331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: 01/01/2022 - 02/01/2022


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Sunday, January 30, 2022


Indian music is unique in itself.  It has many forms and it do having soothing effect on mind and body. Lot many people have experienced it at different times.  Adishakti Mataji Nirmaladevi also has explained the special features and importance of indian music. 

Some experts are using music as a therapy for curing various types of patients.  Even the effect of indian music on agricultural front also has been examined and found useful. 


It is so much connected with the Kundalini awakening; Music and Talas are related to chakras
" Now, I have to tell one more thing, how Indian music is so much connected with the Kundalini awakening, which perhaps I have never talked to you about, is that when the Kundalini rises she passes through various centres and sub-plexuses. When she is rising, she makes a sound altogether is OM. But when you try to refract all these different into different sounds, it becomes from the first chakra if you start SA, RE, GA, MA, PA, DHA, NI – at the Sahasrara it is NI. So there are seven chakras it makes the sound. Now, when the Kundalini rises she has to pass through all these sub-plexuses.

Now, whenNow as you know, there is, the first centre has four subplexus, so the tala is built on four. Then you have six plexuses, we have a tala on six. Then there is, it passes through the ten, so we have a tala in ten. Then there is it passes through twelve so we have a tala of twelve. Last of all is Shri Krishna, Shri Krishna’s place where it has got sixteen sub-plexuses, so it passes through sixteen sub-plexuses. So you can imagine how it works out, at the time of Agnya chakra as you know is only the two matras are there so one has to play on two matras, where you reduce everything to two matras, so far I don’t think Indian music has reached that stage where it just plays with two matras, it will be very difficult but in the South I think sometimes they play with three matras, is something suprising, which the triguna, what we call the three matras. So that from four it becomes two, and then in the Sahasrara it is three but at the end of it is thousand petals. And where, when all these start dancing, the thousand petal start dancing with the permutations and combinations of all these sub-plexuses.

So it is so woven into the classical music, the whole awakening of the kundalini, for which perhaps the modern artist may not be aware of. But it is said everyone knows that Indian music is based on the first sound is OM, the Om-kar. So, this is how all these talas are based that’s why you are so overjoyed, though maybe you may not have understood the classical intricacies of the whole thing but the whole thing was so spontaneous and elevating your Kundalini so well that it gave you the joy ultimately after all what you have to have the joy and not the intellectual analysis of it. So the whole thing, the sub-total of it was tremendous joy and we have to thank all of them for that.
May God bless you.
Sixteen matras you know of Shri Krishna is divided into two, you see, two halves. First half is the right side and the second half is the left side. So at the left side when it goes is called kaal means lower position, lower beat or say a milder beat. So from the Shukla Paksha to the Krishna Paksha as you call it or you can call it from the right to the left. And he goes playing on the left side there, so this is the two sides of the Vishuddhi chakra very well expressed.
[Says something in Hindi about ek tala] We have ek tala of twelve matras and this is as you know of the Shiva. Shiva has got twelve sub-plexuses and that how it is the twelve matras and it is very, ek tala is a very solid thing. Like DHIN DHIN and sometimes they play it so slowly that between the two there is big gap and that’s how Shiva’s work is. So it is all very symbolic, gradually you will evolve into it and you will see to it how Indian music is built around the basic primordial music.
May God bless you. "
🌹 H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi 🌹
Evening Program, Leysin, Switzerland.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Spiritual Growth - Essence of Life


“The best way to make the whole world a dynamic source of spiritual growth.”

“The best way to make the whole world a dynamic source of spiritual growth.”

