331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: 06/01/2023 - 07/01/2023


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Friday, June 30, 2023



In the center we had another great movement which is called as Nath, Nathpanthis. They say it came from Shiva, but whatever it is; it came from Adinath and these people and got diverted into many types. But those who remained in the middle, one of them was we should say was called Gahininath and his disciple was Nivritinath the elder brother of Gyanadeva. It is amazing if you read anything about them they know all about chakras, they know all about these all three channels. Everything they knew thousands of years back. Then somehow or other they didn’t tell people. They kept the knowledge to themselves. I can’t say why they did it but they did. Ultimately, Gyanadeva took permission of his Guru Nivritinath and said that let me tell you, at least let me tell others, you allow me because people should know what works it out. So he wrote about Kundalini. But if you read these ancient books, you will be amazed that the whole thing was described in those books how you get your realization and how then you have those centers which are to be enlightened, what problems come in. But the method they employed for achieving it was really hazardous. I don’t know why they had to do it but they did it. They were all unmarried people and very strict with themselves and they had to lead a life very secluded from the society. This was really a very difficult time of ascent they had.
When I read about them I really feel very extremely sad that all these great people who were seeking had to go through such horrible strenuous turmoil for days together and then some of them got realisation.
But you are lucky people I should say to be born at this time. This is a special time, very special time, which is described in all the books, all the scriptures as the last judgment. Now, if you start deciding about it through your mental capacity you cannot achieve anything, because you have only two agencies: one is your conditioning, another is your ego. So one has to rely on the natural gifts that we have, is that of this Kundalini and she is your individual mother; she does not want to torture you, she does not want in any way to give you any pains, whatsoever.

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Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Heart Diseases


Heart Diseases
“Now a person who does not have this fourth dimension [the parasympathetic]will not know that he is suffering from some heart trouble. He will have no idea. He will never feel his heart or anything – till he suddenly gets the attack, and then he dies. But at the very onset of it a person who is in the fourth dimension, that is, a realised soul, can feel that something is going wrong with his heart. Also he knows how to cure himself – the technique of curing himself. Also he knows that he is the source of the medicine that he has to give – is a vital thing.”
(The Fourth Dimension and the parasympathetic: talk for doctors. Brighton 26/7/84. Nirmala Yoga no.26)
[Heart attacks] “Cause: Over-active, inactive or lethargic heart. Overactive heart is of right sided people. In such cases, the heart can collapse. Especially it can happen in very young age. This is because their attention is too much outside. Due to this, their Atma departs. The Atma gets no attention, due to their extreme materialistic nature. Overactivity can also come from too much worry about the family, and thinking too much of the future. The heart starts to pump more blood, and over works itself. It gets tired. In addition, the attention is not on the spirit.
For lethargic hearts, these people take all kinds of mantras and first spoil their Left Vishuddhi. They take tobacco and cigarette, creating a problem on their Left Vishuddi. This makes the pumping of the heart difficult, and so it becomes tired, because it cannot pump. Due to extreme Left Vishuddhi, the lethargic heart gives you Angina.
Those are the two types of heart attacks.
The first type can be cured by putting ice on the stomach and on the heart on the right side. Also move from left to right. Sit in water. Do not use light at all. Sleep in darkness, stay more indoors. Take full rest. And repeat that “I am the spirit”. “O Lord, please forgive me”.
The second type can be cured by asking him to say – “Mother you are my beej mantra. You are the mantrika”. Also “I am not guilty”, and say “I forgive everybody Lord”. So that all the hurts disappear. Use light and fire to clear the left side.”
(Shivaratri 1987)
“Now according to Sahaja Yoga we have two types of heart attacks, one is massive heart attack, the other is lethargic like Angina.
So the first one, which is massive one, is where that heat [from the liver] reaches the heart. Say there is a boy who is playing tennis at the age of 21 or 22 and drinking also and competing with his father. If you continue this kind of things may be you might get one day a massive heart attack, specially the industrialist. Industrialists are so futuristic, so much calculative that they don’t calculate that
this will entail their heart problems. So this heart suddenly collapses and they die.
Another one is lethargic heart attack like angina, and happens if you feel guilty. Some people are very sensitive and very formal type and you know they feel guilty, ‘I should have done this’. ... For anything they start feeling guilty. Not only you develop spondylitis, you develop a situation where your heart cannot pump blood properly. That is the angina.”
(New Delhi talk to doctors 6/4/97. Transcript in New Delhi Medicos 13(4-5):32-34)

