Sahaja yoga is a meditation technique founded by Mataji Nirmaladevi and practiced in more than 120 countries of the world. It is followed by people who want self enlightenment in real sense,irrespective of their own religion. It is very easy to follow and free completely throught the life. Don't waste time. Open the doors to the completely facinating experience you would have ever had in life.
Jai Shri Mataji.
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Following are the answers given by Mataji Shri.Nirmaladevi on Sahajayoga and Religion at differnt lectures.
Is Sahaja Yoga a religion? If religion means belief, no. If religion means connection with Reality, the Self or the Divine, whatever your language, then yes. Sahaja Yoga is not an organized religion, but it unites the essence of all religions through direct perception of the subtle, divine reality. Sahaja Yoga is moving spirituality from the realm of dogma into the realm of individual experimentation. It is a practice, a direct experience which is felt on our central nervous system and requires no act of faith to substantiate it.
Anyone who has eyes can see that the sky is blue. Anyone who has their self realization, which is achievable effortlessly through Sahaja Yoga, can feel the cool breeze of the Kundalini (in the Vedic tradition) or Holy Spirit (in the Christian tradition) above their head. Self Realization is a happening that opens a new category of perception to better handle our daily life. Its actualization is at the core of the teachings of Sahaja Yoga. In a way we are given a new sense, connected with the cognitive potential of the limbic area of the brain. We all have a powerful radar up there, waiting to start functioning and improve our navigational skills.
No belief is required before or after this happening. History is alas filled with blind faith and contradictory theories, but the evolution of awareness has taken us to a point where, now, it is possible for those who so desire to know a deeper spiritual truth through direct perception. The conclusions we arrive at through our experience and meditation are our own. No one can take them away from us just as it would be futile for anyone to convince us that the sky is actually green. As Shri Mataji, the founder of Sahaja Yoga emphasizes: we become our own masters.
All major religions of the world were started on the basis of the enlightening teachings of higher masters. Over time, because self realization was not yet available to everyone, their truth was buried under concepts and rituals by the people "in charge". They became rich and powerful. The truth and real essence of the religions faded and became a belief. Sahaja Yoga can for the first time integrate and prove these timeless truths, on our central nervous system, through self realization. It is all, in a sense, scientific, practical and part of a higher plan which has unfolded throughout history to reach its climax in these modern times. It is the next step in the evolution of our awareness.
We may say all this is driven by a mysterious force that we could call Divine love. This step of self improvement is within our collective reach and this is not a business or a money making proposition. We need only have the desire to receive it, and then use it for our benefit and the benefit of the human race.
Does Sahaja Yoga accept other religions?
The word RELIGION comes from a latin word ("religare") which means "to unite". The essence of all major religions of the world is the same: truth. The purpose is the same: to lead a better life, united with the power which created us. The religions were all based on the teachings of Divine incarnations who came on this earth, at different times and places, to guide humanity towards its collective emancipation.Through the process of Self Realization achieved in Sahaja Yoga, the truth of these religions becomes apparent: it is not not revealed through compliance to dogmas. It manifests through the liberation of our potential for a higher state of well being. We thus come to truly grasp and accept the essence of these great teachings, not on a mental basis, not by trying to reconcile the differences and ritualism which was added to them over the ages by the people in charge, but through our own experience.
“Yesterday, I met a lady, and she told me that she was seeking God. I said, “What do you think of God, what are you seeking?” When we say we are seeking, do we know what are we supposed to seek, and do we understand how we are going to feel our seeking complete, that we have reached the destination? As last time, I told you that seeking has to be genuine, from a genuine heart, and that you cannot purchase, or you cannot put in effort about it. But today I would like to tell you what are we seeking.
Let us see how the seeking comes within us, from where? As shown here, there is a center called as Nabhi chakra, which is here in the center (can you show, any one of you), Nabhi chakra, which is placed in our spinal chord, and manifests the solar plexus which is placed mid-way under your navel. This is the center that creates the seeking within us. Seeking is only possible when something is living. For example, what is the seeking of this chair? It cannot think, it cannot move, you can put it here or you can put it on the street. You can smash it and throw it away, again use that wood for some other purpose or make a stool out of it. It has no seeking of any kind. Only when a thing becomes a living being like a amoeba you can take a uni-cellular egg. It starts manifesting seeking because it is supposed to seek. Not the dead. So those who say we are not seeking are as good as dead. Those who say we are seeking are living and also kicking.
