331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Oct 10, 2010


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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Benefits of Meditation

Sahajayoga meditation technique is unique, very easy to understand and follow. Once the seeker gets its knowledge from Mataji Nirmaladevi or any disciple of Sahajayoga, and practice it every day, it provides emmense benefits.

In this type of meditation the kundalini of the person is awakened, balance between the three nadis within ourself - Ida, Pingala and Sushumna is established. The balancing of internal system, and cleansing of left side and right side nadis indirectly results in reduction of stress, anxiety, worry. It also helps to overcome various ailments like Asthama, Blood Pressure and even cancer to great extent.

Following are various benefits of Sahajayoga Meditation -

Physical benefits of meditation

It is our subtle body which co-ordinates all the work done by the organs and the cells in our body. When one of our chakras is blocked, physical dysfunctions appear in the organs it controls. It is then that most illnesses appear. Traditional medicine tries to cure the symptoms. An effective type of meditation allows us to attack the causes directly, by re balancing our subtle system and by cleaning our centers. Thus, even so-called incurable illnesses can be cured in a spontaneous manner by the purifying work of the energy of the Kundalini.

Mental benefits of meditation

When we enter a state of meditation, we enter a realm of silence; the thoughts which assail us fade away, and the reality of the present is revealed to us in all its intensity. Our senses send us a direct image of the world which is not altered by our mind or our conditionings.

Emotional benefits of meditation

When the Kundalini is awakened and we are immersed in a state of meditation, our emotions are also brought into balance. All the weaknesses which hinder the expression of pure and sincere sentiments, such as greed, insecurity, jealousy etc. are reduced when the joy of meditation is felt. This joy is absolute, devoid of all duality. This same joy becomes the motivation of our emancipation.

Spiritual benefits of meditation

Especially Sahaj Yoga Meditation reveals to us the eternal, divine being that is truth, awareness and bliss. We become part and parcel of the whole, like a drop in that ocean of love, and in meditation we melt into that Primordial being. This experience is the next stage in the evolution of an ordinary human being's awareness: that person is said to be born again or realized. This means that our spiritual essence, that had been hidden until then, becomes reality. Our union with the whole will become stronger and stronger as we go along and that is without doubt the most precious benefit that Kundalini awakening can bring us. This middle way that is established within us day after day by our kundalini will shower blessings of all sorts upon us, not only of a physical, emotional or psychological nature, but also material, social and professional benefits.