331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: 01/01/2023 - 02/01/2023


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Monday, January 30, 2023

The Myth of Leadership


The myth of Leadership...............
It's the greatest myth ever going, is this leadership. There’s nothing like leaders in this Sahaja Yoga, it’s just a joke. And your Mother is very good at playing serious jokes. So be careful - don’t be childish about it, you have to understand that this is a big joke going on and it’s just a testing point and if I test you wrong, you can tell me, but I think this has worked well, because I can test people very well on that level and immediately I know when the person gets onto the horse of ego.
(extract from Guru Puja 1990)
This leadership business is a myth, and this myth must be seen as a myth. Whether you are leader or not leader makes no difference. But the maturity has to come. ... I want you to realize yourself, “What are we doing wrong? Where are we doing right?” and don't judge Sahaja Yoga on what merits you get out of it. If you are not getting merits there's something wrong with you. If you can really understand this, then you will become subtler and subtler and all your gross attachments will become absolutely negligible. You may have concern, but you won't have attachment. From inside, this complete detachment has to come up.
(extract from Guru Puja 1994)
If somebody becomes leader, I don't know what happens to him. It is a myth. There's nothing like leadership in Sahaja Yoga, nothing like that. It's just a myth. But suddenly people jump up. It is ego that gets pampered. But this ego can be easily managed if you worship the Raja Lakshmi. She is the giver of balance.
(extract from Shri Raja Lakshmi Puja, New Delhi, 1994)
Now you become, supposing, I don't know what, position, but supposing you become – the Governor - then you think you can do what you like, because you have become the Governor. This mind doesn't know that you have become the Governor, you are not the Governor. This governorship is ruling you, not that you are ruling the governorship. Once these ideas come into your head, you start behaving in a manner in which you should not behave. Even among Sahaja Yogis there are leaders. Leaders also start sometimes thinking, 'Ah, I'm a leader'. It's a myth – absolute myth - leadership in Sahaja Yoga is an absolute myth, which you should know. But once they know they are leaders, see, they become, sort of - absolutely mindful and full of thoughts. Thoughts how to dominate, how to control. When they start controlling others, then you must know that it is the mind which is telling them to control. Why to control anyone? If you are a real Sahaja Yogi, there is no need to control. There is no need to maneuver, to manipulate.
(extract from Birthday Puja 1996)
Anybody who tries to show off, if you run after that person, that means you have not fathomed your own depth. You must know what is your depth. And don’t get impressed by somebody because he can dominate you very well and he can go about. Just stand on your own two legs and see for yourself.
(extract from a talk to the Australians on India Tour, 1988)
You all have direct relationship with me, not through anyone. If you want to accept somebody's agency, then I can't help you. But otherwise you all have a direct access to me. You all can grow your Spirits; nobody can dominate you. Everyone has complete freedom to know their Spirit. And the Spirit is something cannot be dominated by anyone. ... Thank God we don't have any organization. Thank God we don’t have secretaries, assistant secretaries, under secretaries, vice secretaries, upper secretaries, lower secretaries - we don’t have any nonsense. Otherwise even that would have been dominating to people. Then they would have fought that. So we don’t have that problem. We don’t have any money problem, because we don't have all these nonsensical ideas. I have solved these problems by having no institutions, no positions. Everybody has position.
(Q+A, London, 1982)
Now leadership is just hocus-pocus, I must tell you. If somebody says, "Mother, you become the leader." I say, "No. [laughs] I know. I know that joke." So it's a joke. Leadership is a joke, you see, and if you know it's a joke, then only you'll work it out better. Because, you see it is this, there's nothing like hierarchy in Sahaja Yoga, as you know. We are all one, same. We cannot say that hands are better than feet and the feet is better than this. Nothing of the kind. In the same way, everything is very important and everything circulates like the blood cells. So we do not say that this blood cell is good and that blood cell is bad or this blood cell is higher, that blood cell is higher. In the same way, everybody is circulating. So one should not have any fear. Also fear of the leader should not be there. There's no need to fear the leader. If you are on your gravity, you keep to it. He will understand you. As long as leader is on the gravity, he'll be there. As soon as you go away, goes away from the gravity, he'll go away himself. So you stand on your own gravity point and nobody can disturb you. You should have no fear, nothing, nothing to bother in Sahaj Yog. As it is, you are all saints. What is there to bother? The whole Ganas, all the angels, all this all-pervading power is looking after you.
Shri Ganesha Puja, Perth, 1992

