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Monday, October 31, 2022

Logically for Living Process - No Technique


When I say there is no technique, people do not want to believe it, because technique they want. But you have taken for granted all these things, isn’t it? I mean, one day you are sleeping, you find that the blossom time has come, lots of flowers are there. One morning you get up you find most of the flowers have become fruits, and you take it for granted. Do you ask for a technique there?
In the same way what technique did you employ to become human beings from amoeba? Say from monkey’s state to human beings: did you cut your tails to become human beings? Didn’t we become spontaneously that? It’s rather difficult to accept. But logically, you tell me, if it is a living process, what do we have do?
It is impossible to explain to people that there is no technique. They must have a technique. Now why do we want to have a technique?Let us face ourselves. Because we think we must do something about it: if we are not doing anything about it, then how can we get it? Because we think whatever we have got in this world is through our effort, by working for it. But what have you got? You’ve got everything dead! Say for example, something is dead, these stones are dead and you have made a building out of it. So what? Dead from the dead! What have you got living with you? Have you got any living powers? Can you give life to a fruit or to a tree? You cannot.
What have you achieved? Is only dead. With effort you can only achieve dead. Have you achieved anything living? If you put such a question to yourself then you will understand that living processes, we have to accept, are spontaneous: we cannot put any technique on it. As soon as we want to have technique, we must know this is our Mr Ego who wants to get satisfied.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
23 Oct 1980

Sunday, October 30, 2022



So we have to sort them out to begin with, because the second stage of awareness is doubtless awareness, you are doubtless about yourself, doubtless about the working of Sahajayoga, doubtless about God's existence, doubtless about His laws. You become absolutely doubtless not mentally, It's a state.
It's state of your being by which you achieve lots of results and you really become powerful, you can see your compassion so powerful, so discrete, so understanding, so for bearing. And you are amazed of yourself, you really become a saint in the real sense of the word, that you become humble, flowering beautifully, not talking anything aggressive upon yourself, and you are really in the kingdom of God that you feel that you are looked after, protected, guided, blessed, every moment you walk along. And that's the state everybody should aspire to reach, this doubtless awareness, and unless and until you reach that state, we don't call you Sahajayogi, you may start calling yourself, but that's left to yourself. There are not sort of...we do not have sort of certification, or things going on, we do not any written certificates to people, nothing of the kind. It is you who have to certify yourself. So graudually people grow up in to beautiful beings. They start having their self esteem fully established, understanding themselves.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

Friday, October 28, 2022

You should Develop and Move with a Balance


Going to extreme is not Sahajayoga.......

So the progress of a mind which wants to develop has to be such that you should move with a balance, with a witness state, and see for yourself how far you should go and how far you should not go.
So even if you find somewhere you go and find that there is no response, then you must know that, it is nothing wrong with Sahaj Yoga, nothing wrong with you, but perhaps you have not approached the right place or you have not approached the right way; you have not done the way it should have been. SO CHANGE YOUR STYLE. IN SAHAJ YOGA, WE HAVE TO GO ON CHANGING OUR DIRECTIONS ACCORDING TO THE NEED OF THE HOUR. You are not a fixed quantity, rigid quantity. Most of the people think that we are so rigid that we cannot move this side or that side.
The mobility of our movement is so great — I say three hundred and sixty degrees — because you are stationed in the centre in your Spirit. You can move any way you like as long as you are centred in your Spirit. BUT THIS IS AN IMPORTANT POINT WHICH WE MISS: THAT WE ARE CENTRED IN OUR SPIRIT AND WHATEVER MOVEMENT WE DO, AS LONG AS WE ARE CENTRED IN THE SPIRIT, IS NECESSARY FOR OUR GROWTH AND FOR THE GROWTH OF THE COLLECTIVE.
Now let us see certain emotional sides we have, how we can conquer, it’s very simple is. YOU ARE VERY FORTUNATE, I SHOULD SAY, IN A WAY, THAN ANY OTHER SEEKERS SO FAR, BECAUSE YOU HAVE BEFORE [YOU] ME, MYSELF SITTING. I am sitting before myself and I see myself as a good example of following. When you have someone like that, it’s very simple to see.
People didn’t have any such people or some leaders or somebody who was an ideal. So, it was all right that they went wrong. But [for] those who have something before them it’s very simple. THE SECRET IS LIKE THIS.
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 10 - 03 - 1983