The roots of all philosophies were born in this country That’s why most of the Incarnations took their birth in this country. Or ended up their life here like Moses and Christ.
On spiritual life, I would say that time has taken its stone, we have had all kinds of sufferings and dominations because of the spiritual understanding and bearing power we have. That’s representative of what many saints have suffered on account of aggressive people.
Despite all that, this country has survived its all bans. And there is something still lurking behind every Indian mind, that the spirit of this country will never die.
With all these horrible things that we have gone through and the waves of calamities that have passed through, today, at this juncture, we should hope that this country should take a new turn to spiritual life. It should prosper in its own nature that is spirituality. It is not going to prosper through economics or politics or any such things which are extravert but it is going to prosper through its spirituality which is its nature.
Once this is realised by Indians, that it is the spirituality of this place which has given us the blessings of God to survive under all circumstances, that we should really pay full attention towards spirituality, they’ll change their ways and methods. And we’ll not take to western methods anymore, but we’ll take to the methods which were taught to us by saints long time back.
Actually it is surprising that many saints and seekers are more born …
in this country, we have people who are still seeking money, seeking all kinds of other things which should not be really be looked at because they are worth nothing.
It is impossible to convince many Indian leaders that they have to take to Spirituality if they have to take full advantage of the substance of this land.
I hope one day will come when they will realise it, that all other activities must be divert towards the spiritual manifestation of our talents, so that they receive the best results out of the mankind which is living in this country and can give to the world something, what every body wants, but not what they have.
As you know, I have been a participant in the Freedom Movement and as a young girls, I have gone through myself, all kinds of tortures and problems of this slavery to see what is slavery.
But after getting independence if the people do not understand the technique of the Spirit, they are going to loose every thing that they have achieved through independence. The whole direction is downward. They think of just physical, material development which is not going to help them at all and will take them much closer to disaster, much faster than the West has gone. Because West can depend on spirituality now, because they have realised that spirituality is the thing they have to achieve….
Sahaja Yoga is, as I’ve told you, is not for one person. It is not for one country, it is for the whole universe. That’s why I said now, we have established the religion of Sahaja Yoga, is what we call the Universal [vishwa] Nirmala [pure] Religion [dharma]. And this religion doesn’t have any faith in the low level caste system, low level racial systems, low level political systems, and low level economics’ systems. It has its own understanding of the Divinity and it works with that.
Once you come up to the level of that, then I’m sure people will be convinced that this is the best way to make the whole world a dynamic source of spiritual growth and of substantial achievements. The rest of it is frivolous, flippant and temporary. If you have to have something of a very permanent and a high level, they will realise that, “We have to see to those people, how they have achieved it, how they have become such beautiful human beings”.
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Pune, India, 26/01/1985


Sunday, January 23, 2022

Sense of Dharma


May be an image of 1 person and standing


The third chakra which is known as the nabhi chakra actually it is known as Manipur chakra rests above this triangular bone and it controls the solar plexus in the gross form in the human beings, and this is the chakra which represents our dharma, our religion. Now when I talk of religion immediately the modern mind gets after me saying what are you talking about these things. When I say dharma I mean ... everything has got religion. For example, you take a mango from the mango tree if you plant it you will get the mango. Or else you can see, as I told you yesterday, that a gold bangle is gold because it is not tarnishable - that is the dharma of gold. The water has got purification dharma. In the same way a human being has got his own dharma which is expressed in the bible as the ten commandments. These are ten dharmas a human being is born with but he has to establish himself into dharma when he has to go into dharmarthi state beyond that. But these ten must be established. If these are not established we can play about with dharma. If you play about with them then this is a problem in your awakening and in your realization. The nabhi chakra is the most important one and there rests the great incarnation or we can say the aspect of God we call Narayana himself and Vishnu and his power is Shri Lakshmi. Vishnu represents the subsistence - the dharma aspect of God. And Vishnu is responsible for the evolution of human beings.
We never find out why an amoeba has become a human being. What has made him come up to a level of human being? And what is going to happen to a human being? And after all why is he made into a human being. You are made for some purpose. What is going to happen to this human being afterwards - we never think of that. This evolutionary power comes to us through Shri Vishnu himself. Shri Vishnu is not the Hindu’s God. He does not belong to India; he does not belong to one particular state or one particular area. He belongs in the primordial being - in the great primordial being who we call in Islam ‘Allah hu Akbar’. He is the expression of that primordial being who is great. God has many aspects and one of the aspects is of his greatness. And that’s why as Vishnu he wants us to be great. Yesterday I told you that the body of Viraata contains everything that he manifests and we have to realize that we are a part and parcel of that great virata. And that we are in the process of realizing him because we are made in the image of God.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Jan 23, 1976
taken from facebook post of Nilesh Kale Patil 

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Know Self to know God

Mataji Nirmaladevi has time and again emphacised the need to know self, to move forward on the path of knowing the God.  Mataji has said that unless your kundalini is awakened, unless you get realisation, it is not possible .  Reading Books, Doing Bhajans, making prayers, poojas nothing would work, unless you are self realised.  When it happens then only what ever you do gets some meaning. Then you also know what is right to be done, and what is wrong to be avoided. So be guided properly by the spirit in your own body, by getting self enlightenment.

