331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: 09/01/2022 - 10/01/2022


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Friday, September 30, 2022

Sthita Pargnya - Sahajayogi is not bothered about anything in life


So the person who is a Sthita Pragnya or the person who is Sahaja is not bothered about what is facing him, who is facing whom, where he is. He stays within himself. He contains within himself. Like the sun. If the sun plays with his different rays, he is not lost. All the rays again return to him. In the same way, all the senses that we have, all the senses that are there do play around, but for a person who is in a Sahaja state it doesn’t matter, it makes no difference. He’s not involved. He just plays around. Again, all of them come back to him. This is a state you all have to achieve. Then you are really Sahaja Yogis. But I still find people lost, getting money out of Sahaja Yoga, some people lost getting out of leaderships, some are lost in getting jealousies and envies and all that.
So that means a lot of work has to be done, still, within. There is no need to work as such if you leave everything. That’s why I always say meditate, because when you meditate, what happens, that all these things that are pulling you down are finished.
Gradually they disappear because you become yourself. You get contained by yourself and you are never bored. I am never bored. I don’t know what boring word means. When it is with you or alone, I never get bored. What is there to get bored? If you are not involved into anything you never get bored.
Another thing is you rise above all these things, like greed. Now people who are greedy are still involved making money here, making money there, all that thing. Those people who are still full of lust are still making, organizing, some things like that. But in a Sahaja Stithi you just watch. You are just a witness. You are not lost into anything that is pulling you down.
This state is not difficult to achieve for you, at all, because you have crossed over your mind. Now all these things come to you through your mind. I’ve already said that mind is a myth, which you must accept. Myth is that this mind gives you ideas. "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Portugal . 10-11-1996.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

The Faith is the strength of Sahaja Yoga


The faith is the strength of Sahaja Yoga.”

The understanding of Sahaja Yoga is not mental. ..You cannot understand it through brains. If you try to understand it through brains, you get away from it. Because you cannot explain how it works out. It’s a miraculous thing. It’s a mystery. It’s a mystery. God is a mystery for man, will remain a mystery to a point, but he can become His power. He can become an instrument of His power.
So you cannot comprehend the complete thing through your brains. You cannot even comprehend a little bit through your brains. Only thing is when you see it happening, you see it working out, the effects of that experience which are put on your brain, that gives you faith.
How do you have faith in a man? Say there is a man who is very astute, straightforward. You give him ten pounds. He spends nine pounds three pence, returns the rest to you. Then you give some more money. Again he does the same way; he returns all the money that is due. By mistake he forgets, he again comes and says, “This is it.” So you develop that faith in him. It has not come out of your intellectual understanding of the man. A man may be very good, maybe a very great cheat, could be a ‘very fine’ gentleman, very well dressed. Mostly I have seen sometimes when I see these pictures where they show the bank robber, especially the gentleman, is absolutely top class. He wears beautiful lined dresses you see, he walks with an umbrella, straight forward and he’s absolutely, you can see his face and I mean it’s chiselled completely! It’s beautiful figure and extremely innocent face and all that he puts it up, very well, that’s why he can befool! He can befool people very well and he can get things out of them.
But, in Sahaja Yoga, when you start feeling it, seeing it, how it works…when you saw this man, seeing the way he works, you have no faith in him anymore. You start seeing how Sahaja Yoga works and then you have faith in it. And that is faith, that is not reasoning…..
But the faith, faith in Sahaja Yoga, is the only way you can rise and understand and move and grow with it. The faith has to be so great that nothing should disturb you….
First sign of being a Sahaja Yogi is to have a very cheerful disposition. Look at the flowers, look at them. Have you ever seen any flower, which is not dead, not cheerful? If they are, even at the fag-end of their life, they’ll try to cheer you. That is the first sign, and all such signs should be expressed, not artificially, but really spontaneously, from within and nothing should disturb you which is trivial, useless.
If you have faith in Sahaja Yoga, then you must know you are here for a tremendous work of human emancipation. You have a very great responsibility. You represent that part of Creation which is the most important, the most vital. And if you fail it, it’s absolutely fatal also.
All this works out in such a manner that it builds up tremendous sense of security within you, that you know you are standing on the Truth. Hold it with both your hands. You’ll grow on it. You’ll enjoy yourself. Life will be so much better, much more beautiful. And it is only through you [that] the whole world is going to be saved. So strengthen yourself, strengthen your arms and strengthen your feet. The faith is the strength of Sahaja Yoga, not the brainwaves that you have about it….
But for faith you must have the quality. Only people of quality can have that kind of faith, not ordinary people. They’ll fall off. All the flowers do not get transformed into the fruit state. You are transformed into fruit state. But all the fruits do not come up to their maturity because they lack faith, the strength.
Gather up your strength. It’s all behind you. It is within you. It’s around you. Everywhere there is light, within and without. Try to work it out properly. Do not condemn yourself or condemn others, but know that you are something that you are standing on the Truth. And you are in for the Kingdom of God, which is promised to you, which you are in already walking in that. You are settled in there, just enjoy that beauty.
May God bless you.
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi , Caxton Hall, London (UK), 8 September 1980.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Personal Experience of Sahajayoga Meditation