The little bit if you understand that a desire is created within a little animal, called as amoeba, by giving him hunger. Just think of it. It has no brain. It has a just a small nucleus but it can feel it is hungry. It has to eat something to grow. It also knows it has to reproduce and then it starts seeking. It also knows how to take the food in, but it does not know how it digests. That part is not his job. Even for us just the same. So the seeking starts in a little amoeba and the whole evolution is based on that seeking, gradually improving and improving the ways and means of seeking, while the desire is that of food only, alone. There is also another desire or, you can say, an emotion, in the smallest of amoeba is a sense of preservation. It knows the dangers that can finish his existence. When this little amoeba becomes a human being, in thousands and thousands of years, then the seeking is changed. In the beginning it starts, of course the food seeking is still there, that’s the basis, you must have food to begin with. Of course the methods are improved, changed, evolved for the seeking of food, but there is also a great understanding of how to preserve yourself and your clan. The clubbing starts from a very early age, even ants understand that. So they understand that we all have to club together, unite together, integrate together, if we have to protect ourselves. And this seeking of wholesomeness also develops gradually in the human beings and the expressions of that is, you can see, all our efforts to preserve ourselves and to be clubbed together. These efforts are expressed in our political and in our economic enterprises.
Now in the human being a new seeking starts: is to have power over others. Animals do not seek power, they have. For example a tiger is much more powerful than, say, a poor rabbit. He is born like that. And a rabbit does not want to become a tiger. He does not try like every Dick, Tom and Harry would like to become a prime minister. But a rabbit would not try to be a tiger, he understands “I am a rabbit and I must develop my means of defenses and my means of offenses by which I exist.” In the same way the tiger acts, he is aware of his powers and also he is aware of his limitations. And some of the animals also have a power of leadership in them. They become leaders. You must have seen some birds that they have a leader, one leader going and wherever that leader changes the direction, all of them change as if they are like the tail of that leader. In the same way, the same way that goes that bird goes, the leader goes all of them follow.
So this also is expressed in human being in a very big way that there are some born leaders who lead a group of people to some destination in which they fulfill the seeking of that group. Now the seeking of the groups could be money, mostly it is. Now money animals don’t understand, this is the creation of human beings only. So for them money becomes very important because it is their own creation. We had barter systems, but then we thought it is better to have some sort of a medium which will convert one good into another, so we start the money. So the focus of man’s attention from food goes to power and from power to money. Sometimes if somebody has lots of money, then he wants to have power. It’s but natural. There is nothing wrong in it, as such. Fundamentally, it is a thing which is natural for human beings to run after money and then run after power or vice versa.
But beyond that starts another seeking, is the seeking of knowing why are we here? What are we doing here? What is the purpose of our life? Why God has created us? To what purpose, to what end or it is just a joke going around? Are we just foolishly being born, getting married, having children and dying like amoeba? Or have we any other purpose? Many human beings do not go beyond money or health, they want good health. I mean animals don’t take any exercises as far as I know. But human beings can go to any extent to preserve their health, but for what? I mean, you may be a wrestler, for what? Just to fight each other? You might be the healthiest person living on this earth, but for what? You are just a waste. What is your use? You may be the wealthiest man going in the best cars and the whatever you may call it, all the so-called luxuries of life and material well-being, but for what? When such a question comes into our mind the new kind of seeking starts, which asks the question, why are you here? Are you here just to run in this rat race morning till evening, earning money and earning power and doing all useless activities, pleasing others to show off your money or to extract some money from others? Is that the aim of your life?”
HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
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Mataji Nirmaladevi was often asked so many
questions by disciples, followers, visitors, guests relating various problems
of life. Find below some of the
important questions and answers with Mataji.
Question - Joy – Could you explain the difference between joy and
Answer - Oh, very simple,
you know. Joy does not have a double thing like happiness and unhappiness. Joy
is singular, absolute. It is absolute. It is thoughtless. It is fulfilment.
Happiness is always shadowed by unhappiness. It is the double-coined stuff,
double faces of a coin. Happiness will be followed by unhappiness, unhappiness
by happiness. It is a relative terminology. But joy is absolute – absolute. It
is beyond thought. It is bliss.
more like contentment?