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Adorn yourself with Modesty


To adorn oneself modestly.
So what is our decoration? This is humility. This is simplicity. Cleverness, not arrogance, humiliating others, not showing off, but complete surrender, giving up all your egoistic qualities.
Let your virginity be reborn within you. From today you all have to take a resolution, it is New Year's Day for us- that we will all give up our fearful nature, possessive nature, assertive behavior, ego-oriented rigidity, domination. I don't know what is its use. Unless you surrender to it, Lord Ganesha, the Lord of virginity, will not be able to crown your agya chakra. What we have done so far, it should give us just this: if our past can give us an idea of ​​how humble we should be with each other, with all Sahaja Yogis, how kind we should be, how loving , how universal it should be.
The Virgin cannot accept ideas that are not universal, she cannot! It is a sign of a Virgin because she is universal in nature. All bigotry, all casteism, caste system, all these things which artificially separate man from man, woman from woman, nation from nation, all will end as soon as you become innocent.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. 17-Oct-1982



"This is Ritambhara Pragnya. I wanted it very much today. So this morning I was telling you about this new awareness – Pragnya. ‘Gnya’ means the knowledge and ‘Pra’ means the awakened knowledge. Which comes out of meditation, sustenance of meditation, and then the Samadhi is the effect of that. It’s a kind of a fruit ripening. When this ripens, then you get the taste, the sweetness of character, and then you start seeing around, how the Nature, the Divine, is sweetly playing with you.
This state must be achieved. For every Sahaja Yogi, it is important that they must achieve this state, because unless and until you have minimum achieved this stage, you’ll be still in a dangerous zone, which, as I told you, upsets Me very much.
So everybody must decide to reach a state where you everyday see the blessings of God manifesting. That means you have entered into the kingdom of God. This is the kingdom of God, in which you are looked after, protected, guided, and properly taken to the place of heavenly bliss. Through material manifestation, through mental manifestation, through financial manifestation, through relationship manifestation, through so many things, and also the natural manifestation by which you see the sun, the moon, the stars, the heavens, and all the five elements help you. This state, all of you must achieve, all of you. Again the word is ‘all’ of you should achieve. And then only the higher ascent works out."
23rd JULY 1983

Monday, October 24, 2022

Cool Breeze of Bible, Ruh of Quran, Paramchaitanya of indian scriptrures - is same - The all pervading Divine Power


How fantastic you are ? “
..So one has to understand that evolutionary process is absolutely free, without any effort and you can’t pay for your evolution. It is spontaneous. Like you have this Mother Earth and you put the seed in it, then it sprouts by itself. What do you do? Nothing. It is spontaneous and that’s what exactly happens to you, that spontaneously you achieve that state of the spirit.
When we say, “This is my body. This is my mind. This is my ego. These are my conditionings,” we’re all the time saying “my,” but who is this “I” to whom all these things belong? We have never questioned this. This “I” is the spirit.
So the first truth is that you are the pure spirit. And the second truth is that there is all pervading power of Divine Love which does all living work. ..
But one has to know that we are on this Earth to become the Spirit, to enter into the Kingdom of God. This is our purpose. That’s why we are here, and then to be the instruments of that Divine Power, which is all-pervading.
This Divine Power has been described in many ways. Patanjali has called has called it as Ritambhara PrAgnya. In the Bible it is called as the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost. Also it is called as the All Pervading Power of Divine Love. In the Quran it is called as Ruh. In the Indian scriptures it is called as Paramchaitanya.
..When this Kundalini passes through these six centers, it nourishes it, it integrates it. Also it enlightens them. By that, our physical, mental, and emotional, spiritual problems are solved. Most of the global problems are because of human beings, and most of the human problems are because of these chakras or these centers within us.
So, if you can cure these centers, you can definitely cure human beings physically, mentally, emotionally and also spiritually. But then it is connected. The yoga takes place with this all pervading power and the light of the spirit shines in your attention. Then so many things happen that you are amazed how fantastic you are. These are all your dormant powers, will start manifesting…
So what happens to you that you become a righteous person, you become you can’t do wrong things. You cannot do things which are irreligious. You just don’t do it. You don’t get tempted to do anything. On the contrary, you enjoy your virtues. Your attention becomes absolutely innocent, without any lust and greed. And such a person, even a glance of such a person can bring peace.
The source of all this is this All Pervading Power of Divine Love. So you are connected with that power. Once you are connected with that power, it starts flowing through and when it starts flowing through you, you can feel it. Then it makes you grow. As a result, you know the Absolute Truth on your fingertips. .. Thus, you can make out also your own centers, what’s wrong with your own centers. Is there any problem in your centre? Immediately you can find out on the fingertips…
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Public Program, Philadelphia (USA), 15 October 1993.
May be an image of ‎text that says '‎Cunud Pingala Nadi Chanaal Maan Sushumna Nadi Sahastrara Chakra Pemm Agnya Chakra hÙ…d Ida Nadi Eeset Vishuddhi Chakra Paa DE Bhavsagar Vold Anahata Chakra Nabhi Chakra Mooladhara Sacrum Song Swadhisthana Chakra 1 Mooladhara Chakra‎'‎

