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Monday, October 3, 2022

Aggression not a Sign of POWER


Mahatma Gandhi used to say that: “What is the non-violence of the weak? A weak has to be non-violent, what’s so great? That’s a policy or a kind of a protection that he has. So a weak person has to be non-violent because he cannot face, he cannot protest. But non-violence of the powerful is the sign of real non-violence.”
Those who are powerful, if they are non-violent, that means they are quite confident of their powers. Those people who are confident of their powers, why should they aggress others? They just stand, “All right, come along, what do you want?” Even saying that, people run away.
So those who are violent, angry, hot tempered, jump at everyone, torture everyone, trouble everyone, are the people who are very weak charactered. Their character is weak. If their character was all right then they would not have done all these things.
That’s the sign of a person who is either possessed and under the influence of the possession – he’s doing that; or he’s too weak and he’s possessed by his anger because he doesn’t have that much power to bear anything.
The most powerful thing is the Mother Earth because she has a power to bear.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Oct 4, 1987