Friday, January 27, 2023

The Unconscious Flows From Above


In our brain, there are two packets, two curtains called the super-ego and the ego. They were created purposely. One increases from one side and the other increases from the other side. The one who is in the centre, the one who comes into balance, the one who comes into temperance and the one who does not go to extremes can get Realization. Within such a one only, the Kundalini rises through the centre and nourishes him. His attention is placed on the Kundalini within him and takes him into the Unconscious.

As soon as this takes place, this Unconscious starts flowing into you from above. You become one with that ocean like a drop becomes the ocean when it falls into it. It rises and falls with the ocean’s waves. If someone asks it, “What are you doing?” it replies, “What am I doing? This is going and coming.” The waves start flowing through him. His inner being becomes absolutely silent. The waves of silence start gently flowing from above.

This is the truth. This is not a cock-and-bull story. It is the truth, a great truth and you can experience it. It has to be made stable after getting it....as soon as that stability is achieved, in absolute peace and joy, you achieve that witness state described by Shri Krishna, by Jesus, by all the scriptures whether by Zoroaster, Socrates, Confucius or any of Dattatreya’s incarnations.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Spirit within you in anxious to give you Peace, Bliss and Joy


We have seen for many decades of our lifetimes, a fascination with outer space and space exploration. Is there really life out there and why is the prospect of this so desired, at least by a small percentage of the human race. Humanity has looked up or outwards at the stars for much if its existence, both practically as a form of calendar or click by which to measure time and seasons on earth and later inwardly, to try to analyse or comprehend our inner working. .
Whilst it is indeed fascinating to seek and understand such a minute fraction of what is beyond our Earth's orbit, this is all an outward and relatively movement. It's like us being fully enamoured with the branches of a tree flourishing outwardly whilst being totally unaware of the lack of development of the roots by which it is sustained in the earth.
Human beings often fail to be able to see that which is right before us. It is and has always been there in plain sight, yet still it eludes us.
Even when God or Divinity in the form of a highly evolved soul appears on earth, there are a percentage who listen, a percentage who 'hear', a percentage who truly 'hear' and 'know' within and an even smaller percentage who know what to do and how to be.
Whether you personally believe it or not, the real direction of travel truly lies within each of us, not out there until we have ourself.
Shri Mataji, explains it this :
"There is no fear from outside invasion, or from any star, or from any extra-terrestrial attack, no there is not. It is within us. The attack is built within us, of which we should be aware. In the name of freedom, we have collected within ourselves all the germs of our destruction. It is such a built-in process within us that we are not even aware that they are growing, that they are there. We are quite satisfied with ourselves, with our artificial life, with our so-called etiquettes and superficial mannerisms.
Innately within us there resides the Spirit which wants to enlighten you, which is anxious to enlighten you, to give you the peace, the bliss, the joy of your being. This beautiful lamp of yours which is being created, is with a great purpose. It has to be enlightened. Respect yourself! There is no ‘respect’ word left in the dictionary today. Respect yourself! We have to respect this lamp which has the light of the Spirit, that it should be enlightened, and let us be that lamp that shows the path of glorification of your being, and in that light, we can see God’s glory, too.
It’s such a beautiful world He has created for us. Everything He has given us, but we in our ignorance and in so-called freedom have ruined so many things. It is sometimes shocking to see how people are going just towards hell directly."
Hampstead Town Hall Centre, Hampstea