Contentment can be relative still. But joy is that entire in one. Joy is
where you do not ask anything anymore. You are just there. It just emits. You
do not want anything. It just goes overflowing. It has nothing to do with your
rationality, cannot be perceived through your rationality. It is beyond. You
just feel it.
Question -Awakening
– What is achieved once this awakening happens? I mean, why are we better for
Answer - We
are like a light.
Now when you are enlightened, what happens to you? You see the light.
In the light, you see yourself. All confusion is finished. You know the truth
and you feel so blissful and happy because you know everything. There is no
chaos, nothing. You are so relaxed and the power starts flowing through you all
the time. It is never lost and you see in that light whatever is good and
whatever is bad. And you understand everything so well.
And when you become the light, what do you do? It is to give the
light to others so that they should be enlightened also. But this dead light
cannot give light to others in such a way as that light can give to others. But
you can. Once you are realised, you can make others enlightened.
The whole confusion of disintegration, quarrels
and political problems and these economic problems and religion, everything
will subside absolutely when you are enlightened
Please enjoy the following extract of a talk given by Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga, in London on the 22nd October 1979 on the problems of ego.
“Those who have come for the first time should sit in front, is better, you see I can look after you better. Alright? Just put your hands like this (palm upwards).
Today, I was thinking of telling you about the ego problem, because I think everybody feels that that’s the biggest problem they all have, and there’s a big ego trip one gets into, and they don’t know what to do with it. So first part I will tell you how the ego rises and what it does to us; the second how to understand it, how to tackle the position of ego and put it in it’s own aspect.
As you see in the map here, the yellow stuff that you see on top is the ego, the balloon that is yellow is the ego. You see down below it starts from the Swadisthana. This is the color of the bile within us, and this Swadisthana chakra which is, for our creativity, is directly connected to that ego there, and when it starts rotating… round the Void and going to the various parts of the Void… it collects all the problems of the Void. Void is that green circle within us where physically we have, in the Void, we have uterus, we have kidney, it’s a complete viscera. All the intestines, ascending, transverse, descending colon, liver, is the upper part of liver more, then also pancreas and the spleen. So all the problems of these organs are collected by this chakra, which moves, it comes out of the Nabhi chakra, and moves round and round and round, and collects all the problems. It nourishes, gives power, the vital power to these organs, and also it generates necessary power for our creative action. It also collects the fat cells of the Void, converts it into the proper cells for the brain for its use, for the grey matter.
All this work it has to do, one chakra. It manifests Aortic plexus outside. On the physical level, we call it as Aortic plexus, and it has got six sub-plexuses, which look after all these organs. This is meant for our action, when we go into action this chakra starts working. By the first power, which is on the left hand side, we desire. But by the second one, we go into action and it’s called as kriya shakti. Now when this action, starts within us, it produces the byproducts, or we can say, all the problems of these organs, which are to be deposited somewhere and they are all deposited in the brain as ego.
All the problems that we have out of these, this creativity and the action of all these organs are to be counterbalanced and as a counterbalance the ego develops. For example now I have to come and meet you all here, I had to get out of the house, I had to change, I had to drive, whatever it is, then I came, I had to put in effort. I had to plan out how I’m going to talk to you, that I don’t do normally, but I’m saying generally people do it. And I put in the effort to come in. Now how am I to justify this, all this effort? What is the satisfaction, that one gets, out of doing this effort, this kriya, this action? We go on doing some action and why should we do it? After all action means, any activity means, exertion, botheration, problems, so best is to sit at home and do nothing of the kind. But we do not do that, we take up challenges, we rush up to it. All this we do with our kriya shakti, with our right action. Because we do action we have to have a satisfaction about it. As a reaction to that, ego develops. If we do not have the ego, we would not do anything, is a fact. But ego is the one that rationalizes all our madness, the rat race we are running into. If we did not have the ego we would not go into this… nonsense. The more we try to rationalize our activities the more ego develops to satisfy “Alright very good, very good now you are a successful man, see? You’re a very successful man, you have got this, you have got that.”
