What about you, who have been certified by God Almighty? You are still busy with your work, you are still busy with your little, little things, you are still busy with your small lives and small families.
Are you still only worried about your own family? Then you are not yet aware of your saintliness. And a saint doesn’t only worry about his own wife, about his own child, about his own house, he worries about the whole world.
Now, as Sahaja Yogis, you are all powerful entities. You are very powerful people. We have got problems in the whole world. You know that very well. It’s not necessary you have to be great intellectuals, or you have to be people who are some sort of politicians, or something. But you must be on the lookout for the problems which are troubling this world. You have to be.
You cannot live in your own world, that you are a saint, “Now I am in nirananda!” that’s not possible. You can’t just be in niranand. [Laughter.] You have to know that you have to live in this world, and you have to know all the problems of this world. And you have to think about them, not only your problems that, “Mother how will I be able to do this and how will I be able to do that?”
But you have to worry about the whole world. You have to think, what’s happening in the world, what are the problems of the world. You are responsible for that.
Not only that, but you have to pray. In your prayers you have to say, “Mother solve this problem.” Collectively, individually, you have to take your attention from yourself, from your smaller life, to a much wider thing – then you are a saint.
And you have to think that it is your duty to ask for Divine help, that all these problems should be solved. This is your job for which you are selected.
Your asking is going to work out because as you know, I am desire-less. You have to desire for it. Whatever you desire will work out. The protection, the affection, the compassion of Mother is with you.
But you have to look after this world and show the concern that you have, not to live with a very limited areas, and with a very limited ways.
Advice, “Introspection and Meditation”. Shudy Camps (UK), 18 June 1988.