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Responsibility to Develop the QUALITIES OF A SAINT



Being “Sahaja” we feel, “If God is mine, he will deliver what I want at my seat.” But the Yoga that happens spontaneously, Sahaja, is through the Kundalini awakening and the piercing of the Sahasrara and it is only to this extent that I owe you. Now, suppose you sow a seed in the earth, she is concerned with it only up to the stage when the seed sprouts. Thereafter, no care is necessary on the part of the earth. So, although it was then a spontaneous happening, but now we have become saints, we have become the seeds. However, this seems to be very difficult to understand. We always feel that we are the same persons. Even if we don’t feel, our demeanors are just the same, and it should change. We should realize, that, now that we have become saints we should find out as to how many qualities of saints that Samarth Ramdas Swami and others have told are in us. Our attention should be on evolving them in us and we should find out as to why those qualities do not manifest in us, why the people cannot find them in us, what can be the reason for that.
First of all we should think, “God has sprouted us. It is good, but what next? What have we done for God? We know in Sahaja Yoga that God blesses everybody, Yoga-kshemam- vahaamyaham. You have got the Yoga and so you have the Kshema, i.e. benevolence too, which entails the Yoga, like that which is built in. So, you have your benevolence without doing anything for it. But one more thing should come with benevolence, gratitude. But it does not come. If you have gratitude, immediately a thought will come,” I have received so much for free, what did I do for it? For what have I got it? How did I get it? What shall I give in return, my life or soul?” This thought should come into minds. However it does not happen and we slide back into our old state. “Shri Mataji it so happened that I got my job, now I am getting money, but my daughter is not yet married”. All right, it worked out.” Now this is left!” It means, you continue with your past ways. Does it make any sense? You have joined the Sahaja Yoga, it means first of all you have become saints.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Dec 17, 1985

Friday, January 20, 2023


We cannot meditate; we only can be in meditation. When we say we are going to meditate it has no meaning. We have to be in meditation. Either you are inside the house or outside the house. You cannot be inside the house and then say that: “Now I’m outside the house.” Or when you are outside the house you cannot say: “I’m inside the house.”
In the same way, you are moving in three dimensions of your life – of emotional and physical and mental being. You are not inside yourself. But when you are inside that you are in thoughtless awareness. Then, not only that you are there, but you are everywhere, because that is the place, that is the point where you are really in universal… From there you are in contact with the Principle, with the Shakti, with the Power that permeates into every particle that is matter, into every thought that is emotion, into every planning and thinking of the whole world. You permeate into all the elements that have created this beautiful Earth. You permeate into earth; you permeate into Akasha [sky, ether], into teja [light], into sound. But your movement is very slow.
Then you say: “I’m meditating,” that means you are moving in permeation with the Universal Being. But you are not moving yourself, you are just unloading yourself to be free from the weight of things that do not allow you to move.
When you are in meditation you must allow yourself to be in thoughtless awareness. There, the Unconscious Itself, the Achetana itself will take charge of you. You will start moving with the force of Achetana. The Unconscious is going to work it out. It is going to take you there, where It wants you to go. You keep to thoughtless awareness all the time. Try to keep to thoughtless awareness as much as you can. When you are in thoughtless awareness you must know that you are in the Kingdom of God and His people, His arrangements, His consciousness, is going to look after you.
Even when you are giving vibrations to other people, I have noticed that you are not in thoughtless awareness. If you give vibrations in thoughtless awareness, you will not catch anything because all these entities that enter into you, all these material problems that come into you, come when you are in those three dimensions. "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, New Delhi.
30th March, 1976 .

