"You have to work it out that you should feel peaceful within yourself. It is not that if you have too much of silence outside, you feel peaceful. The peace has to be within yourself. You have it. Your Spirit is absolutely peaceful – ‘avyagra’, without restlessness. There is no restlessness in your Spirit. Absolutely peaceful and steady. It is for you to feel it. It is not for anybody else to certify you. This is one thing.
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Feel Peaceful within Yourself
"You have to work it out that you should feel peaceful within yourself. It is not that if you have too much of silence outside, you feel peaceful. The peace has to be within yourself. You have it. Your Spirit is absolutely peaceful – ‘avyagra’, without restlessness. There is no restlessness in your Spirit. Absolutely peaceful and steady. It is for you to feel it. It is not for anybody else to certify you. This is one thing.
Monday, May 29, 2023
We have to drop out many things
"So today is the day which is called the Ekadasha which is going to bring the transformation. When you are transformed so many things are automatically destroyed within you.
As you can see very clearly that all your misidentifications drop out; the misidentification that I’m a Jew, American, Christian, I’m this, I’m that. All these false misidentifications drop out and you become a naked human being, first of all you are a human being, and then a superhuman being – without the ego. So, your ego is destroyed, your superego is destroyed, your conditionings are all destroyed and all your false ideas about knowledge are destroyed. So what remains and emerges is reality.
Now when you see a flower becomes the fruit, everything practically drops out of the flower, we can say. Like the calyx is dropped out, then the petals are dropped out and then the epicalyx is also dropped out, but what remains is the seed actually, if you see. Around the seed all these things developed and the fruit remains, the rest of it drops out.
So in us also, whatever becomes the Spirit remains, the rest drops out, and that is what it is when we call it the Ekadasha which brings forth the transformation, and one has to understand – we have to drop out many things."
Saturday, May 27, 2023
Feel Peaceful within Yourself
Thursday, May 25, 2023
Mataji- sakshat Mahakali takes care of your worries. You need not worry
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
The Power of Healing, Knowledge and Intelligence
“The Power of Healing, Knowledge and Intelligence.”
Seeking with Open Eyes
Saturday, May 20, 2023
Shiva protects those who are forgiving and tolerant
" But the real spirituality, if you have, the protection will be always there, and Shiva will be very blissful.
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
You are the PURE SPIRIT , Nobody can attack YOU
Sunday, May 14, 2023
Put Boundaries to your attention to have Depth
Mothers Day Message
I am your Mother and I will tell you the truth.
You should not accept the slavery of anyone, whatsoever. You all have to become your own guru. This is what Sahaja Yoga is....
You become so powerful that you do not hurt anyone, nor can anyone hurt you.
But best of all, the highest is that you become the joy. The joy is an absolute quality. You believe in the world of relativity – relative, but you become the source of absoluteness.
This joy neither gives you happiness and unhappiness because these two qualities are the two faces of one coin. This joy is beyond all such feelings and you become a witness of the whole drama and enjoy the whole joke as a play.
reference - facebook post by
David Micah Nkanta
Friday, May 12, 2023
You have to be Spirit - Joyous and Happy