Sunday, October 23, 2022

We are all twice born people


Today, I hope with this puja, your heart will enlarge. And that you will learn to share with that big heart. Just try to share your things. Share your time. Share your comforts. Share every moment of your life with others. Think of good things of other people, you’ll enjoy them. If you start thinking of the thorns instead of the roses, will you enjoy roses? If you have to enjoy the roses you have to forget the thorns and enjoy the roses. Those who are wise are like that. But stupid can take the thorns and just go on pricking themselves and saying that “Oh! There are thorns.”
The sign of wisdom is to enjoy the beauty of roses, they are the most beautiful things. They are all roses. I see you all roses here. And I forget the thorns and the day will come they will not need even the thorns because they will be so powerful. And there should be no groupism of any kind, of Intellectuals coming together, non-intellectuals coming together, alcoholics on one side. In sahaja yoga also we have caste system, just imagine. Then some Indians are separate, then English are separate. Then Cambridge people are separate. There should be no separation. We are all one. We are all born through our Sahasrara.
We are a different community and different thing. We cannot form into groups, cannot form into cults, and cannot form into any caste. We are all twice born people. We are the people who are born again. We are different. We have lost all that. Everything is lost, you see. They say there is no caste for a sanyasi, for an ascetic, means the one who is a realized soul, there is no caste. Don’t belong to any caste. Forget your problems of your country, of your nation, of your, so called your people. Forget it, you are different and try to pull them up to that where they also become one with Whole. The whole world has to unite like this. Give up your small, small differences and angularities.
My God Bless You All.
Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Guru Puja: Detachment And Sharing, Cambridge (England)
July 5th, 1981

Prasanth Sahaji, Dipankar Dey Sarkar and 5 others

Saturday, October 22, 2022

As a special people Sahajayogis should not hesitate to express their Love


I have started talking about the new culture that we have to accept. In expressing our love, we should not be ashamed. We should not feel shy about it at all. We are expressing our love and love must be expressed. There is no harm in expressing our love. But it happens that in the beginning we feel a little shy. We are conditioned how to express. People will misunderstand and they will think that we are a wrong type of people. No, we are special people.

We have to make the whole world. They are not going to make us. We have to create the new world and they have to follow us. We are not going to follow them. We are the makers of kings and we are the makers of queens and we are the makers of everything. So we have to work it out that way. We do not have to bow to their ways and methods, but we have to patronize and look after them when they come to us first. Try to treat them as a father would treat a son and then bring him up, mould them and give them love and make them understand that we are people of a very, very different domain, of a different style.

