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Thursday, May 26, 2022


In Sahaja yoga we can judge anything and everything with the help of vibrations. Vibrations is the important tool of sahaja yogis to make any judgement. It is the divine gift my mataji Nirmaladevi. Vibrations speaks the truth, it only indicates the reality, it can be fully believed. Never go by good appearance or sweet tongue,but judge by the vibrations the persons around you, the statements they make, the situation around you.
No one can deceive you, cheat you, when you use the tool of vibrations.


But we can say one thing, that, at least from my experience, I feel that in the beginning, whatever starts in a small way, in a struggling way, really is embedding itself nicely, into the Mother Earth. And is a very good sign. Because that’s the way, it always works out better. Whatever is frivolous, or whatever is cheapish, or which spreads out without much difficulties, is of no use. It’s like grass. Anybody can take it away. So the embedment and all that, has to go inside. As you are shaking it nicely to go inside. And that’s what it is. Where, you should be very happy, that it is working out that way.
So the, beginning of Sahaja Yoga, may look to be little shaky. May look to be little feeble. But it is not. It is getting stronger and stronger. And it is getting embedded into the Mother Earth. And, that is what, is the test of you being the real seekers. You being the people who want truth. Who do not want a big show, big, sort of a, community sitting there, all going mad with some sort of a shouting, screaming and nonsense.
As it is you know, Sahaja Yoga, is a living process. And, it goes both, grows both, both ways. Upwards and downwards. In the beginning it grows more downwards, and in the downwards process, we have to depend, on our vibrations very much. We must all the time remember, that, we are realized souls. That we have got vibrations. This is the way we have to judge. This is the way we have to understand. The vibration is the only way, that we’ll know others. Not by something, ... that the person looks very sweet and nice and, may a snake come out of that person. So best is, to judge a person, through vibrations. Judge everything through vibrations. Not through your own understanding, or superficial methods of judging others. Now, there are also so many conditionings we have got, by which we judge others. And these conditionings, can also, bias our judgment. So best way is to see the vibrations. Through vibrations, you will have the real knowledge about what is happening.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
16 May 1987

Thursday, May 19, 2022

How to cure Insomnia

How to cure Insomnia 

Practicing Sahaja yoga helps to cure many diseases.  Insomnia is one catching the life of many young and old , making their life more miserable.  Insomnia is serious disease and if not controlled or corrected has larger problems associated with it.

Mataji Nirmaladevi has ansered many questions related to Insomnia. Insomnia is curable in sahaja yoga. How is it possible, the reading below would help you to understand it -

Question "What is the cause of Insomnia, and how can it be eradicated.

Answer by Shree Mataji: The question is about Insomnia, and what are the deities involved.

Mantra: Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu, Nidra Rupen Samstitha, Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha

She is the One Who gives you sleep. Is the left side. Mahakali is the One Who gives you sleep. To get to Her you must raise the Mahakali Tattwa.

So all those who have this insomnia business, should raise the left side and put it to the right. Try about 108 times first of all.

Then you have to do some deep breathing. With deep breathing you go to the left side more. With deep breathing you relax. Then put your attention to the Sahastrara, and sleep off.

But insomnia is absolutely curable in Sahaja yoga, if you know how to put left to the right. After that you should also clear out your Agya Chakra.

With your Agya finger, turn the chakra round and round; or ask any yogi to put his finger on your Agya. But it might happen that he will get your insomnia! So the best thing is you use My Photograph and try to turn your Agya Chakra like this.

Also you can put vibrated kumkum, which will make you sleepy. And try to sleep in complete darkness, without any streak of light coming into the room.

Because as long as Surya(Sun) is , your Agya takes over, and when the surya is there the light makes you feel very active, over active sometimes, and you cannot sleep. And this insomnia is absolutely curable, and you dont take any medicines or anything for them.

Another thing, taking tea like this in the night, you might get insomnia. Not Me. But you might get. But normally never take any tea or coffee after 6 o’clock. Never! Make it a point. I also try to do that because, just to give you a lesson, but I have no problem of sleeping. But you should not take any tea or coffee after 6 o’clock. Say about 5 o’clock, afterwards you should not take. You will see that you will sleep very well.

