
Satan's desciples work hard at funaral place. I cannot understand why you are taking everything so casually. Stop all gossiping. Leave all jealousies and quarrels. Time naver waits for anyone. Do you want to go empty handed despite having the key to the treasure ? "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Translation of a portion of Marathi letter published in Nirmala -Yoga,
May -June, 1983