Lots of misunderstandings creep in when we pamper our ego like this or, I should say, that when we are satisfied with our ego, that we really get lost. We get identified with our ego and not with our Selves. So if you do some work very well, supposing you have, say, made a beautiful poetry, or say not piece of poetry but say you have made a very good painting, then you would like people to appreciate. If they do not appreciate you, you think you have done nothing, though you have done a beautiful canvas. But still you will be so dissatisfied with yourself, unless and until people appreciate you. They must garland you, they must say “Oh, you are great, you are really unique, you are a genius.” You know many artist, who created great art, got trapped into this kind of a misidentification. When they created some great art, the art could not give them satisfaction, they had to go to ego, and Mr. Ego would not be satisfied unless and until everybody says “Yes yes you are very good you have done this, you are a genius you are this you are that.” That’s how the ego develops then, within us. But a situation can arise where, even when we have done nothing, we want to take the credit. Then we call such a person egoistical who says “I will do this, I have done this, I I I I,” then we call him an egoistical person, because he gives words to his ego that’s why we call him egoistical, but all of us have got this Mr. Ego there, sitting on our heads.
When it starts bloating, the more successful you are the worse it is. The more you indulge into planning and thinking, the worse it is. The balloon goes on you see, pumped, as if you are pumping a balloon you see. The more you pump the more it becomes and you can never realize that you are… not that Ego. Then you start feeling very nice about it, because everybody says "Oh, what a great man he is". The whole society develops on those lines.”
HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
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Foot Soaking for Internal Cleansing.
The people practising sahaja yoga may be aware of a technique used for internal cleansing called as “Foot Soaking”. If one can do it every day before sleep well and good, but at least once in a week we should find time for foot soaking. It is not big hour of your busy schedule, but few minutes before you go to sleep. That is practicable.
Sri Mataji Nirmaladevi and many very old sahajayogi often advise to resort to foot soaking. In this method we use the water and salt as medium to cleanse self internally. External cleaning us often do, even number of times in a day. But what about internal cleaning??? It remains to be done.
In this technique you have to sit in front of the photo of Shri Mataji Nirmaladevi. Also keep with you a small bucket or tub with lukewarm water and raw salt or salt. You have to mix the salt in the water. Light a candle in front of Mataji’s photo and sit for foot soaking. Keep your both feets in the salted water so that your ankles are in water. Seat in the position, as we normally seat for meditation with both hands open and in front of mataji. Few minutes seating would do the work of cleansing. Then you have to wash the feets with clean water, rub it and make it dry with piece of cloth or towel. Then throw out that water in latrine and wash the pot used for cleansing by clean water.
Those people who live near the sea shore gets naturally foot soaking when they stand in the salty water of the sea for few minutes. Thats a great benefit they have. But for others we have to use salted water at our home.
It is believed that foot soaking relieves you and chakras or energy centres in your body with external obstacles.
Please enjoy the following Sahaja Yoga meditation talk in which Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi talks about the Agnya chakra and it’s relationship to the eyes.
“These eyes have to be very, very pure, very, very deep and very loving when you want to have your Agnya all right. Because you receive through you eyes. Say if you have closed your eyes you do not put your attention to anything because your eyes are closed. You are not adding more thoughts to yourself. But if your eyes are open you are adding much more thoughts because everywhere the eyes go the attention goes and you see things and create thoughts and put in them. So your attention which has to go to the Spirit, which has to go to God, which has to shine through the window of Divine. This beautiful thing is ruined by the way we use our eyes and we do not respect it. There’s nothing so pure and beautiful as the grass on the ground or the ground itself, which takes our feet, which supports us, which looks after us, enriches us. We should put our eyes on the Mother Earth instead of looking at every person.
But from Sahaja Yoga point of view now many of you know what happens to your eyes when you look at somebody. Maybe a entity might enter your eyes. And it is, you’ll be amazed that it is the play of the entity what we call this so-called flirting is. I’ve talked about it before also and people didn’t like it when I told them about it. But I have seen actual entities entering from eyes to eyes. I have seen very simple people who come down to such places, say in a party. In a party people are just exchanging entities from one eye to another. Once it goes to another person he puts his entity into another person. And that third goes into another person. All the time your attention is diverted. And you feel it is attracted towards something, you do not know why it is attracted. Now the certain symbols are also made like that. To add up to the problems, you see all the society is working at it. That you should appear in such a way that every man should look at you. Every woman should look at you. Why? What is the use? Supposing I look at you what do I get? What do I get by looking at a person? What is the advantage just looking at a person? We are wasting such a lot of energy for what?
