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Friday, February 14, 2025

How Does Sahaja Yoga Works


How does Sahaja Yoga work?

The practice of meditation is central to the practice of Sahaja Yoga.

The meaning of yoga is commonly misunderstood as a system of postures, breathing and stretching exercises. But the true meaning of yoga, traced back to its origins several thousand years ago, is union. In Sahaja Yoga, this union is the profound connection of the Kundalini energy that we all have within us to the all-pervading divine energy — the force of nature that created this universe and everything and everyone in it.

When this powerful union takes place, our chakras (energy centers) are nourished and energized for our personal advancement. The regular practice of meditation causes this vital flow of energy to provide a powerful boost to our physical, mental and emotional faculties.

During the practice of meditation, Sahaja Yoga can raise the Kundalini energy, whenever we wish, to the crown (Sahasrara) chakra, the final step in the journey of the union of self with the divine energy.

It is at the level of this chakra that we experience Sahaja Yoga’s unique state of thoughtless awareness, a powerful realm of consciousness that allows us to transcend the ordinary mental and physical planes of our existence. In this state of meditation, we have complete control of our attention. We can maintain inner silence. This pure consciousness is the truest self, not one’s body, mind, senses or thoughts. This is essentially the phenomenon we often hear referred to as experiencing the “inner self.”

The flow of the Kundalini energy during the meditation, also confers upon us a soothing experience of vibrations on our palms and fingers, the real and tangible proof of its awakening. Over time, the nourishment of the chakras through various meditation and energy balancing techniques also helps us improve every aspect of character and personality and ultimately the quality of our lives.

Enlightened medicine: Western science and Eastern wisdom

Sahaja Yoga Meditation addresses the symptoms of disease while at the same time acting on the roots of the problems. It is based on the knowledge of the subtle system whose six main centres of energy are located at the level of six nerve plexuses and endocrine glands. They are integrated and controlled by the last and seventh centre, which corresponds to the limbic system, the emotion- regulation centre of our brains.

The state of Thoughtless Awareness is achieved when the subtle energy ascends through the spinal cord. When it reaches the brain it activates the parasympathetic nervous system and the limbic system. The serene state of “Mental Silence” and joy which the practitioner experiences subjectively has actual measurable physiological correlates. Thus, Sahaja Yoga Meditation has been shown to lead to changes in physiological parameters that enhance parasympathetic activity, leading to stress relief and restoration of bodily functions, such as decreases in blood pressure, heart, breathing and pulse rates, oxygen metabolism and stress hormones.

Modern brain imaging studies have shown that the state of Mental Silence leads to increased activity in the limbic brain areas that mediate positive emotions. In addition, there is a release of beta-endorphines, the so-called “happy” mood- stabilising chemicals in the brain that lead to relaxation and enhance the immune system.

Long-term practitioners of Sahaja Yoga Meditation have larger amounts of grey matter in the regions of attention, self-control and emotion control than non-meditators. This enlargement of brain structure due to long-term use of these regions through meditation is thought to reflect a delay in the normal age-related decline in the structure of these regions, suggesting that long-term meditators have younger brains


Saturday, February 8, 2025

Why Meditate - Ten Important Aspects to Meditation


Why Meditate? – 10 important aspects to Meditation in London


sahajayoga is practised in many nations of the world because of its multiple benefits to human beings.  London also is not exception to this.  Many people there have been immensely benefited with sahajayoga meditation.  Following are the reasons why it is spreading, liked and practised in London. 

It’s easy.

You don’t have to spend years living in the mountains to achieve enlightenment. You don’t have to give up anything or spend weeks in silence. You don’t have to learn mantras or wear special clothes or even try to clear your mind. With Sahaja Yoga Meditation we generally sit on chairs to achieve Yoga, effortlessly & spontaneously. As such no exercises (Asanas) are required, nor Mat or special clothing. The meditation simply happens spontaneously. The classes are easy and fun, and as long as you keep up your daily ten minutes of meditation you find you are able to achieve a deep and peaceful meditation on a regular basis.

Sahaja Yoga Meditation takes you into the state of  ‘thoughtless awareness’.

