331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: 12/01/2010 - 01/01/2011


Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Benin
Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, Colombia,Cote d'lvoire
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,Estonia,Finland
France,Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong kong, Hungary
Iceland, India, Iran, Ireland Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal,
Netherland, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Oman,
Peru, Phillippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia
Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia,
South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand
Trininad, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates,
United Kingdom, United States of America, Vanezuela

Friday, December 31, 2010

Sahajayoga - Principles and Practice

Sahajayoga is a very easy to follow, time tested, proven free meditation technique offered to mankind by Adishakti Mataji Niramala Devi. Mataji Nirmaladevi is taking care for peaceful coexistance of the human race on this plant through Sahajayoga.

With the Blessing of Mataji, kundalini of every seaker is awakened and he gets self realisation. It is the turning point in the life of many every day. With self- realisation you become an enlightened soul. You then follow only the righteous path of the life. Your attitude, outlook changes and you become an ideal person in the society.

Sahajayoga meditation everyday morning and evening has been proved useful in combating al types of physical and mental ailments. It has been a stress reliever for many. It has provided much desired confidence and peace of mind to thousands under the depressed conditions. It has helped patients of diabetes, asthma, and various other diseases to get rid of them. People have witnessed miraculous change in their health conditions, which was not possible even after a long process of medication.

On this first day of New Year let us pray Mataji Nirmaladevi to bestow upon us her Blesssings. To guide us on right tract, to make our heart full of love, affection, compassion,forgiveness.
Let this universe enjoy the peaceful coexistance of human race.

Jai Shri Mataji.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Chrismas and Sahajayoga

On various chrismas Poojas Mataji Nirmaladevi has enlightened us about the real meaning of religion, why the Lord Christ has taken birth, and how we need to make self awakening and stand by the qualities and wishes of Christ. We need to spread love, brotherhood within society.

Christ has rightly indicated by his birth that you even a common man is great person, he also is god within himself. He taught brotherhood, love, compassion, and wanted to make the mankind happy from within.

Mataji Nirmaladevi is also doing the same thing. Making awakening of mankind, spreading the light of divine power and love, teaching the quality of bearing the troubles for the benefits of society.Let this message get spread everywhere and this earth become a peaceful place to live with joy.

Jai Shri.Mataji.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Finding answers ?

All the life we are busy finding answers for so many things. Some of them we get while most crucial remains unanswered. People are just wandering everywhere in search of peace, tranquility, balance of mind. They read religious books, visits temples or mosques or churches or bows before some unknown so called Gurus. But they always feel empty, shy,nervous, always behind the search of love and happiness.

All your search will come to and. If you understand and follow the very simple meditation form as per guidance of Mataji Nirmaladevi, all your worries will disapper in time to come. It is very easy, simple, free thing to be done . It transforms the mankind from within. It can bring out total revolution in the personality. It can give freedom from any kind of addiction. It can relieve you from stress. Stressful events will become history of your life, and your future life will be full of peace and tranquility. There will be equanimity. All joy, Happiness, Feeling of Satisfaction. You will enjoy your life as if and stop feeling as a great burden, as you were thinking some days back.

Why are you then waiting ? Be first to know ,learn and practice Sahajayoga.
May Mataji Nirmaladevi Bless you All.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sahajayoga and health

Sahajayoga is of great help in achieving healthy life. People who have any kind of ailment or disease can be cured with the help of Sahajayoga. It is the technique wherein the internal cleansing of right and left chakras and nadis is done with the awakening of Kundalini in self. Balance of subtle sytem within us leads to elimination of health problems.

At Vashi, Navi Mumbai in India there is international sahajayoga medical treatment centre, where only with the guided principles of Mataji Nirmaladevi, with the use of forces of water, air, light and nature, all patients are cured. Number of foreigners who have given up their hopes of improvement have visited this centre and got themself free from those diseases and gone back with peace of mind and happiness.

for more details you can visit -http://www.sahajahealthcentre.com/index.html

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Meditate every day

In Sahajayoga Mataji Nirmaladevi has taught us as to how to meditate and why to meditate. It is the most important process. It is the cleanser. It cleans you from within. Internal cleaning.As detoxication of body is the cleaning process, meditation is also a cleaning process. If you want to make progress the first and most essential thing is that we must clean ourself everyday.

It helps to discharge all wrong feelings in our mind. It makes you simple and gentle person. You become as innocent as a loving child. That is required for the sahajayogis-as is made known by Mataji number of time.

If we are not clean from within it creates great trouble to our Mother- Mataji. It is our responsibility and duty to clear us every day by meditation in the morning and evening.

It is very easy to learn and follow. Do it regularly for your own personal benefit. It is the path or way to get happiness. get equanimity, get rid of any trouble, get satisfaction and joy.

So be happy with the blessings of Mataji Nirmaladevi.