In the same way if you are walking on the roads, we are seeing some beautiful things all right. If you have to buy something, all right go ahead, see those things, whatever you have to select is all right. But all the time just because your eyes are such, you are just doing it and you do not know the reason why you are doing like this, all the time why your eyes are wobbling. And that is a sure and certain sign for a person to become mad. Absolutely, that’s a sure and certain sign is, when a person is mad how do you make it out that a person is lunatic. If you see his eyes the iris in the eyes are all the time wobbling. They cannot keep it steady. Or they are sick they’re also, you can see, that these eyes are all the time wobbling. There is no steadiness. Not only this but you have seen those people who have come in the Sahaja Yoga when they close their eyes they find their eyes are flickering. Their eyelids are flickering. That means there is some sort of a disturbance in the Kundalini rising. Whole tension if you call it as hundred then at least eighty percent of it comes through our eyes. Then how important it is to protect our eyes from all kind of useless activities we are doing.
Christ – Christ’s life shows so many aspects of how to respect others. But one of them which has been very much misused throughout is that of the prostitute. He saved the prostitute, He saved her no doubt. But you spoil these prostitutes. A good woman you make her into prostitutes. You give her ideas by which she becomes a prostitute. A good housewife is turned into a prostitute by an egotistical man. Young small girls who are virgins are being destroyed by your dirty glances. Do you realize this? That you are doing just the opposite what Christ had done? And you say that He saved, Christ, so even if we are prostitutes He’ll save us. But why be prostitutes? This is such a stupid style of thinking. That we should become prostitutes so that Christ will save us.
One has to think about all these things in the proper light of Sahaja Yoga. Unless and until you are realized my talk is just useless for you. But once you are realized you will know that if you glance at someone you might suddenly get a headache at the back. You might feel a dart has gone into your head or something has happened. You might feel that you’re blinding with somebody’s face and you will get all kinds of experiences by which you will know how important are your eyes. All your nervousness and everything can be cured if you have pure eyes. But it is such a vicious circle that through your eyes you gather all the bad and is accumulated in the Agnya and you have to clear the Agnya to make the eyes clear. It’s a vicious circle. But it can start at a point as I said, we have to ask for forgiveness. Secondly we have to bring Christ in our Agnya Chakra. Thirdly we have to give up all drugs and all intoxicants and all smoking.
That happens automatically when you are a Sahaja Yogi, it will work out. But eyes express the whole of your being, your brain, your body, your limbs everything. And if your Agnya is all right then you eyes are perfectly all right. They emit nothing but love wherever they glance. Only with a glance of your eyes you can raise the Kundalini. Only with the glance of your eyes you can cure people. Only with your glance you can bring joy into the destroyed and the ruined people. So these eyes which you see are the windows of your being, of your heart. When the Spirit is expressed through your eyes, you must have noticed yourself, that when the kundalini rises then the eyes become dilated. And a realized soul has got black eyes because they have these eyes are dilated. At least when I see them they are all dilated black eyes. Apart from that a realized soul can be made out by his eyes which are sparkling. There’s a sparkle like diamonds. They sparkle all the time and you can make out from the eyes that this person is a realized soul. There’s a tremendous difference between a non-realized soul’s eyes and a realized soul’s eyes. So you can imagine how your Spirit sees through your eyes. But if the eyes are not pure it doesn’t stay there long. So if we have to understand Christ physically we have to respect our eyes. Mentally we have to give up all that is impure in our mind.”
HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
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Please enjoy the following Sahaja Yoga meditation talk about the importance of Jesus Christ in relation to the Agnya chakra.
“Remember him morning, evening, every time. Remembering Christ brings down your ego very much. He did everything that was possible that you should not develop your ego. Everything that was possible. He was born as an ordinary carpenter’s son. Lived in the most ordinary conditions. Kept himself behind the whole scene. He could have been born as Roman Emperor. He could have been anybody there. But no, he was born himself. You know that he took his birth in a place where even ordinary people do not take their births. But, there also the light was there. Wherever he was born there was light and joy. And this is the thing we have to know, that we have lost the joy because we have forgotten God Almighty. When we forget Him, that He is love and He is joy, naturally joy is also forgotten. And then we see people are not at all happy. They have affluence, they have money, they have everything, but still they are not happy. All the time they are in such a mess that you don’t know how to talk to them. If you say this word they’ll be angry. If you say that word they’ll be angry. They are not at all normal human beings. They are sick people. Sick with their ego. It’s a very simple thing is to ask for forgiveness. How many times do we do that? Not even once a day, not even once a month, not even once a year. Even on a Christmas day if we could say, “Forgive us Oh Lord for whatever we have done so far.” It will work out. But that day we must champagne to forgive Him more. So we must have gossips and we must have all the arrogant things by the time it is the end of Christmas.