True meditation is a state of deep peace where the mind is absolutely calm and silent, yet completely alert – a state of being known as ‘thoughtless awareness’. Throughout history, mystics, saints and prophets have spoken of this experience. They removed themselves from society, sought ways to cleanse themselves of human troubles and devoted their lives to achieving their spiritual ascent. Their aim was to achieve ‘self realisation’ – a state of being where the human spirit becomes one with the Divine, where fear and anger are replaced with joy, contentment, inner balance and peace.

Sahaja Yoga meditation delivers – ‘mental silence’, to meditators across London.

Through Sahaja Yoga, the experience of ‘mental silence’ is now possible for every human being, effortlessly. Meditation helps you evolve. Meditation raises resistance to stress. More meditation, less conflict. Pop along to one of the Free Meditation London classes

Sahaja Yoga is the simplest way to obtain natural wellbeing.

Even after the  first experience of Sahaja Yoga, you can begin to experience a widespread feeling of relaxation and peace; and after a few moments of practice you can begin to establish a continuous state of wellbeing and serenity. Meditation in London is not only possible, it is exceptional. 

Sahaja Yoga is free 

Shri Mataji - Free Sahaja Yoga Meditation Classes

Shri Mataji – Free Sahaja Yoga Meditation Classes

There is never any charge for Sahaja Yoga instruction or for receiving one’s self realisation which is the birthright of every human being. This philosophy of Sahaja Yoga is based on the fact that it is not possible to pay for what already exists inside us and merely needs to be awakened. We can pay for renting a room, for printing material, but what can we pay for awakening our own true nature? So you can learn to Meditate in London for free at one of the many Free Meditation London classes

Sahaja Yoga is a method of spontaneous meditation

Everything happens in a spontaneous way inside you, just like a plant naturally grows from a seed. Meditation is a state of being in which we are in thoughtless awareness: perfectly aware and alert, but free from thoughts. This state of peace of mind can be reached thanks to the Sahaja Yoga method in a simple and natural way.  It is not necessary to take difficult physical positions, or abandon our daily life or to read complicated philosophical studies. Being able to Meditate in London is now a daily reality for many. 

Sahaja Yoga helps you to make your life more joyful

As you begin to meditate, spontaneously, tensions accumulated in daily life are released. As our inner state re-balances, we may feel a renewed energy for life.   Innate virtues and inner qualities may become nourished. These experiences of enhanced  self knowledge allow us to understand ourselves more clearly. As we become clearer, we may  also gain a better understanding of the plight of others and thereby naturally become  more compassionate and patient. Many meditate in London together to benefit from the collective effect of doing it in a wider community

Sahaja Yoga helps you face and dissolve anger, fear, guilt  and worry.

Many of us may have accumulated unhelpful emotions like anger, fear, guilt and worry, which can hamper our enjoyment of life here in London.  It can be difficult to shake off these unhelpful feelings which can ‘hold us down”. Sahaja Yoga equips us to gradually attend on these states of being, aiding us in our daily journey, to dissolve and  release these  built up inner conditions. As more and more discover how easy it can be to meditate in London, it has a collective positive effect on everyone.

Sahaja Yoga allows you to acquire a deep knowledge of yourself.

Sahaja Yoga allows you to obtain a pure knowledge of the self, not veiled by deluding ideals and false conditionings. The idea is that we get to live in a clearer reality, rather then the worldview created by the ego. Inner beauty should blossom just like a flower manifesting all its fragrance,  hopefully leading to a state where we are all in better harmony with ourselves and the world. Learn to Meditate in London and tap into your own own serenity, balance and silence.


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Regular Practice of Sahajayoga makes a better person


How Meditation Has Helped Me Throughout My Life

Following is the experience of the benefits one gets by sahahayoga meditation - 

I am a 76-year-old grandmother and have been practising Sahaja Yoga for 34 years.  A young boy from Chennai said, “Aunty, whoever talks about you says you are very strong”.  “Yes, I am strong, but not like a wrestler”. I am mentally and spiritually strong, and that is because of my honest and sincere practice of Sahaja Yoga.  It has taught me everything. How to be good and strong, how to keep healthy, and how to be a person whom everybody wants to meet and know.

From the day I joined I have followed all the teachings of Sahaja Yoga very obediently, without any doubts or questions.  We are not asked to do difficult things like fasting, giving up family, being very sober and not going for parties or movies.  BUT we must live a moral life and avoid all things that are wrong and sinful. How will we know?

