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Saturday, July 24, 2021

The Innate Religion

 Shri Mataji described Sahaja Yoga as the pure, universal religion integrating all other religions. She claimed that she was a divine incarnation, more precisely an incarnation of the Holy Spirit, or the Adi Shakti of the Hindu tradition, the great mother goddess who had come to save humanity.


When the Kundalini comes in this part (eg: green area of Void), She enlightens within you your religion which is innate. That means you become righteous. Like people who are, they may be Christians, Hindu, Muslims, anything – it’s just a brand, they can commit any sin they want. But after this happening you become really a righteous person. Christ has described it in the second chapter Mathews. He says, “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes.” Means innocent eyes without any greed, without any lust in the eye. Actually, your eyes become like that. Innocence cannot be lost. It is covered with clouds because of our wrong doings, but it cannot be lost. It cannot be destroyed. And you become so powerful that even a glance of such a person can create beautiful peaceful atmosphere.
Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi 19 Jul 1994

taken from =Sean Kelly post on facebook.