Mataji Nirmaladevi has awakened the kundalini of lakhs of people all over the world free of cost. It is unique gift to humanity by the Adishakti Mataji Nirmaladevi. She has spread sahajayoga for the benefit - physical, mental, social of all the people.
Sahajayoga meditation is based on Kundalini awakening and thereby opening all the seven chakras from Muladhar to Sahastrar and as a result providing multiple benefits associated with opening of each chakra. For this purpose we must understand the subtle system in the body made of nadis and chakras.
Understand the subtle system- The subtle system is made up of nadis and chakras. The nadis or channels carry energy through the body, while the chakras or "wheels" are the energy centers of the body. There are three primary vertical energy channels and seven main chakras. This system can only be activated with the awakening of the Kundalini. Kundalini awakening purifies and balances the system and illuminates and purifies the chakras.
• Each chakra has spiritual abilities. The chakras still exist in the body, but they only manifest all their qualities when the Kundalini is awakened.
• When the Kundalini rises and nourishes the chakras, our body automatically becomes dynamic, creative, confident and very humble.
Know the spiritual capabilities of the chakras-
The chakras are called wheels because the energy here rotates with a frequency, similar to a galaxy of planets spinning around its axis. The chakras are found throughout the spinal cord region and control and maintain the proper functioning of the body system. What attracts and interrupts the chakras affects their sensitivity and performance. Self-realization will illuminate the central nervous system and allow you to feel each of the seven chakras.
• The Mooladhara or the first chakra will help you to rediscover your innocence and your innocent and intuitive wisdom.
• The second chakra or Swadisthana will stimulate your creative instincts and develop pure knowledge.
• In the Nabhi, the third chakra, the realization of your realizations will be satisfied and your inner peace will settle in you.
• Your heart will be open to family and friends during the fourth chakra or anahat with compassion.
• Vishuddhi, the fifth chakra, requires good communication, a sense of perspective, and a balanced handling of stressful situations.
• At the sixth chakra, or agnya, your forgiveness will allow you to move forward in life without resentment or hatred. You will be able to identify with your freedom and the strength of your inner being.
• Finally, the final chakra, sahasrara, allows you to have a transformative connection that allows you to understand a deeper and truer meaning