Following is the experience of one of the sahajayogi explained in brief as to how sahajayoga medication can help us throught the life in many ways. 

This Is How Meditation Has Helped Me Throughout My Life

I am a 76-year-old grandmother and have been practising Sahaja Yoga for 34 years.  A young boy from Chennai said, “Aunty, whoever talks about you says you are very strong”.  “Yes, I am strong, but not like a wrestler”. I am mentally and spiritually strong, and that is because of my honest and sincere practice of Sahaja Yoga.  It has taught me everything. How to be good and strong, how to keep healthy, and how to be a person whom everybody wants to meet an know.

From the day I joined I have followed all the teachings of Sahaja Yoga very obediently, without any doubts or questions.  We are not asked to do difficult things like fasting, giving up family, being very sober and not going for parties or movies.  BUT we must live a moral life and avoid all things that are wrong and sinful. How will we know?

The day you get realisation, the Divine Energy of the Kundalini starts spreading into all the cells of the body and starts cleaning us from inside.  

All this dirt must be removed, so we are taught to sit with our feet in a bucket of salt water. The water element takes it all out.

We are also taught to sit in meditation early in the morning, because between 4:30 and 6:00 am is Brahma Muhurtham, when the divine rays are very strong, and the flowers open, and birds sing.  This is my daily routine. Sometimes I may feel pinpricks on my fingers and palms. They told me in the Centre that these are signs that there is some disturbance in a Chakra. Every chakra has a nerve ending on a fingertip, and according to the finger, we can know which chakra is in trouble.

I even learnt that on every chakra a reflection of God has a seat, and every chakra has qualities that we have to follow.  Like the chakra at the neck is the place of Shri Krishna, and the qualities there are to speak sweetly to everyone. If I have been rude and bossy, and hurt anyone’s feelings, this chakra will get disturbed and I will feel it on a finger.

Not only this, but we also learn how to repair any damage that we may do by our bad behaviour, or by harming others.  So, we are always alerting to find out our mistakes and correct ourselves.

So regular practice of Sahaja Yoga makes me a better person.  

I do not get angry, so I do not get blood pressure or tension headaches.  I am always happy with what I have, so I don’t try to do cheating and fraud to gather money or property.  I do not speak rudely to anyone in my house – my husband, my children, my grandchildren, or the people who come and help us in the house.

I am not strict about what time I eat, what time I sleep, or any other requirement.  But I am regular with my meditation, my foot soaking, and attending the collective programs in the Centre. I learnt how to balance myself!