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Develop Your Innate Love


" First thing we must learn is to love each other and not to hate anyone. There are so many ways of hating, this also human quality. Animals do hate because they are animals. Human beings can’t be animals. We are human beings and as human beings what we should have is love, affection and no hatred of any kind. Now as you are Sahaja Yogis I would say that you should try to develop your loving capacity instead of fighting capacity or criticizing others. Very easy to criticize. But try to understand that our soil itself has no fragrance.
How are we to bring fragrance to this soil? This is only if people live here have affection and love for each other.
This is the most important thing. When creation took place it was only through affection, otherwise what was the need for nature to create all these things, all this is for what?
To make you feel beautiful, all these trees are beautiful to make you feel good, to feel one with the nature. In that way we human beings have not contributed. Now I’m not saying Sahaja Yogis, they are rare and they are wonderful and they have done a good job because they consider love the highest. But you have to show to others also that you want to love them because they should love each other.
The whole world is created because there was love, otherwise what was the need to waste energy on these continents and all these different countries? Was not to fight, was not to hate each other or to think no end of yourself but to love each other, to have more brothers and sisters, as in Sahaja Yoga you feel that way you have brothers and sisters all over. Today when I was coming I was so happy to see there were people from all over Europe and also from India. How is it possible? Because you have developed that love, because you have that love that innate love so wherever you go, wherever you meet people they should say that we have seen Sahaja Yogis who are nothing but love. "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Cabella.
24th June, 2007.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Makar Sankranti means Self Confidence


Makar Sankranti means self confidence...........
The meaning of Makar Sankranti is “Sankram” [“transition” in Sankrit], i.e. the day that brings about some change. On this day the sun starts its movement towards the northern hemisphere. In India all the festivals are according to the position of the moon. That’s why their dates are different in different years. Makar Sankranti is based on the position of the sun and that is the reason this festival is celebrated every year on 14th January.
Makar Sankranti indicates the day when the Sun becomes warmer. The heat of the sun is benevolent for the human race. It is because of this heat (of the sun) that we can walk, we can talk. The heat of the sun makes a human being angry. This is the reason why we take jaggery on this day so that we talk sweetly.
The heat of the sun is responsible for all the vegetation and wealth of the earth. On this day we offer fruits and vegetables to the Devi and receive her blessings. With the blessings of Adishakti the earth element cools down and the human race progresses.
The festival of Sankranti has a cultural significance. People all over India celebrate this festival very enthusiastically. In other countries also it is celebrated. But in India it is given special importance. In India we do not have extremes of temperatures, the climatic conditions are quite balanced.
India is blessed by the Adishakti. In other countries this balance is not there. They have either extremely hot or extremely cold weather. If a change of weather or change of nature brings about a change within us then it is not proper. If we become angry with the heat of the sun then it is not proper. It is wrong to get angry. Among the six enemies (Satru)[enemy in Marathi] of our being, the anger is the worst. We are Sahaja yogis and our Kundalini is awakened. Therefore we must learn to remain calm. Mostly sahaj yogis are good and evolved. Only one percent of them are running after alaxmi (money). It is natural to get angry at them. But it is not your job to improve them. This is the work of the Adishakti. You should evolve into a good sahaja yogi by remaining calm. Everything happens by the grace of god. This you must remember. Some people are very bad. They believe that money is everything. There is no place for such people in Sahaja Yoga. Adishakti will Herself take care of them.
President of America, George Bush also recognises Me. Recently I wrote him a letter and things started improving. General Musharraf also showed improvement and he addressed his nation and Islam based on the letter that I had written to Mr. Bush.
You can also take care of the situation like this. For this you will have to be very subtle and remain in a thoughtless state. You must have spiritual knowledge, all the rest of the desires are useless. We should not have worldly desires. Sahaj yogis have yet to evolve very much. With God Almighty’s blessings you will get to that state. Don’t worry and be calm.
Sankranti means power of the sun. Sun-power means self confidence. Sun gives us heat and light. Now it depends on us whether to get scorched from the heat of the sun or gain self-confidence from the light of the sun and become radiant.
Eternal Blessings to all of you
Makar Sankranti Puja Talk (translated from Marathi). Pratishthan, Pune (India), 14 January 2002.