Friday, June 23, 2023

Laxmi and Lotus


" The Lakshmi came out of the sea; that is the wealth that has come out of the sea. But the wealth has to be like a Lakshmi. The Lakshmi has a motherly nature. She’s a mother. She’s a mother. She is standing on a lotus. That means She does not throw her weight anywhere. Like people go and occupy other territories and use them for their own purpose will never give them Lakshmi principle. Only thing that may happen to them is to get some money for the time being. But they say Lakshmi is chanchal; means She is all the time shifting and she shifts. Such a Lakshmi is chanchal, is shifting.
Lakshmi has got one hand which is giving, like this. Another hand She has got by which She protects people. In two hands She has got pink lotuses. The pink lotus suggests the warmth. A person who has got Lakshmi has to have warmth in his household. He must have in his heart warmth to receive people. A lotus flower receives even a horrible beetle, black beetle which has got all kinds of thorns in it and allows it to sleep overnight as a nice guest. In the corona of the lotus there is beautiful spread of the yellow coloured pollen on which this beetle rolls and enjoys the comfort.
And the lotus watches the enjoyment of the beetle. It does not get disturbed. It does not get upset and when the lotus opens out, the beetle just goes away. And the lotus still grows, it doesn’t die out.
In modern life, we don’t want guests and if some guests come in the house they dare not even spoil the carpet. We clean the house; we polish all our silver and all our brass, but we don’t want even a little rat to come inside. For whom are we doing all this work? There are no children in the house and the old people are in the old house. Children are in the hostels. And the husband, wife are in the divorce case. But they are very particular about their brass being polished. So the whole polish has come outside.
So the beauty of lotus flower is that it is all embracing. It’s a very motherly principle. It tolerates any type of nonsense from the beetle. So, one of the aspects of Mahalakshmi is Gruhalakshmi: is the one who is the housewife. And if this aspect is spoiled, then we cannot have Lakshmi in our house; we cannot have wealth in our house. The Lakshmi will disappear from all such houses where the housewife is not respected or the housewife is not respectable. "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Belgium. 21st Sept, 1986

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Enlightenment of Nabhi Chakra makes you Righteous


Enlightenment of nabhi chakra, third center, makes the person Righteous. We donot have to tell him anything. He becomes a real saint. He will not do anything wrong.

Now above that is the, you see the third center. which is called as Nabhi, means the navel. This is the center of the way we absorb the virtues, or the virtues are enlightened. When this center is enlightened we really become righteous. We don’t have to tell, “Now you don’t do this and don’t do that”. You just become. Like a saint, a real saint, will not do wrong things. In the same way when a person gets his Realization, by the virtue of this center, he becomes absolutely balanced: balanced with his family life, with his wife, with his children, balanced with the politics, economics, balanced with the society, balanced with all the people whom he knows; in a very balancing way he starts behaving. There’s not one-sided activity. For example, somebody may be very much attached to the wife and may try to harm others. Somebody who is very much attached to others, may harm his wife. So a kind of a balance is established by this, and a person who gets this develops a personality which we call as regal. That sense of dignity comes into such a person. Now you see our children have lost the virtues, our children don’t have that regalty. They have become very cheapish also, and they run after materialism and things like that; they fight for small, small things. It’s not only children, even the grown-ups are like that and they try to waste their energy, fighting for something that is so useless.
So by enlightenment of this center you understand the value of matter. And the value of matter is this: that it has aesthetics, first of all, and secondly, you can express your love only through matter. If you love somebody you’ll give them something, a little flower also can express your love. Anything can express your love through matter, and then you become a very generous and very enjoyable person. Some people feel that if you become generous, you will be bankrupt. It’s not so. On the contrary, if you open one door, no air will come in, but if you open the other door, all the air will start circulating. In the same way, when a person is generous he starts getting so many blessings – because he is also connected with the Divine – that he is amazed. He doesn’t know what to do with the things that he has got, and then he starts pouring it to others. There are so many things people are telling Me about, miracles and miracles of even material things in their jobs, in their purchasing, in their shopping, the way they have seen miracles happening that it is nothing but just that this center is enlightened. And with this center, within you a righteousness comes in. And this righteousness doesn’t force anybody else, it’s just righteousness itself which doesn’t command anything or demand anything, but it becomes a respectable personality, and you just start really understanding that, “Look at this man”.
Somebody was telling Me today that in the office people asked, “How are you so dignified?” He said, “I didn’t know I was so dignified.” “No, you don’t do anything undignified, and you do everything just like a child also”. So there’s a child-like dignity you develop, and it’s a beautiful thing to happen, really it’s angelic.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