The day you get realisation, the Divine Energy of the Kundalini starts spreading into all the cells of the body and starts cleaning us from inside.  

All this dirt must be removed, so we are taught to sit with our feet in a bucket of salt water. The water element takes it all out.

We are also taught to sit in meditation early in the morning, because between 4:30 and 6:00 am is Brahma Muhurtham, when the divine rays are very strong, and the flowers open, and birds sing.  This is my daily routine. Sometimes I may feel pinpricks on my fingers and palms. They told me in the Centre that these are signs that there is some disturbance in a Chakra. Every chakra has a nerve ending on a fingertip, and according to the finger, we can know which chakra is in trouble.

I even learnt that on every chakra a reflection of God has a seat, and every chakra has qualities that we have to follow.  Like the chakra at the neck is the place of Shri Krishna, and the qualities there are to speak sweetly to everyone. If I have been rude and bossy, and hurt anyone’s feelings, this chakra will get disturbed and I will feel it on a finger.

Not only this, but we also learn how to repair any damage that we may do by our bad behaviour, or by harming others.  So, we are always alerting to find out our mistakes and correct ourselves.

So regular practice of Sahaja Yoga makes me a better person.  

I do not get angry, so I do not get blood pressure or tension headaches.  I am always happy with what I have, so I don’t try to do cheating and fraud to gather money or property.  I do not speak rudely to anyone in my house – my husband, my children, my grandchildren, or the people who come and help us in the house.

I am not strict about what time I eat, what time I sleep, or any other requirement.  But I am regular with my meditation, my foot soaking, and attending the collective programs in the Centre. I learnt how to balance myself!


Written By: Poornima Damodaran


Friday, January 17, 2025

Purity is the First Element of LIFE


“Purity is the first element of life.”
Ganesha is a principal, an element. This is not a god etc. This is the one element, which is the element of God. That is the essence of purity. God created this Ganesh ji before creating this entire universe. Believe that first the purity was created in this world. No matter how much a person falls, no matter how much his condition deteriorates, no matter how much he invents God, he still knows this in his mind, recognizes him all the time, that I am doing some wrong thing. Why does this happen? How does man know that I am doing this wrong thing? Which element is hidden inside it, due to which he keeps on knowing all the time that I am not doing the right thing. There is a man who keeps bad eyes on someone’s girl or looks at someone’s wife with bad eyes or cheats on his wife. Or a wife cheats on her husband. Or some boy or girl cheats on their parents. Whether he does it secretly or even openly, but he keeps eating it in his mind, always eating this thing inside him, that I am doing this wrong thing. This happens in us because we have the element of Ganesha in us because here the four such squares which are made at the bottom, are Ganesha. The 51 elements in the earth element, the carbon in it. Ganesha is the element. As long as carbon is not present in any atom, in the molecule, then organisms cannot be born. That is, the first element of life is Ganesh Tattva. Purity is the first element of life….
This Ganesh Tattva which is in us, wherever it is, where it appears, it is called Pelvic Plexus. Due to which there are four types of sub-plexes inside us. From that one, reproduction takes place. One is the act of sex. There are minor doubts etc. from one, in this way the immersion activities are done. And these elements are like this, it is adorned by Ganesha. Is the principal of Ganesh ji. Ganesh ji is a child, an innocent child, which is called the embodiment of innocence. Ganesha is the embodiment of purity. When the real appearance of this element is awakened in us, then we cannot do impurity.
Since the child does not know what sex is, Ganesha is very dear to the mother. They don’t even know Shiva except Mother, no one knows. Purity does not know anything except the mother. Purity has a power of its own, who knows his mother. The son has been placed there, so he should protect his mother. Your mother is Kundalini. And under it the childishness, your innocence, the purity of yours, God has placed it, to protect it, this mother. .. This is the Ganesh Tattva, which God has given to you, that you should protect the Kundalini, which is your own mother and which is different for each one of us. It is sitting, and waiting for that day you are going to be reborn, the day you are going to get realization, then she will get up on her own and get you across. It is said that in order to get this Ganesha element, Brahma, Vishnu also lost. Ganesha is considered as the highest God and first of all. Because he is very holy. The one who is the purest of all in the child form is Shri Ganesha.Aa you may know when Dattatreya was also created, the Guru Tattva which belongs to Dattatreya ji, when he was created, he was also made a very small child. That innocence, that purity in a small child, where he does not see the difference, what is man and woman! He doesn’t even know what impurity is. ..
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Public program Bharat Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. 16 January 1979.


Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Jesus christ and lord ganesha


I have said a lot of things regarding Christ before, and how Jesus Christ is related to Shri Radhaji, that he is the incarnation of Shri Ganesha, who was the son of the Adi Shakti to begin with. But then he was given to Shri Radhaji and Shri Radha created as Mahalakshmi, as Mother Mary, this great incarnation of Christ. Now, for western mind, it is impossible to understand how there can be a immaculate conception, because they have no sense at all, no sensitivity at all to spiritual life. We Indians can understand it. It is easy for Indians to understand because we had Shri Ganesha created that way, we just believe it we don’t doubt these things. Whatever is said about God is not to be doubted with this limited brain. That is not done in India. But in the west, from the very birth of Christ, they have had arguments, arguments, arguments, arguments with this limited brain they had, and the whole religion in the name of Christ is just a perversion. Such a horrible things have been said that is unbelievable. His purity, his holiness, his auspiciousness, is never understood in the west I think. Those who follow, follow Christianity, how can they be so debased in their moral character. They are alright for their political, their economical, we can say their legal side. But their moral sense is absolutely missing, it is very surprising. Those who are the followers of Christ should have the greater amount of morality. He has said that ‘Thou shall not have adulterous eyes’. Such a subtle thing, even the eye should not have adultery, should not have lust and greed. Such a subtle thing he has said it and just think, in the west people could not follow it because the whole religion got perverted under the influence of Paul and Peter. It’s a very serious thing that they have done against Christ and still going on. Still this Catholic Church though being exposed so much is still going on in India also, all over, is stupid this Protestant Church also is going on everywhere.
What good name they would have brought to Christ? One should see the first and foremost thing he has said that ‘You must enter into the Kingdom of God; that you must be born again.’ So it is all mental that you must be born again, you have a certificate that you are born again, finished. So this mental attitude of the west is responsible for killing the great incarnation of Christ. So I think is another crucifixion. Mentally you cannot understand spirituality. So they were telling me all ‘Brain Trust”, “Brain Trust”. I said brain trusting I cannot understand in Sahaja yoga. In Sahaja yoga what is the brain trust? Where is the brain? In thoughtless awareness, where is the brain? So this brain trust business might be alright for any other place. But for Sahaja yoga, I still don’t understand what do you do in brain trust? Because some people want to come on the stage and speak you see. They have kind of a madness, they can’t get over it. So they might be coming to the brain trust, may be. But it is not brain, it is the heart. It is the heart which has to be opened out. Because, with the brain what we do is all kinds of materialism. All kinds of nonsense has come from human brain only. Not so much from animal’s brain. You can see if you go to any forest, it is clean, nice, feeling so well. But you put one human being there and you will know that this filth, dirt has come from some human being. So, as it is they have made a mess of all the great incarnations, but worst is done to Christ and I feel what a waste it was. So, we must understand Christ in the right sense. He is the eternal child. He is the innocence itself. He is the source of innocence and he is the bestower of all blessings in all chakras. But that doesn’t mean that you are Christians, you should be very proud that ohhhh she is talking about Christ. Many I have seen Sahaja yogis, are still identified with Christ, while they have nothing to do with Christ at all.
Now, one has to understand that how Christ in his miraculous life has shown so many miracles. First of all his birth, was immaculate. Every kind of birth is immaculate. They are beyond sins. They are special people. They may come as human beings, they may come as angels, they may come as anything. They are divine, and we should understand that this little brain of ours cannot discuss about them and talk about them. But is to just surrender and worship them. They are much beyond us. So, for the western mind, it is important to understand that the life of Christ was such a blessing for them, that they have lost it, they have wasted it and they have never understood how to respect it. The whole thing became like a political, economical, nonsensical fraud.
I had told you long time back that how we can prove that Christ was Ganesha and he was the logos and he was the, what we call is he Bramhanad, the first sound. By looking at your left side from the right side, if you see the Mooladhara, you will see Swastikas, because it is made of carbon atom. If you see from left to the right you can see Omkara, and if you see from down upwards, it looks like Alpha and Omega. In those days, Christ has said “I am the Alpha and I am the Omega”. And now we have made the animation, we have no arrangement to show there. I don’t know if you could arrange it somehow. But you can see it clearly, what I have said can be proved. So as you worship Ganesha, you must worship Christ, in the same manner for all those who worship Ganesha. Because I have seen that the Hindus, they are stuck to Ganesha, and Christians are stuck to Christ. Even after coming to Sahaja yoga, they carry those traits. Ganesha is alright up to a point and then it is important that we must pray to his incarnation that is Christ. In the same way, those who worship Christ, must also worship Ganesha, because he is the source, he is the potential of Christ. All this was in the divine plan, done with divine discretion. Everything was done so beautifully, but as I told you human beings are good at massacring anything that is beautiful. And that’s how it has happened. It is very, very sad, and on his birthday today, we have to decide that he is to be born within us again, in a proper way. That he is the Alpha and the Omega. At that time of his time I didn’t know that anybody knew about these symbols. These symbols also must have come from unconscious to some of the great mathematicians in long time and that’s why these symbols are used exactly like Alpha and Omega, you see him clearly. It is so clear cut now in Sahaja yoga, we can prove so many things, all tangible. How Christ used to cure people, what did he do, it’s all tangible, we can prove it now in Sahaja yoga, how it works out, how these powers work out, but we have to first of all cleanse our lives. We have to lead a very honest, powerful and pure life.
Christmas Puja,
Ganapatipule (India),
25 December 1992.
u, Rajan Nettur and 1 other

