Sahaja Yoga is a method of meditation resulting in evolved spiritual personality through the awakening of Kundalini. This process of Kundalini Awakening called Self Realisation was discovered by H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970 and has since spread all around the world.
This inner awakening is
called by many names: Self Realisation, Second Birth, ... Enlightenment etc and it is the goal of all
religions and spiritual traditions of the world. The knowledge of Kundalini is
ancient, but for a long time, it was available only to a few enlightened souls,
being kept secret and transferred from guru to disciple, since Self Realisation
was extremely difficult to achieve. In these modern times, through Sahaja
("spontaneous") Yoga ("union with one's Self"), this experiencehas become effortless and available to everyone through Self Realisation, for
the first time in the history of human spirituality.
Through the practice of
Sahaja Yoga, our awareness gains a new dimension where the absolute truth ofvibrations can be felt on our central nervous system and our palms. The
vibrations are emanated from the palms of the person as a result of the
awakening of the Kundalini.
As a result of this experience, our spiritual
ascent takes place effortlessly ... and physical, mental and emotional balance is
achieved as a byproduct of the self-realisation and Sahaja Yoga Meditation.
We then realize that we are not this body,mind, ego, conditionings, emotions or intellect, but something of an eternal
nature which is always residing in our heart in a pure, undisturbed state - the
Self or Spirit.
The Spirit is the sourceof true knowledge, peace and joy. Self Realisation is the actualization of the experience of this connection between the Kundalini and the Spirit, which as Shri Mataji says, is the birthright of every human being.