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Thursday, August 31, 2023

Morality is extremely Important for Mahalaxmi Principle


Morality is extremely important for Mahalakshmi principle.…..

those who are on the Mahalakshmi Principle have to know one thing that morality is the basis of your country. That is the strength of Shri Ganesha. If this strength is not manifested one will never go up to a point which is Virat.

So in our sahaj culture, we have to understand that morality is extremely important for Mahalakshmi principle. Because of the western culture just coming into this vacuum is very dangerous I have to tell you, again and again, be careful. Many people who came to Sahaja yoga not in Russia have fallen off because of immoral attachments. But in a very sahaj manner, you can be moral. You do not have to force yourself or compel yourself but spontaneously you will manifest morality in your lifestyle. In India we have some immoral behaviour no doubt but it is not their lifestyle so some people may be immoral but they are not the whole of the society. Moreover, the responsibility is more on women who respect their chastity. If a woman is moral then the children become moral and the husband also comes to morality but if the woman is immoral then the whole society is finished. So the responsibility of keeping the social balance in society is entirely of women. It means you have to be alert that you do not deviate from the balance of Mahalakshmi principle into something that is destructive. All the prophets have created a sense of balance, righteousness, of dharma. The reason is that they were in the Void in Bhava Sagara. Moreover the more rigid is the religion, like Catholic or Islamic, then people tend to be immoral because they are suppressed so they want to take out their oppression in this way that they just go amok.
So we should also understand that the sense of morality is given to us it’s already innately placed within us. Even if you see small girls or small boys they have a great sense of shame.
This innate sense keeps the children innocent and they do not like things which are repulsive or destructive spontaneously. But as you grow suddenly this Mahalakshmi principle starts to go away from the central path. Another horrible temptation or we can say manifestation is that of anger. If you are an angry person then you can not maintain your connection with the divine power. It is important to be very watchful to see that when you are moving in the central path you do not get diverted…. Because anger, aggressiveness hot temper are not the signs of saintliness. ..
Sahaja Yogis should be very careful to see that they are not captured by this anger. From anger rise so many problems, But anger comes also physically from the liver. And also jealousy the Ego wants to overpower people because they are jealous. So this anger is to be seen to be watched all the time. Because its a killer of joy. Understanding is only possible when you are alert and watch yourself see yourself why does anger come to us? Anger makes our discretion absolutely miserable. It makes our agnya absolutely {inaudible}. So the solution of anger is love. If the ego is hurt people get anger. People always try to take the advantage of angry people. Pampering your Ego you can create hatred for another race. …
..with Ego you think only that I am right. Because of Ego you do not hurt yourself you hurt only others so you are not at a disadvantage. That means this Ego can make a beast out of you. And Mahalakshmi principle can become lost.
Firstly must be understood that to keep in the centre we should take peaceful decorous life. In Sahaja yoga it is easy to understand once your agnya is caught up you get a headache then you want to clear it out (that agnya). It is sometimes so painful that you feel like breaking your head. So this Ego which is our hidden enemy always takes us away from Mahalakshmi principle. Also we have some conditionings which take us away from Mahalakshmi principle. Many people believe that if you have to achieve God you must suffer. Then you unnecessarily try to torture yourself. You try to fast and to sleep on the open grounds and do all kinds of things to your body. So with Ego you pamper your body care too much for your comfort and with conditionings, you try to torture yourself.
In Sahaja yoga we care for the comfort of the spirit. There are no more sufferings needed nothing is needed you are just there enjoy! if you can not enjoy in Sahaja yoga then you should know that you are not manifesting Mahalakshmi principle. ..
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Shri Mahalakshmi Puja, Russia, 1922-08-09