Wednesday, September 21, 2022

See the Content within Us


So the content within us, we have to see. And when we start seeing the content, where do we find in the nature there is real content? We see the sea; sea is there you see, full of water. So much of water it sucks in from everywhere, and then it allows itself to be boiled by the sun and gives rain. But sea is the lowest level, stands at the lowest level and sucks in all the water from everywhere. In the same way a Sahaja yogi must know that to be really achieving more content, we have to be not at a higher level outside. It’s said in the Bible, “You have to be meek,” but I think it was not explained to people. Only the strong people can be meek, secured people can be meek, only the rich in essence can be meek, not the people who are insecured. Because they are insecured, how can they be meek? And not the people whom we think are rich, so-called, because if they are rich they are not generous, they are not satisfied, they are not philanthropic, so they are not rich. They are still greedy beggars.
So the content within us is to be seen. What is our content? You love Me, I love you – it’s very good. But when you love Me, you have to know that there are certain qualities which are very lovable in a Sahaja yogi. Actually people get lost even after Sahaja Yoga. They think they can get over everything, they’re perfectly all right, and they are thrown overboard. So when we say that we have to be meek, this is a content, the humility is a content. So try to that, try to be humble with someone. You’ll like yourself. You’ll enjoy that quality within this that, “You see, I’m humbler than another person.”
And what is another thing we find has content are the great mountains, because they have heights and they are the only ones who can capture the clouds. So such a rapport there is between the humility of the ocean and the heights of the mountain. That’s how a Sahaja yogi should be. He is too high because so much of content is there in that ocean, then it has become beautiful like clouds and touched his height, his Kailasha where resides the Shiva. So it’s so joy-giving. "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, London. 08-10-1989.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

How Sahaja Yoga is Unique from other forms of Yoga


How is Sahaja Yoga unique from other forms of yoga?
Sahaja Yoga techniques are absolutely unique in that they allow you to break through to the crown or seventh chakra, something that only a very few spiritual masters had previously been able to achieve across the centuries to a few chosen disciples. However, the fact that Sahaja Yoga can achieve this phenomenon en masse and simultaneously for a large group of people makes it a profound discovery compared to all other forms of Kundalini Yoga or meditation.
Sahaja Yoga techniques raise the Kundalini energy through the Sushumna nadi (the central nervous system), an accomplishment that’s unique to Sahaja Yoga, while some other techniques raise it either through the left or right channels or a combination. The central channel is the path of our spiritual ascent and hence this is vital.
Sahaja Yoga places the ability and power to transform yourself by making you the master of your own inner spiritual self.
Sahaja Yoga is run entirely by a volunteer not-for-profit organization where practitioners offer the techniques and teachings completely free of charge without any kind of commercial interest involved at any time during the practice.
The mission and philosophy of Sahaja Yoga, as stated by Shri Mataji, the Founder, is simple – peace in the world is only possible if every human being can become peaceful from within. And Sahaja Yoga is designed to be given easily to as many people as possible so that the world can be ultimately be a peaceful, beautiful and completely natural place to live..

The most important thing is it is absolutely free all the life time. The seeker must have a sincere desire to get it and adishakti helps everyone to get enlightened, to get blessed and allowing entry in the world of god. Once you are in, and daily practise meditation twice, your growth on right path takes place.

Further anybody men, women, children, old people, handicapped, black or while, without any difference of caste, creed, nation, belonging, economic conditions all can do it. All are the children of god and in everybody body the divine spirit lives. You have to just get connected with almighty sitting within and enjoy the life.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Meditation is a continuous availability of the Divine Force.