Makar Sankranti - From Tropic of Capricorn to the tropic of Cancer


So, now the heat is going to come more in this country [India]. So to prepare for the heat and to prepare people for that they give a little jaggery and sesame seeds or sugar and sesame seeds and say that “We give you sweet so you also speak sweetly”, because the heat makes people rather bitter. And, if there’s heat inside you, then you start talking very bitterly to each other. So to pacify that heat they give the sugar or the jaggery for your livers. But you can’t just give that, so with that there is ‘teela’ (sesame) which is also a soothing oil.
Now. It’s very symbolic, that’s all. It’s a symbolic thing. And it is done every 14th of January in this country. It is called as ‘Makar Sankranti’. It’s the change to ‘makar’ – means Capricorn. And it’s surprising! Like in the ancient times Cancer was called as ‘karka’ (कर्क) in India and you also call this thing as cancer since long. Now, the disease cancer is also called ‘cancer’. Just see how it is related. And in Indian language also it is called as the disease of the Cancer, in the sense karka, they call it karka roga (कर्क रोग), you see – two words. They also call it due to the ‘karka roga’ and that also called ‘karka roga’ means – heat producing. It produces heat first of all. And secondly it had another meaning, that in cancer, cancer stands for the Mother. So when you commit sins against the Mother, cancer is produced. Sin against the Mother. Cancer sign is the sign of the Mother only; and when you try to commit sins against the Mother this starts. And since my advent this disease has become very prevalent because sin against the Mother is the biggest sin in the modern times. So, one must know that the sin against the Mother will lead, ultimately, to cancer. So it started from Ganesha tattwa.
Many people who have this problem, Ganesha problem, they may be very good in other things but still, if there is the left Ganesha problem, they should be very, very careful. It’s like a hole in your being. And to overcome that problem you may cover up with something else. Like such people may say, “Oh, I am so great. I will never feel like this.” That’s not a good thing. Just overcome your Ganesha problem with which you are perverted. So all these perversions must be sucked in just like a tortoise sucks in the four limbs within themselves. That is how you must suck in those things. And do not try to overcome by Right Vishuddhi, by saying that you are great or you are this or you are that.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Jan 13, 1983

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Experience the Peace beyond Thoughs