On the contrary, in the West, people always take coffee after dinner. And then they take pill to sleep.

You must take milk. And milk covered with a little butter and sleep with that hot milk, is a very good way of sleeping. If you do not get sleep milk is better."

reference - https://www.discoversahajayoga.org/single-post/how-to-deal-with-insomnia

Friday, May 13, 2022

Cure Liver with Sahajayoga


Now liver trouble is another thing that you do not feel yourself, others know that you are liverish the way you are hot tempered, the way you are fussy, the way you always snarl at people and the way you are never satisfied with anything, the way you criticize others, all this is liverish and such liverish people are never happy with themselves because liver looks after your attention and those who have liver problems, their attention is horrid, that goes like this, you see, you cannot keep your attention straight. On the street you’ll walk straight into a car because you are looking at something which you are not supposed to look. But all the time you are looking at like this, you cannot walk, I mean you won’t find any animal like that who walks like this, but only human beings do it. If you see them on the street you’ll be amazed. Where are they walking? They don’t walk straight, they don’t look straight, but their eyes are going this way, that way, because the attention is wobbly, the attention is wobbly because of a bad liver.
So this liver is a very, very important thing. Now, this liver has a special capacity to extract all the poisons from the body as heat, and the heat in the body is to be transformed or should be conveyed to the blood, or the water in the blood, and that has to be taken out of your body maybe as perspiration or in another form. But what happens that when this liver is out of gear it cannot do it, it cannot pass this heat into the blood stream and the heat remains in the body and you really become heated and that heat makes all these problems for you.
So in Sahaja Yoga what happens that when Kundalini rises, She changes the form of the blood. The hydrogen and oxygen which are placed because of this heat and all that in a very funny way, like this, get like that, [Shri Mataji indicates up, then down] and they start receiving this heat within them.
That’s why those people who have bad livers feel little heat when the Kundalini rises. But one can cure it by giving it that peace and comfort to that liver organ, and you can definitely cure your liver, no doubt about it.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
May 14, 1982

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Stress Free Life with Sahaja Yoga

Today on Sahasrara day Mataji Nirmaladevi opened the shasrara and paved the path of love, wisdom, harmony and stress free life of lakhs of people all over the world. 

Stress is becoming more common in society and in our personal life too.  Everybody experiences it at some point of time in the life.  The reasons for stress can be manifold, depending upon the person concerned, his family and social background, his career and so many such other things of life.

Whether one likes or not, has to undergo stress, face stress, overcome stress.  Can stress be removed from our life. It is impossible.  Then the alternative available with us is to face it calmly, overcome it, not allow it to disturb our peace of mind.  How can we do it.  Sahajayoga is a tool which helps us to face the stress without allowing it to cause us personal harm.  

How Sahaja Yoga can helps reduce stress

Sahaja Yoga meditation is a unique solution to many problems we face in life. Sahaja Yoga is different than other yogas because this begins with self realization instead of this being the unobtainable dream of a distant goal. Self realization also known as - "Knowing thy self" can be explained as follows - better understanding of our inner personality and establishment of harmony with the external demands. This can be easily learned and mastered by regular meditation and knowing the foundation of our being which is present as The Subtle System within all of us. 

1. The sense of inner peace acquired during sahajayoga meditation helps to boost our emotional balance, and helps us to face stress present and even coming in future over a period of time.
2. Daily practise of sahaja yoga meditation helps us revitalise energy, have optimistic attitude in life with peace and calm in mind and body.  
3. It helps us to monitor our thoughts, deeds.  It helps us to observe our own actions in right perspective, while we are well guided by the intutions and self introspection. 
4. Sahajyoga has great positive effect on our personality.  It definitely improves our skills, creativity resulting into right decisions leading to increased productivity and performance with self satisfaction. 
5. With practise of sahajayoga we do not grumble about the stressors of life, difficulties we face, but rather face with the help of divine power, increased personal esteem and right attitude.  

reference - Article by Chandrima Sarkar, PhD, Engineering manager, Machine Learning at Splunk on Linkedin.