331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Limitations of Science


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Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Limitations of Science


In today’s times when science is more prevalent, talking about God is laughable, and talking about God’s love is all the more laughable. Like I had mentioned yesterday, especially in India, the scientists here have not reached a state where they can think about God, it is sad to know. Whereas, in foreign countries, scientists have reached a state where they are unable to scientifically explain what’s next and they also say that, it is correct that whatever we know is falling in the parameters of science but what we know is nothing. The source of this knowledge is some weird thing that we are unable to understand. Like big scientists of Chemistry say that these periodic laws are beyond our understanding. It is a unique invention done so beautifully. The way each atom and molecule is designed. The way each atom contains a whole universe, this is beyond our understanding. They say that we can never invent something like this. We even can’t explain how this was invented. This earth is rotating at a particular speed and how and how the gravity is working on it? We can tell that it is working but how is it working, science cannot tell. Great scientist like Einstein, has repeatedly said that there is some unknown land from where we are receiving all this love. And the countries which have achieved great heights in science, they have all the facilities, they all have sufficient food, they are prospering. People say they are affluent, they have a lot of money but their children have left homes and ran away. They all are roaming like sanyasis (ascetics). Some are running to India, some to Nepal. They are saying that leave all this. We don’t know what our parents have collected all bricks and stones we are not going to sit behind them (follow them). But despite leaving all this, these children now have become hippies, taking all kinds of drugs. But you cannot achieve God by all this. Man tries to rationalize all this through his intelligence and reaches a point where he says there is some Power beyond this.
No I am not going to tell you this. I am going to tell you what is living. The actualization of the experience. For so many years, leave aside our Yog Shastras (scriptures), but even big psychologists and philosophers from foreign countries, what they have spoken is how to achieve the subtle state from this gross state. Our brain is gross, our thoughts are gross. How to achieve the thoughtlessness through the thoughts, how to achieve the infinite through the finite? Since ancient times this big question has been facing mankind. Today, I have brought those answers to you.

God’s Love (Parmatma ka Pyaar), Public Program, Bal Mohan Mandir, Mumbai (India) - 1975-12-26-

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