Experience the Peace beyond thought.............
Now our attention is outside, the reason is our brain has become like a prism, and the rays that come into us of awareness also are thrown out and as a reaction our attention goes outside. If I tell you take your attention inside you cannot take it, just cannot. Something has to happen inside and that's why when this Kundalini rises within you then your attention is attracted inside and this happening takes place. And then you find that you can enter inside as well as outside. But otherwise you cannot. Many people say that we are praying, now you are praying outside there is no connection, first the connection must be established. So when your attention is outside you react to everything. For example, I come and see these flowers, then I react to it and then I say something, or another thing I see all the time I am reacting outside. As a result of all the kind of sensations we get out of our reactions our attention becomes absolutely disturbed and we get into lot of troubles. First of all our eyes are not steady, they go on hovering from here to there, God knows what are we looking for. The eyes become impure because we start thinking about things, as soon as we see something we start thinking and a barrier is created. For example there is a beautiful piece something very beautiful you see, and looking at it if there’s a thought you cannot enjoy. But if there is no thought, there’s pure rapport, pure connection, between that beautiful art and yourself. Then you just see it and enjoy that joy of the artist which he has poured into it, without thinking about it. Otherwise normally people will think, “How many pounds can I save?” or “What should I do? Should I purchase it or not?” All sorts of nonsensical flippant, cheap ideas can come into your head. Or could be something higher also “This color is not matched with that and this.” But a person who is a realized soul will just see, just like children, they just look, in the same way, without thinking. So the first thing that happens to your attention that the thoughts subside. Thought is the first problem that has started with ego and now when the thoughts subside then you become peaceful.
People talk of peace, “We should have peace” – how can you have peace? It’s not possible, is an impossible situation. You see we think by thinking, by organizing, by manipulating, we'll have peace. You cannot. You cannot have peace that way. How will you have peace? When the peace is established on your attention. When your attention is peaceful, when we are absolutely without any thoughts, then the peace resides. After all, the peace is disturbed by the human beings only, isn’t it? It is not disturbed by something else, is disturbed by human beings and now if the human beings are not peaceful, how can you have peace by talks? On the contrary when there are talks be sure that there will be some violent action after that. Always it happens because thought is incapable of keeping your attention in balance.
Now how do you remove the thought from your mind is the problem, thoughts are all the time in your mind. If you get possessed you may not have thoughts, but otherwise, which is the other way? The other way is the Kundalini when it rises. A thought rises and falls off and another thought rises and falls off, but when the Kundalini rises, then what happens, these thoughts become elongated and starts some working inside. And there is gap in between and this gap is the place of our peace. If you achieve that peace, the world peace can be achieved. By just taking placards, by shouting for peace you cannot establish peace, peace has to come from the hearts of human beings. In the hearts of human beings peace can be only established when you establish the spirit within it, its core where it manifests the bliss of peace. When you start enjoying the bliss of peace you don't want wars, you don't think of wars and that is the state where now the human beings have to rise and go to that. So these horrible times here which we call as Kali Yuga, the modern times, which are the times of complete illusion and when all the value system is changed, where everybody seems to be unhappy and sick, is the time also preceding the Krita Yuga, the time where everything will be done, perfected and established, that's the meaning of Krita Yuga. So to begin with primitive times, which we call Krita Yuga are established again, the primitive is again established, but here with awareness, like as I told you the matter becomes aware of itself. The Kundalini, which is a potential thing, which is a potential power of desire within us, which as we can call the primitive, manifests itself and becomes aware of itself. That is what is Sahaja Yoga today. It's all Sahaja, it's all spontaneous, all life process has been spontaneous, but today that is what it is. So, spontaneously our attention becomes peaceful, absolutely peaceful, and when that peace is achieved, that peace is established within your heart through the ascent. Then, every bit of that peace emits peace. Such a person wherever he is, he emits peace wherever he is. If there is quarrel going on there will be peace.
Talk, Chiswick Town Hall
London, 10/7/84


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Knowledge beyond Intelligence


Krishna said, “Attain the true knowledge,” and people started reading books. People write and sell books on the street like beggars. Kabira has said, “Padhi, padhi pandit moorakh hoe,” meaning even scholars have become stupid by reading so many books. In my childhood I used to think, “How can anyone become stupid by reading books?” But now I have met so many scholars who are stupid, and it is so useless to talk to them.
So, whatever was said about true knowledge is that whatever you perceive or sense on your central nervous system is known as gyan. That is what is “bodh”, from which the word, “Buddha”, has come. This is what is “Vid”, from which the word, “ved”, is derived. In the first verse of the “Veda” it is mentioned that after reading this, if you still don’t recognise God, then it is a waste. The word, “Vid”, also came from this. But we want to understand everything through our intelligence. We don’t want to understand that there is something beyond intelligence. So, Krishna said in the beginning that you must acquire knowledge. Then he said next that you must do the deed. But that also has diplomacy, if you understand that. He said, “Do the deed, and surrender it to the Divine.”
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Friday, January 6, 2023

Become collective, progressive and dynamic


"For becoming masters in Sahaja Yoga I am sure, you are doing meditation, introspection, and all kinds of Sahaja Yoga rituals, I should say. In this New Year I think there is greater chance for you to do much better because all those years of ordeals are over. We are now entering into the new era or say now the ‘Satyayuga’ has established.
In the beginning you may not feel the atmosphere of Kaliyuga has been cleared out completely.