Necessity of doing meditation in Sahaja Yoga.
Every day you should do meditation. Those who do not do meditation are capable of falling down because meditation is like putting oil into the lamp. Those who do not meditate, think they can do without it, are sadly mistaken. They have to meditate morning and evening. The problem is everything comes so handily, so simple that they don't understand that meditation is very important.Not you, but there are many I know who get Realization, who don't meditate and their style is different. Their nature is different. Meditation is such a soothing thing ... a beautiful way of connection with the Divine, that all your problems get solved in that meditative moment. If you are not meditating, you are not following meditation, then maybe your light will go down. It won't give sufficient light. It's important, very important to find out about yourself, about others in the meditation. How to do meditation, many people ask. Don't do anything, just go into thoughtless awareness. Try to go to the thoughtless awareness. If you can get into that condition of thoughtless awareness, you can do your job because that's the point where you are with the truth, with the reality, with the joy.
When you meditate try not to make some sort of a function out of it - no. Meditation is something silent in yourself, silence in your thoughts and going to that deep ocean which is within you, itself. But supposing you don't do that, if you don't meditate I can make out immediately those who are meditating and those who are not. It's not difficult for Me. Those who do not meditate are always hesitating. They are confused. They can't understand. And that's why meditation is the most important thing.
Just like a light burns with the electricity flowing in it, in the same way meditation is a continuous availability of the Divine Force. That will reduce all your agitations. Not only that, but it takes out all the negative thoughts. It takes out all the discouraging things. And when you are meditating like that, thoughtless awareness, then you will be amazed how you are helped from within and without. It's a terrible power that works, this thoughtless awareness. So those who do not meditate cannot go very much far with the advantage of Sahaj Yoga. If you are in thoughtless awareness, what happens to you is that you get the confidence, complete confidence of divinity. You know you have it.
Meditation will give you security.... It will give you are a real enlightenment and a complete connection with the Divine. Without the connection of the Divine, what's the use of doing Sahaj Yog?...
H.H.Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi, Diwali Puja,
November 2, 2002,
Los Angeles, USA

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Safe and secure tour to Dharamshala with blessings and divine connection of Mataji Nirmaladevi


Sahajayogis get miraculous experiences of matajis love, care, concern and attention. with the blessings of mataji Nirmaladevi many have came out of great dangers, lift threatening events, accidents and so many troub les and harships natural or manmade.  The seekars of sahajayoga are always protected by Mataji nirmladevi.  Following is the example of the family as to how they survived a dangerous situation. 

With Sahaja Yoga Meditation, one gets Self-Realisation after his/her Kundalini is awakened, becomes thoughtless for some moments, during which his Kundalini power connects with the all -pervading Universal energy. This unique and simple meditation which is taught or trained by experienced Sahaja yogis free of charge as mandated by Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, is practiced by many all over the world. Those who are continuously and regularly meditating, have positive experiences even during stressful situations.

One family of six members from Allahabad, who are all practitioners of Sahaja Yoga meditation for many years has explained how their divine connection helped them and supported their travel program to complete safely and return  to their home. Meera Rai, who is also a counsellor, said, “As our regular travel plan every year, we had planned a Kullu-Manali-Dharmashala visit in Semptember this year. We were lucky that our car driver was also a Sahaja Yoga meditation practitioner.

We were walking in Mandi on the road along the Beas River enjoying the sunlight; Manikarnika was an interesting place where we felt to sit for long time. From there it took us to reach Manali more than 10 hours. To show us the beautiful Rohtang Pass our driver took us there.  It was like dream come true. A beautiful and vibrant place where there is Maharshi Vyas Samadhi and also Beas river starting place. On return to Kullu from Manali, it was clear road for us that when we reached a particular place, there was land slide and JCBs had cleared the road. Nowhere had we had to stop our car for clearance of landslide debris.

At night 10 pm we just thought of seeing the news on TV. Alas, what a Surprise. After we came back from Rohtang pass, there was heavy snow fall upto 4ft  and many cars and visitors affected who were shifted to safety by Helicopters. And the  bus and truck behind us were stuck in the Beas river flood. We had reached our place at Darmashala safe and secure with the divine connection and the blessings of Shri Mataji” concluded Meera Rai.


Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Subtle System


The Subtle System

The Subtle System is also called the 'tree of life' in many spiritual traditions. It is closely linked to our nervous system, which it keeps in balance, and after Realisation, it actually enables us to feel the state of our energy channels and our chakras.

We can detect the subtle system functioning within us due to the presence of a cool breeze, a prickling sensation or sometimes heat on particular parts of our hands or on top of our heads.

A cool breeze felt equally on the fingers and the palms of both hands indicates that our inner being is balanced and in good condition. As the subtle system is the cause and the support of our nervous system, it acts at every level of our being, spiritually to begin with, then physically, mentally and emotionally.

Only the Kundalini, by the grace of Shri Mataji, has the power to awaken the subtle system,which can actually be felt on your hands, once it is awakened. Every energy center (represented here by a color on each finger) can be felt and decoded.

Once this mechanism is awakened by the grace of Shri Mataji and gradually mastered by practicing Sahaja Yoga, it becomes a marvelous instruments in developing the personality, allowing us to integrate consciously and of our own free will, the Creation from which we came.


Friday, September 9, 2022

Awards conferred on Mataji Nirmala Devi


With her great contribution to humanity and establishment of real dharma all over the world, after experiencing its reality and power with world wide research, Mataji Nirmaladevi has been conferred with various Awards and Recognition.

Being Adishakti these awards and titles had no importance for her.  But still being in the form of human being her service and care for the humanity at large has been recognised by many in the world. 

"A Selection of Awards and Recognitions
Shri Mataji has been recognized worldwide by several prestigious institutions for her selfless work and for the remarkable results of her spiritual teachings through Sahaja Yoga, a few of which are listed below.
Italy, 1986
Declared ‘Personality of the Year’ by the Italian Government.
Moscow, Russia, 1989
Following Shri Mataji’s meeting with the USSR Minister of Health, Sahaja Yoga was granted full government sponsorship, including funding for scientific research.
New York, 1990-1994
Invited by the United Nations for four consecutive years to speak about the ways and means to achieve world peace.
St. Petersburg, Russia, 1993
Appointed as Honorary Member of the Petrovskaya Academy of Art and Science. In the history of the Academy, only twelve people have been granted this honour, Einstein being one of them. Shri Mataji inaugurated the first International Conference on Medicine and Self-Knowledge, which became an annual event at the Academy thereafter
Brazil, 1994
The mayor of Brazilia welcomed Shri Mataji at the airport, presented her with the key to the city and sponsored all of her programs.
New York, 1994
September 26 proclaimed ‘Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Day.’ Police escort was offered for a welcoming parade honouring Shri Mataji and celebrating her association with Mahatma Gandhi.
British Columbia, Canada, 1994
Letter of welcome was proffered by the Premier of the Province of British Columbia, Mr. Mike Harcourt, on behalf of the people of Canada.
Romania 1995
Awarded Honorary Doctorate in Cognitive Science by Prof D. Drimer, head of the Ecological University Bucharest.
China, 1995
Official guest of the Chinese Government to speak at the United Nations International Women’s Conference.
Pune, India, 1996
On the occasion of the 700th Anniversary of Saint Gyaneshwara, Shri Mataji addressed the 'World Philosophers Meet '96 - A Parliament of Science, Religion and Philosophy,' where she was felicitated for her spiritual movement, Sahaja Yoga.
London, 1997
Mr. Claes Nobel, grandnephew of Alfred Nobel, chairman of United Earth and The National Society of High School Scholars, honoured the life and work of Shri Mataji in a public speech at the Royal Albert Hall.
USA, 105th Congress, 1997 and 106th Congress, 2000
Honorarium read into Congressional Record by Congressman Eliot Engle commending Shri Mataji for her dedicated and tireless work for humanity.
Cabella Ligure, Italy, 2006
Shri Mataji was awarded honorary Italian citizenship, which was followed by the unveiling of the foundation stone for the 'Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi World Foundation of Sahaja Yoga.' This Foundation has its home in Cabella Ligure."