Sunday, September 29, 2024



Treating Tension

Recent medical investigations have shown that emotional stress and anxiety can precipitate chemic heart disease and cause sudden death. Clinicians have also suspected for long that accumulation of small stresses from long standing conflicts can augment the development of
Hypertension and even coronary atherosclerosis. Inspite of their side effects and habit forming nature there is a tendency to use tranquilizers and other drugs to control tensions and blood pressure.

The physiology department of the Lady Hardinge and the Sucheta Kripalani hospital has established through elaborate scientific studies the effect of Sahaja Yoga on the human body and its role in preventing stress disorder.

The study, published in the journal of the International Medical Sciences Academy establishes that even with a few weeks practice of Sahaja Yoga, tensions are reduced and people can lead a more relaxed life. Prof. U.C. Rai, former head of the Department of Physiology at the Sucheta Kriplani hospital and currently additional medical superintendent who heads the team undertaking Sahaja Yoga (stress studies) says, “drugs are not a satisfactory long term answer to tackle the problems of severe stress. Various relaxation techniques meditation & bio-feedback technique have been tried to reduce the effect of stress on the body. But there have been little or no scientific studies to show how this relaxation occurs.

Now Prof. Rai along with Dr. S. Sethi and Dr. S.H. Singh have also established that the awakening of the Kundalini which the Yogis maintain is manifested in the subtle feeling of coolness in the palm of the hand and a sense of euphoria of release is possible with the practice of Sahaja Yoga. The static Kundalini is symbolized by a serpent coiled into a length of 3.5 inches with its tail southwards and spiraling around the central axis at the base of spine. When the Kundalini Shakti is activated with Sahaja Yoga it ascends to unite with the pure universal consciousness above the crown of the head and self realisation occurs. Studies done which were published in scientific journals were conducted on 20 people in the age group 35 to 50. Ten of them were from the Department of Physiology and had no previous training in any form of Yoga, meditation or bio feedback techniques. They were given two days training by a qualified Sahaja Yoga teacher in the physiology department. Thereafter they practiced it for a few weeks, 20 minutes daily on weekdays under the watchful eyes of their tutor.