This ego, yellow side one, is the one that presses your superego too much. It does. It presses it so much sometimes that a person forgets that others are hurt by what they talk. On the contrary they devise methods how to say things which are cutting, which are hurting, which are painful to others. They say such things, I mean all the time if you see. A person say from a village if he comes and sees he’ll think, are they quarrelling, what are they doing? I mean the whole discussion, even in the parliament I was surprised the way they talked to each other, no bull will treat another bull that way, see. Even a dog normally does not bark at another dog. No animal in the world all the time is barking at its fellow man. No animal in the whole world I can tell you this much. Only the human beings if two people are there all the time they are going, ha ha ha ha all the time that way. How is it possible? His ego and her ego or maybe both his ego are dashing at each other. There is a kind of a funny type of feeling that oh I have mastered the thing, I have got the thing, I have got the point. I have proved the point. But in that I have lost everything that was so beautiful and so much joy giving within me. Actually a sensible person would recede from the place where two people are having an argument.
Argument is a sign of tomfoolery. I haven’t seen any argument coming to any end whatsoever. If it is then it is all right. But it never does come. Because, if say, you ask me questions I answer you, all right. If you do not like the answer give it up. But if you argue with me still and I argue with you where will you end? Argument is not going to lead you to any knowledge but a very terrible ego developing into you. The whole modern concept is ego oriented. All western countries are ego orientated. They want to develop your ego and pamper it. There are so many other ways by which they do. Why I’m talking more about it because we are all supposed to be western people and affluent people you see. Supposed to be very wise and leading or misleading, I don’t know, the developing countries. So we have to understand ourselves where are we as far as our understanding of things are concerned.
How ego is pampered within us is by a large-scale method. They work on your ego throughout to have all these so-called enterprises. For example to a woman they’ll say, “Oh you must have a waist like this and you must have a face like this and you must have…,” for a man, “You must this kind of a body. You should be Mr. Universe or you should be something,” so the man starts working on it immediately. You must, there so many people I have seen running on the roads in this cold, I don’t understand. Like mad you know and some of them are Member of Parliament. The whole night they keep awake and the whole day they are running about. I say what are you doing? What is the need to do this? To keep good health you must do it. To keep good health don’t work like mad, be a sensible and a wise person. Wisdom is to be sought to keep good health, to be all right and not this kind of mad ego orientated things. So then the one way is to excite your ego about your physique. Then there is ego about, you must have a big car. You see people try to show off their possessions. You have a big car, then they’re going about. I mean they really look to me like jokers, that’s all they are. I mean car I can understand is a convenience and a good quality car if somebody can afford it should have it because it is a headache to have a bad car. So it’s all right. But by having a car you become something great. You may not have food in the house but you must have a very good car to go about. And all these ideas come. Then they will advertise, you see, this will be a very good car for you. What is it for you? It is nothing but to pamper your ego. All these advertisements are nothing but by which your ego is pampered.
All these things they’re treated. Now in America if you go every handle has to be different. Everything has to be different. Why so much difference in everything? Why do you want to have everything so different? Is it some aesthetics, you think in that? It is none of the aesthetics but is just to pamper your ego. Even the so-called art connoisseurs are nothing but ego pamperers. Your stamp collections this, that, all this is nothing but ego pampering. And what a waste of time, you just think about it. This ego thing comes into us because we are first of all, as I said, that in the West the living was very difficult. They had to fight the nature. And when you have to fight the nature you have to develop your ego to fight it. Or actually when you are fighting the nature the ego develops within you. And then once that momentum has started in you it is very difficult to bring it down. It is such a terrible disease that people have taken it for granted that that’s a part of their lives. You are not your ego. You are not. When I say that you must surrender yourself to God they think Mother why should we surrender? Yourself means that ego with which you are identified. I don’t say that you surrender your wisdom. Or I can say surrender your ego to your wisdom. But it is so difficult to give it up because we have learned to live with it, identified with it. We just cannot think of life without our ego, we just cannot. And it has gone to such an extent that we don’t even realize how far we have gone in cruelty. Like, “I like this kind, I like that kind.” You go to somebody’s house and you say like this. Is indecent to talk like that. It is vulgar to express, “I like.” Who are you? Are you God? “I want this. I want that. I am very particular about this. I’m very…” – who are you? Just ask yourself a question, “Who am I? I’m the Spirit. I’m that eternal being. Have I become that?” On the contrary we are hurting everybody’s Spirit by our ego. Every moment when we talk to others we are hurting them. Actually people have lost faith in God, because those who are in charge of God are so arrogant and so egoistical that it has become impossible for anybody to think of God, which is beyond your ego. You’ll be surprised, ego is absolutely superficial like a bubble. It is just like a balloon, which can burst just like that. And it should go. It should go so that you should rise. It should disappear so that your attention rises in your Spirit. And that you see the whole world as a part of that Spirit that you are.”
HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
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Shri Mataji Nirmaladevi, founder of the sahaja yoga, a
divine spirit who has taken birth for peace of humanity and spreading the love
in the world was recognised and awarded by various institutions and governments
in the world.
Since foundation Mataji Nirmaladevi had done extensive
touring for spreading of sahaja yoga, a meditation technique for complete
development of human beings.She did it
all on her own, without expecting anything in return.She is real mother of the universe; she only
desires upliftment of her children from all countries. The development of
children gives so much joy to the mother and it is true about Mataji
Nirmaladevi too.
Following is the list of awards and recognition received by
Mataji Nirmaladevi.
1. Italian Government declared her as the “Personality of
the Year” in 1986.
2.In 1989 following meeting with Shri Mataji by the USSR
Health Minister, Sahaja Yoga was granted full sponsorship, including funding
for scientific research.Russians have
made great inroads in self-development with sahaja yoga.
3.During the period 1990-1994 Sri Mataji Nirmaladevi was
invited by United Nations for four consecutive years to speak about the ways
and means to achieve world peace.
4. In 1993 Shri Mataji was appointed as Honorary Member of
the Petrovskaya Academy of Arts and Science, St. Petersburg, Russia. In the
history of the academy only twelve people have been granted this honour.Shri Mataji inaugurated the first
International Conference on Medicines and Self Knowledge, which became an
annual event at the academy thereafter.
5. In 1994 September 26, proclaimed as “Shri Mataji Nirmala
Devi Day” at New York.
6. In 1995 Mataji Nirmala Devi was awarded Honorary
Doctorate in Cognitive Science by Prof. D.Drimer, head of Ecological University,
Bucharest, Romania.
7. In 1995 Mataji Nirmala Devi was the Official Guest of
Chinese Government to speak at the United Nations International Women’s
8. In 1996 at Pune in India on the occasion of 700th
anniversary of Saint Gyaneshwara, Shri Mataji addressed the “World Philosophers
Meet 1996”.She spoke on Parliament of
Science, Religion and Philosophy and was awarded for the spiritual movement,
sahaja yoga.
9. In 1997 in London at the Royal Albert Hall, Mr. Claes
Nobel, grandnephew of Alfred Nobel, chairman of United Earth honoured the life
and work of Shri Mataji in a public speech. You can watch the video in this post at the beginning.
Shri Mataji Nirmaladevi saves the lives of her devotees.
All her followers are her children. As the Loving Mother takes care of children in every respect, similarly the mother of this universe, Mataji Nirmaladevi also takes care of her children- all her followers every day.
I would just like to publish a miraculous escape I had in the accident today morning. As a routine I was coming home on my two wheeler after living my daughter to her route to office. After passing some distance I was suddenly knocked backside and my scooter jumped. I surprised , what happened. I looked back and could see the car dashing my vehicle. Fortunately the road was not very crowdy, and with the grace and support of Mataji I escaped unhurt. Neither me nor my vehicle was damaged.
This is because Sri Mataji Nirmaladevi has saved me today.
She had done it earlier also on many occasions. It has become a practice for me, whenever I leave the home and go out, I pray Mataji and request her to be present with me throught out my journey. I also pray her to bring me home safely. Sri Mataji really responds to your call.
I am extremely grateful to the holy Mother, Mataji Nirmaladevi for saving me today. With the blessings of Sri Mataji you are surrounded by a sort of safety net, which cannot be broken by any external forces, including the devils.
I one again own my life to Sri. Mataji Nirmaladevi. This is new year gift of Sri . Mataji. To me.