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Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Significance of Diwali in Sahajayoga


First of all you have to know there are four days that are celebrated in Diwali.’

‘Diwali comes from the word dipali in Sanskrit, the word ‘deepa’ means ‘the light’, and ‘ali’ means the ‘line’, the ‘rows’. Now, there are many things that have happened during these four days and that’s how it is celebrated with such a great enthusiasm. The first thing is the day of the Lakshmi’s birth..  the real day when Lakshmi was born out of the sea.’

‘Today is a day of very great happening, I should say. Celebrating the Diwali is a very, very joyous thing. But this joy is not for ourselves; this joy is for the whole world. We have to work for the whole world. We work for ourselves, for our jobs, for our money, whatever it is, but what are you doing for others? That you should see for yourself, and that’s very important. Only such people are useful in Sahaja Yoga because they have concern, they have care, and they are doing something for others. It’s a great enjoyment with that, when the lights are burning, it’s to give you happiness; they are burning their bodies to give you happiness. They are the ones who should teach us that we have to do something ourselves to enjoy our own higher awareness. …Now as it is, what is the aim after all, what is the aim of our lives? We have to change the whole world into a peaceful theme. Changing yourself, of course, is great thing, no doubt; but changing others also will stop all the problems of the world. If all the people of this world become good people.. then can you imagine what will happen?’

Diwali’s Sahaj Significance

‘Today we are going to celebrate the Diwali, which means the rows of lights or, you can say, group of lights. This Diwali has been a festival of very ancient times in India.. Diwali was celebrated when it was the darkest night of the year. 

So now, it is very symbolic of these modern times because the worst time, as far as morality is concerned has been in these modern times. We call it the Ghor Kali Yuga, the worst modern times. That means a complete darkness and, as you see around, you’ll find out that there is complete darkness as far as morality is concerned, but that’s why there are all kinds of crises. Because of that, also, there are many who are seeking the light, the truth…

Who is Lakshmi? How she becomes Maha (the Great)Lakshmi?

‘Now, this Lakshmi is the goddess (divine principle/subtle energy), who stands on the lotus. She represents all the well-being, the wealth, the glory of wealth, the decoration of wealth; whichever is auspicious. Whatever is not auspicious is not wealth. According to Sahaja yoga, or according to any scripture, it is not wealth at all. So She’s a lady who stands on a lotus, showing that a person, who has got wealth, has to be a person who does not assert his pressures on people, who doesn’t push people around, who doesn’t pressurize. And then, She’s a lady, She’s a Mother. So wealth, is the first opening to our seeking. But when you start seeking the wealth, you realize that the superficial wealth that you are seeking is not sufficient, is not going to give you complete joy. So you start seeking the deeper wealth. As I said that on the Mother Earth you’ve exploited all that is possible. Still there, deep down in the sea, lot of wealth still.So then the seeking moves toward the deeper seeking. So the same Lakshmi becomes Mahalakshmi (The Great Lakshmi in Sanskrit). When you start expanding yourself to higher and deeper valuables then this Lakshmi doesn’t lure you much; She’s just there for your glory, but not for your satisfaction. The wealth is there for distribution. You enjoy the.. generosity.. generous fondness; it’s a fondness, you see, that you should be generous. That is a very great happiness and joy that you feel. That is the greatest, when you are generous, when you give away. That’s a fondness, that’s a kind of a human expression of one’s own being, that you want to be generous. And this generosity only can come when Mahalakshmi principle is born in you. ‘

‘That’s why She is called as Miriam or Mariam. Word ‘Mari’ or ‘Marie’ also comes from the word ‘sea’. So, She’s born out of the sea, is created out of the sea. And the wealth of the sea, so far, thank God, human beings have not yet exploited, but they may one day start doing that also. And a lot of wealth is still there, so when people start getting worried about exhausting the Mother Earth, we must know that sea is much more than the earth is. So nothing is exhausted, still there is such a lot reserve for you, and one should not worry as to the supply of wealth that can come from the sea.’

Mahalakshmi is one of the main powers of Adi Shakti (the primordial universal power). Now these powers have powers at a material level also, at a subtler level also. Lakshmi was born or came out of the sea, the great sea, which was churned.. years back. And she came out of the sea because she is the daughter of the sea. That’s why she’s called as Neeraja. Neera means ‘water’ and ja means ‘born out of.’

So what is that? What is this Lakshmi? See symbolically, what is it expressing? It is expressing the Awareness. Lakshmi expresses awareness, and she came out of the sea, you know that; the awareness first started growing in the sea. The life started existing in the sea, to begin with, and then it grew out. Without the life there is no awareness. First the life, because everything is jarda, everything is dead, and when it becomes life it means it has awareness. So the Awareness started growing in the Sea.

taken from -https://www.free-meditation.ca/archives/2384