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Saturday, November 4, 2023

Grow to Help Others


One thing you must remember [is] that you are made into a lamp. So, you don’t have to any more seek, just grow your light to give to others. So, in one way you increase your light so thatyouhelpyourself, just to help others. Your growth has no meaning if it cannot help others.

Now for example, if you put the fire on, the fire does not burn itself, it burn others; also the fire gives light. Now you are the fire, you are the light and you are the controller of fire or the light. You are the one who can become: if you want to be the fire or the light. You have power to become whatever you like. When it is necessary to be fire you have to be fire. When you have to become the light you have to become the light. But it’s better to try to become light first, than [to] become fire.
Even the fire that burns is of no use: no one likes it. But if you can become the fire that cooks and nourishes others, digests the food - in the sense that it helps to cook and make the food so much that it becomes digestible. If you become that good, then it is definitely useful. But the fire that burns, you have been: that you must give up. You must become the fire that cooks, because you are changed, and in that change you have achieved the power to use this fire for cooking food for others.
Everything that you had so far was used for a wrong purpose, for the destructive side, for the negative. Now the same thing, after enlightenment, is for the betterment, for the well-being, for the sweet feelings, nourishing support of others, because it is enlightenment. Like the light illumines the road and darkness is dispelled, you are no more confused. You know where exactly you have to go, you get discrete. Discretion becomes a part and parcel of your being. So, enlightenment gives you an absolute discretion.
"You must grow fast", Brahmam Gardens Hotel, Brahmam Gardens, London (England), 3 November 1981.
May be an image of 1 person, smiling and temple