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Monday, February 19, 2024

Destructive Power Of Shri Mahadeva


It’s a very great privilege for all of us to understand about Shri Mahadeva.
Unless and until you have got your Self-realisation you cannot understand what is the great personality, the character and the powers of Shri Mahadeva.
It’s not easy to conceive, also to reach the depth of His greatness, unless and until we are humble. We have to be very humble to reach at the lotus feet of Shri Mahadeva. As you have seen that one has to cross even the Sahasrara to be at the lotus feet of this Great Personality. He is beyond, beyond our conception, but He resides in our hearts as the Spirit and is reflected very well when you get your Realisation.
But still one has to understand the powers of Shri Mahadeva; which is not very easy to describe about this great God in little words.
But the first power He Himself has [is] that He is a very forgiving God: He forgives; He forgives us so many of our sins, so many of our destructive activities, our horrible mind which tries to create problems for everyone, up to a point. But He has the greatest power to destroy. His destruction comes so suddenly because He rules all the elements. All the elements He rules: He rules the Mother Earth, and He rules all other elements. Through their causal, He rules. And He can destroy everything that He wants to if He finds there is [any] problem.
I have to tell you that earthquakes are managed by Him, not by me. I am not there for destruction. He’s the one who sees what’s happening on this earth, what’s happening to the human being.
I’ll give you an example of Gujarat: apart from anything, Gujarat people are very money-oriented; they are worried with the stock-exchange, this, that, all the time money, money, money, money, money. Even if they are abroad, they are extremely money-oriented. Sometimes I am surprised. It’s impossible to talk to them about Sahaj Yoga and they like artificial type of things like some gurus or somebody.
I don’t know from where did they get like this, [but] whatever it is, we have a state called Bhavnagar in Gujarat. Bhavnagar people came, they brought for me those silver slippers, padukas, to be vibrated; I was surprised, I was happy at least, that these people are thinking about it. So they did a puja, they did a havan in Bhavnagar and also in Baroda. These are the two places [which] were not touched by the bhukamp (भूकंप - earthquake), by the earthquake. Can you imagine! And Surat which is very much distant, was absolutely shattered. There are Sahaj Yogis, very few, all of them were saved, and their houses also did not move. This is between the protection of your Mother and the wrath of God Almighty. One has to understand this very well, that He has powers over all the elements.
I went to France, and there some people in France tried to trouble me. And all the media got after me. And on the television, everywhere, they were saying all kinds of things against me. I knew something would go wrong somewhere and suddenly from the sea a big – I don’t know what to call it – a big storm started, suddenly, no one knows why. And two ships were completely sunk, and those people who went to rescue them got cancer. Then it came: this storm started moving fast and all the churches lost their top, heads I should say. All the churches lost it. So many priests’ houses were ruined and it travelled and came up to the place where I had purchased a very big castle. It just stopped, and just stopped at the brink of it.
Now, it’s not my doing, I must tell you. But this is what He does. Though He’s very forgiving, He’s extremely kind, He’s blissful, but you should be aware of His powers.
All those powers are used to protect my work, I should say. It goes too far and it is to show to people that they shouldn’t obstruct the work of spirituality. It should be real spirituality. It should not be somebody like a false guru coming up and showing some magic, or talking something about some far-fetched things. But the real spirituality, if you have, the protection will be always there, and Shiva will be very blissful.
He’s extremely blissful. And what He has given you is even more beautiful than you could think of. He’s extremely forgiving. I should say He is the source of forgiveness.
If you have forgiveness in your heart, He resides in your heart. Otherwise, gradually, you start developing very difficult types of diseases.
Say If you are forgiving, your heart runs very fast. No one can touch your heart. You cannot get heart attacks. But if you are tolerating, suffering and taking many things as a power of your own, doing wrong things and forgetting about God, then you also start developing a very weak heart. So one side is that you develop a heart which is extremely aggressive, and can become like Hitler’s heart. Under any kind of pretensions if you start torturing someone your heart becomes solid and then you can get a tremendous massive heart-attack, and all the troubles from that. This is inevitable.
But supposing you are extremely tolerant and you tolerate all nonsense, you are very docile, you are a frightened person. If you are frightened, then because of fright you do that, you can develop another kind of a heart [which] we call as angina where the blood supply is there, and ultimately you develop a kind of a guilt and you lead a very mediocre life.
So this second thing also is very visible among people who think they are very, very tolerant. I am saying that tolerance is alright because of Spirituality, but not because you are frightened, and you are afraid of something. If you are a Sahaj Yogi you have no business to be afraid of anything.
Destructiver powers of shri Mahadeva,” Mahashivaratri Puja, Delhi (India), 25 February 2001.