At fixed intervals doctors studied the effect of Sahaja Yoga on the heart rate, blood pressure, the level of the blood lactic acid, VMA in urine which indicates secretion of adrenalin by the body and the galvanic skin resistance (GSR) which show whether the patient is tense or relaxed. All 10 were patients of hypertension, some of them on drugs. As the Sahaja Yoga practice progressed the medicines were reduced and finally stopped. In 12 weeks the diastolic blood pressure dropped from 100 to 80 and the adrenalin flow, it was found also dropped.
The second group of 10 trained Sahaja Yogis from the centre at Safdarjung Enclave had been practicing Sahaja Yoga for two to six years. Readings were taken before, during and after Sahaja Yoga. The GSR in the first group of subjects increased from 43.9 kohms to 64.7 Kohms. In the second group practicing Sahaja Yoga the mean level was 103.9 kohms. In the second group practicing Sahaja Yoga the mean GSR was 130.4 kohms which increased by practice to 183.85 kohms.

The changes in the skin resistance are a measure of sweat gland activities and are related to the sympathetic nervous system. The study says the sweat glands are connected to the hypothalamus, reticular formation and cerebral cortex and therefore reflect the activity of different regions of the brain related to the individual’s arousal and awareness. The ascending reticular activating system and hypothalamus are the fundamental structures which determine the state of awareness of an individual.”

Therefore, the change in the activity of the sweat glands should be closely related to one’s awareness and level of tension or relaxation. The study shows that Sahaja Yoga awakens the Kundalini there by producing a state of thoughtless awareness with deep relaxation which in turn, is responsible for increased skin resistance in both groups.

In patients with anxiety neurosis the blood lactate concentration increases. On doing Sahaja Yoga this reduces and the adrenalin production drops. Increased adrenal activity leads to high blood pressure. Significant Physiological Changes have been noticed in both trainees and the advanced Sahaja Yogis. The sympathetic system dominance, noticed in situations of stress, is knocked down by the Yoga. Two papers named, “Effects of Sahaja Yoga Practice on patients of Psychosomatic Diseases” and Physiological Effect of Kundalini Awakening by Sahaja Yoga which was prepared by Dr. Deepak Kumar Chugh and Dr. Sandeep Sethi have already earned doctorates.