Followins is the extract of one of the message given by Mataji Nirmaladevi. -

Unless and until you have your Enlightenment, the Bhakti has no meaning

" We don’t know that God almighty is the ocean of compassion and love. We human beings have to achieve a state to know Him. We don’t know God. We don’t know ourselves. First we have to know ourselves. Once we know ourselves, then only we will know God.
I have seen ritualistic behaviour in the South [of India] very much. I was surprised how people were doing everything with their heart, but they did not know why they were doing it. They have such Bhakti but such a blind Bhakti that it will lead them no where. I used to think that when will I be able to tell them to be beyond this.
You have to have Shraddha and Shraddha is enlightened Bhakti. Unless and until you have your enlightenment the Bhakti has no meaning. Like this mike, if it is not connected to the mains it has no meaning. Unless and until you connect it to this all pervading power of Divine Love which we call as Brahm-Chaitanaya our bhakti has no meaning because there is no connection- like telephoning to someone without the connection. The simple thing is that this connection, this Yoga has to take place.
You might have read lots of books or may know so many things like Vedas. So what? It's like you have a headache and the doctor suggests a medicine. He writes the name of the medicine. You are reading the name of the medicine but are not taking the medicine. When are you going to take it? Unless and until you take that you are not going to achieve by any chance whatever is promised to you.
Because it is such a deep ignorance about all these ideas we have learnt and has penetrated into us. Such a lot of ignorance. That ignorance is really like a ditch of no return. I have seen people who have read books after books. There are people who do one lakh mantras, fasting and reach nowhere. They are the most hot-tempered people or they have no joy In their heart. They leave their families and think that they have done a great sacrifice.
God does not want all this nonsense. Why will God, who is your father who is so compassionate and loving personality, want you to suffer? "
🌹 H. H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi 🌹
Jan 17, 1994

Friday, January 14, 2022

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Importance of Makar Sankranti

Sankranti puja talks:

“It means the day today is the day the sun crosses over from the Tropic of Capricorn to the Tropic of Cancer. It is a very big day for us because, now during the summer time we have the harvest, and we look forward to the rain and so many things that happen in every country. The sun falls at right angles in this country during the summer season and so we welcome the sun.”
1985-0114: Makar Sankranti Puja in Suryavanshi hall at Mumbai India
“This special day today is the day of Sankrant. Sankr – you know ‘San’ means good, holy, and ‘krant’ means the Revolution. Holy revolution.
Holy. And that’s what I’m telling them, what is the Holy Revolution is, that your own Dharma is established now through Sahaja Yoga.”
Makar Sankranti Puja Pune (India), January 1st, 1981

“Makar Sankranti indicates that from this day the Sun will get warmer and warmer. The heat of the Sun is beneficial for mankind. All our movements depend on this heat. But the impact of the heat could also excite Anger in us. That is the reason that on this day we eat Jaggery (Gud) so that we become soft spoken. Because of the warmth of the Sun all vegetations and wealth grows on the earth. Fruits and vegetables are offered to the Goddess on this day to invoke Her blessings. By the blessings of the Adi Shakti the Earth element gets calmed down and human being thrives. The festival of Sankranti has cultural significance too. It is celebrated all over the country with joy and gaiety. It is celebrated in some other countries also but it has special significance in India.” ” This is what is today’s day is a great day for us to change, because  the Sun has changed its mood now. Sun is coming this side. So let us  welcome the Sun, coming to the North now, this way. And for  Australians to say that though the Sun has gone, let us establish the  Sun, the domain of Sun, within ourselves.