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Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Adopting Divine Policies and Attitudes


Now, after coming to Sahaja Yoga, you become a Divine person. Definitely you become Divine. You are now a Divine personality, you are not a human personality. So you have to give up all that is human within you, then only you will be fully Divine. But it’s very difficult. That’s [what] the problem is: that it is very difficult to really accept that you are Divine, and that you have to take to Divine policies and Divine attitudes, and Divine temperament.
Now, the Divine temperament is generous. It is not bothered, as to what happens next. It’s not bothered, because it is connected with the Source. If you give one you will get a hundred. It is sure about it.
And to a Divine person, worldly things have no meaning, if they cannot give pleasures to others. A person who is very self-indulgent, always bothered about himself, is not a Divine person at all. In no way he’s Divine. It’s very common. It’s human. Everybody does that. Everybody is self-preserving.
But after Sahaja Yoga, you do not start all this nonsense again; you give it up.
And who looks after you? Who looks after your self-preservation? Is God Almighty. You are now completely dedicated to Him, and He looks after you. You don’t have to worry as to how to look after yourself, how to do this, how to do that. It is His work. The more you go on worrying about yourself, the worse it will be. The moment you give it up, it is looked after.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Nov 14, 1982

Become a Drop in the Ocean of Divine Love


You can attain any destination that you fix. All your auto suggestions will materialize. The remedy that is to be used is : your attention should be on ME and you should make the following conditioning of thoughts on your Agnya " How fortunate we are to have been realized ! We are Sahaja Yogis. God has chosen us. How can we work if we remain weak ? Adi Shakti has given us the power to redeem the whole mankind. We can do it and we will do it. " On heart you should criticise with these thoughts" How deep is God's love for us ! He has given us the realization. He is the ocean of mercy. Ignoring all our mistakes, He is working hard day and night for our welfare and , instead of praying for His forgiveness of our mistakes, we are making complaints against Him and blaming Him !"
" O God, please give us the power of Your love. May I be the drop in the ocean of Your love that is enveloping the whole universe, so that its loving pulsation is vibrated through my life and I remain engrossed in that bliss.”
This is translation of a portion of Marathi letter written by Shri Mataji. Published in Nirmala - Yoga. March - April, 1983.