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Will of God


Today we are celebrating Sahastrara day. Perhaps we have not realised what a day it must have been. Without opening the Sahastrara, God Itself was a myth, religion itself was a myth, and all talk about Divinity was a myth. People believed in it but it was just a belief. And the science, as it was put forward, was about to obliterate all the value system, all the proof of God Almighty.
If you see, in the history, one after another, when science established itself, the people who are so-called in charge of the helm of affairs in religion, in different religions tried to cope with the findings of science. They tried to show that: “All right, if it is said this much – is in the Bible, and if it is wrong we should correct it.” Especially Augustine did that, and it started looking as if it’s all a stupidity this, these scriptures were just mythical. At least the Koran itself, though, had lots of things which were describing the biology of today.
They could not believe that human beings were specially created by God. They thought it was a matter of chance that, one after another, the animals acquired a situation by which they became human beings. Thus all the time Divinity was challenged and there was no way of giving a proof of whatever is said in the Bible or in the Koran or in the Gita or in the Upanishadas or in the Torah. Any one of these things could not be proved because it was still just a faith.
Very, very few people got their Realisation and when they talked, people did not believe them and thought that they are just trying to say something which they are using to propound their own theories. So the whole thing became a kind of dead science. There was no science of religion. People started thinking that, “What’s the use of following these Ten Commandments or these strict rules of life, because by following that you gain nothing, you lose all the fun of the life, and why think of gaining some punyas also?” And that is how all the time there was a big derailment of human value system.
Also these organised religions, this monolithic organised religions started taking to [a] course of gaining power, or gaining money, because they thought that’s the only way you can control people and can go on. They were least bothered as to deliver the goods, whatever have been described in the Bible. Bible of course was tampered [with] very much and has been lot of changes in that. And a person like Paul, and Peter, who joined together, tried to spoil most of the Truth. Though Koran was not so much touched but still it dealt with more the right side, with the reproductive system and all those things, and so many things are still ambiguous.
Now simultaneously two things have happened, I don’t know if you are aware of it or not. First thing that has happened is that now we have a new science of microbiology in which we have discovered that every cell has got a DNA tape, every cell has got a programme in it. As we have in a computer a chip, every cell has got a tape in it, in a way, that it is programmed, and according to that programme a development takes place. Now imagine the intricacy of the whole thing! So many computers are already programmed and all these cells have these in them. So a very mysterious sort of a thing has come up before the scientists and they cannot explain it. They cannot explain many things but one of them is this.
Now what Sahaja Yoga has done is that it has proved that it is the Will of God, it is the desire of God, the Will of God, which is doing all the work, and it has been proved. All these Chaitanya, Adi Shakti, is nothing but the Will of God, and Will of God is the One is working out everything very harmoniously. I don’t know if some of you must have read my book, first book (‘Book of Adi Shakti’), where I have described how this Earth was created. There was a bang, but it was very harmonious, and how it developed is through the Will of God. So everything was done in a way that God’s Will was working it out.
Now, the Will of God, you are feeling it on your finger tips. After Realisation, now, you have discovered the absolute science, which is the Will of God, which is an absolute science. You people know that we have cured people through Sahaja Yoga. You also know giving bandhan, and all that, things work out. So many things work out automatically after Realisation that people don’t want to believe. In the beginning people would not believe when the scientists told them something, but now it is, you can see, the science is always in the flux, all the time changing. One theory is again challenged, another theory’s again challenged. But Sahaja Yoga has exposed you to that Great Truth of science which cannot be challenged, which is all there.
So anybody who comes out with any new proposal about defaming God, or saying that there is no God, we can prove, not [only] that there is God, but that everything, the creation of this Earth, the creation of human beings and everything was done harmoniously by the Will of God. If Will of God has done everything, the human beings should not take any credit for discovering some things which were created by God. Supposing this carpet is made by somebody and we start discovering all the colours, what is so great? It is all there. You cannot create.
So it is not the creation part of it [that’s] so much important but the fashioning of this world. Whole thing was done by the Will of God. Now if the Will of God is so important, it has to be proved, and now through Sahaja Yoga, after the breaking of the Sahastrara, you have now, for the first time, felt the Will of God, which is such an important thing but for us it is come to us so sahaj that we don’t understand. We just give the bandhan and the things work out and we feel that the things have worked out, so it is bandhan which has worked out, and we have managed everything – it’s not so, it’s much more than that. We have now become part and parcel of that Big Computer of that Will of God, we have become the medium, or we can say the channels, of that Will of God. We are connected with that Will of God which created all this Universe. So everything we can manage because we have got the Absolute Science in our hand. The Absolute Science which will work out the betterment of the whole world. We can prove it to the scientist that there is a Will of God which has done all this Creation. Even evolutionary process is the Will of God. Without His Will nothing could have happened.
So many people used to say that “not even a blade of grass moves without the Will of God”, which is a very true thing. And you have seen now that the Will of God we have got as our own power, we can use it, so how important it is to be a sahaja yogi! Perhaps we don’t realise how important it is to be a sahaja yogi. Sahaja Yoga is not only for saying “Mother, I am full of joy, I am enjoying myself. I got purified. Everything is fine“. But for what? Why did you get all these blessings? Why you have been cleansed? So that this knowledge of the Will of God should be apparent in you, not only that, should be a part and parcel of you.
So we have to raise our level, we have to come up. For mediocre and ordinary people it is really useless to give them Sahaja Yoga because they are good for nothing. They are not going to help us in any way because what is needed is now, today, that we should have people who can really manifest and reflect the Will of God. And for that, you can understand, we have to have very strong people because this Will has created the whole Universe, the Cosmos, this Mother Earth, everything is created by this Will of God. So now we are exposed to a new dimension and that dimension is that we are the ones who are channels of that Will of God. So then, what is our duty and what should we do about it?
As a result of Sahastrara being opened out, one thing [has happened]: the illusions have vanished, what you call [in] Sanskrit is bhranti. Illusions have vanished. You should have no illusion as to the existence of God Almighty, the Power of His Will and the truth about Sahaja Yoga. You should have no doubts at all! Minimum of minimum should be like that. But while using this Power you should be aware that this Power is given to you because you are capable of handling it. This is the Highest Power you could think of. Take any governor, take any minister, anyone, they can be removed tomorrow, they can become corrupt, they can become absolutely devoid of any knowledge of their own powers. There are many people who just get elected without knowing what they have to do.
So this is not just a conversion of people, it’s not only even transformation, but it is a new fashioning of a new human being which has come forward and which is capable of carrying the Will of God further.