We are absolutely free people and are being entertained by the Divine, are being looked after by the Divine, are being helped and decorated by the Divine. Such a privileged place we have, so let us be of that dignity and of that morality that we stand up to that. How can we do something wrong to insult ourself? We cannot.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 16 OCT 1987

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Get Rid of Negative :Persons and do not show Compassion to them


" The positivity lies in understanding why are we here. First of all, why are we on this earth? Why are we human beings? In understanding what are we doing about it? Why are we Sahaja Yogis? What a Sahaja Yogi has to do? What is his responsibility as a Sahaja Yogi? Then he moves forward to understand why Mother is so kind to me? Why have I got vibrations? Why am I among very few who have got this special blessings, the special knowledge of vibratory awareness? And then to ask yourself , what am I doing about it? Am I still very much embedded in my cheapishness or in my childishness, in my stupidity, in my harshness, in my aggressiveness? We always see these things in other people, not in ourselves. So we are not Sahaja Yogis. We should understand at that point, when we start seeing these things in other people, then we are not Sahaja Yogis. We should see in ourselves and emit pure compassion to others but always people see that, it is in another person this exists. Whatever I may try to say they always see in other person.
Now supposing there’s a negative person amongst us, you need not compassionate to that person, on the contrary better be away. Get rid of that person, as far as possible, don’t have anything to do, is a definite sign of great compassion to yourself, if not to others. Better not have anything to do with the person who is negative, if you have to come up. He may be your brother, sister, anyone but try to be away from a person who is not positive. It causes lots of problems. I’ve been telling you this and I’ve been requesting you, but the conditioning is such that still though you have become a Guru Tattwa, you don’t understand that you have to be detached, for a Guru there is no brother, sister or any other relationship except for the relationship for the Mother. There is no other relationship exist. One of these principles are to be understood. Very important I feel is for all of us that our relationship is only to Mother and to Sahaja Yogis and not to any relationship, which has come to us, whether through Sahaja Yoga or whether through anything else. "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Kolhapur. India. 01-01-1983

Monday, October 17, 2022

Beyond Dharma


You see, there could be three types of attitudes towards sin; one could be that, you should say, “Why should I commit sins? I’m not going to commit sins.” This could be one attitude. Another could be that, “This is not sin: I’ll do what I like.” That is on the right hand side. And the third could be that, “Yes, I know it is a sin: I’m the worst man, I’m a very bad person, I’m good for nothing – what to do? That’s why I’m doing the sins.”...
But for human beings, it is necessary to know that, if you commit sins, then you go down in your Dharma. But after realization, you become really dharmateet, means ‘beyond Dharma’. Means, if you do anything wrong then immediately you’ll have the reaction on your vibrations, on all your stomach or something will happen to you. Like for example now, supposing you eat a kind of a food which you should not eat – immediately you get diarrhea. If you drink alcohol, you will vomit: it will happen to you automatically. That’s how you give up alcohol, smoking – all these things. You don’t even like the taste of it after some time. You just don’t want to have it. That means you have gone beyond dharma; means you do not have to establish it, it is just there – now it’s… the whole system is working. Means your attention has gone; your attention has gone beyond dharma. You don’t have to worry about keeping your dharma. Before this, you had to keep a watch as to be in the center in your dharma. Now, if you try to do anything, immediately it will show on your vibrations, or in your constitution it will show, so you don’t have to put full attention to it.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
12 Oct 1980

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Sita, Radha, Mary, Nanaki and Fatima are incarnations of Mahalaxmi


Mohammed Sahib, just to support Him, who is Ali. And his wife, that was later on, his wife was also the same Mahalakshmi, the daughter of Mohammed. She incarnated on this earth. So in the main, they are worshipped as three persons in India, as I told you, as first as Sita, and then as Radha and then Lakshmi In India, Mary is worshipped also, three, three persons. But otherwise she incarnated as Fatima. And She also incarnated as Nanaka’s sister, as Nanaki. But because they were at a potential level, they were potential at that time, so people would not know much about them. Even Mary was potential [energy]. She was not kinetic. But the reason why Christ never talked about Her directly was that it was the play of crucifixion; was a very important play. And if by any chance He would have said that She is the incarnation of Mahalakshmi, the whole destructive force would have been against Her, and then He would have come out with His all eleven destructive forces and the whole drama would have fizzled out, and the whole world would have fade out. So just to stop that, you see, this was kept a secret that She is the one who is the incarnation of Mahalakshmi.
H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.