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Monday, August 28, 2023

Meaning of "Many Mansions" from holy Bible


◄ John 14 ►
Peshitta Holy Bible Translated
Lord Jesus speaks:
1“Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in God and believe in me.”
2“There are many lodgings (mansions) in my Father's house, and if not, I would have told you, because I go to prepare a place for you.”
3“And if I go to prepare a place for you, I shall come again and bring you to join me, that where I am you shall be also.”
4“And where I am going, you know, and you know the way.”
Question: What is meant in the bible where it says, “In my Father’s house there are 'many mansions.' ”
Shri Mataji: "There are many 'mansions' because these are all the mansions. There are seven centers (Chakras) in the head here, all of them, the seats are there. And in His house there are many mansions.
Supposing you are an artist, you are a musician, you can enter into the 'mansion of music' (the 2nd Chakra Swadisthana) where you enjoy the essence of those things.
Many mansions, it’s the description of the greatness, the varieties of His beauty and His splendor."
'We have to realise that we are now part and parcel of the Cosmic Consciousness itself.
The Brahman, the one that creates, which coordinates, which plans everything, down to the last details, the one that loves through its creation - that is through its own expression - handles it.
We can regulate it. We can use it. We can work it out.
When we are in this state, we are Guru. 'Guru' means that which is higher or stronger than the gravity of the Earth.'
Extract from a talk on Guruship - Gmunden, Austria, 6th July 1986