The Power of Auspiciousness


After realization people also get lots of dynamic forces within themselves which they never expected to get. First of all, their innocence is awake. Whatever innocence they have lost through the stupidity of the society or the ideas given by the uh, uh.. enterprising film industries or other, we can say, magazines and all kinds of publications – all those things drop out. All the conditionings of the mind drop out and he becomes innocent, a innocent personality. An innocent personality is a very, very powerful personality. As Christ has said, “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes.” Such a person has a glint in the eye of innocence and such person can grow up to such a level that even a little glance of such a person can save people from calamities. The purity of mind, purity of character, all these starts shining in such a personality. And such a personality is an auspicious figure.
Auspiciousness, we have forgotten about. If an auspicious person enters into the house – if somebody’s sick that person gets all right, if there’s quarrel in the house the quarrel subsides, if there’s any problem that problem is solved. An auspicious person travelling by a train, if there’s an accident, nobody dies. Auspicious person is the person who is constructive and is releasing constructive forces all around him of very soothing, peaceful and a very powerful character. Such an auspicious personality is to be found in so many realized souls. Now the other day, one lady was telling Me that there are many realized souls walking about on this earth – I haven’t seen any. They might grow their beard, they might wear some sort of a wig, they might wear some sort of a dress – that doesn’t mean they’re realized souls. Actually, a realized soul doesn’t need to publish or to uh..exhibit in any way artificial that he’s a realized soul. He could be a very ordinary person on the street or he could be a king. He could be a, a person just cleaning the hall here and he could be a Prime Minister.
For such a personality all these things do not matter, whether he lives in comfort, he doesn’t feel the feeling of comfort, I should say. Whether he lives in complete poverty, he doesn’t feel it. According to the pattern of his life, according to the status of his life, he lives.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Spread the Fragrance


Now what is the speciality of the fragrance in India and nowhere else? Nowhere
Some flowers may be having little fragrance but there is no fragrance in the flowers that are grown so very beautifully, full of love and care. But lots of wild flowers also in India have got fragrance. What is the reason? They say that the soil of India has fragrance. How can you have fragrance in the soil? But it is a fact. What I’m saying is not just a story but is a fact that in India any flower that you grow mostly, has mostly, has fragrance. While here that’s not the case. Neither it is in any other country, you go to Norway or you go to Germany, any other country you go you won’t find any fragrance in the flowers. It is very shocking why there is no fragrance in flowers.
When this world was created there was no fragrance but in some areas there was, specially areas which we call as India and otherwise. It is unbelievable that here or anywhere abroad there are no flowers with fragrance.
So now you are born here, you have brought the fragrance, you are the people who are realised souls and you have got the fragrance to spread, so your responsibility – double I think – that you must spread fragrance. Fragrance is something very innate, even this soil which we should say is without fragrance, the people have fragrance in their character, in their behaviour, in their understanding and there is peace which they are aspiring ."
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Adi Shakti Puja
Cabella, 2007 .

Friday, June 16, 2023



"Meditation is for your own ascent, is for your own capital gains that you have to have. But once you get into it, you also achieve your powers. Like, you become a governor then you get the powers of the governor. At this time you don’t have to think about anybody else. You are not put your attention to anybody else but just receive it, just receive it. Do not think of any other problem, but that, that you have to be effortless, absolutely effortless.
It would work best on the people who are just receiving it. You have problems – that’s why you are here, but you cannot solve them, they are to be solved by Divine Power. This must be understood fully, that we cannot solve our problems. It is beyond us to solve our problems. So leave it in the hands of the Divine Power and expose yourself effortlessly, absolutely effortlessly.
Sit in comfort, and properly with both the feet on the ground, with both the hands relaxed like this. Be comfortable, you should not be uncomfortable at all. Be free comfortable. Because you will sit for quite some time. AND YOU TRY TO PUT YOUR ATTENTION TO ME, WITHIN YOURSELF, IF YOU CAN, TO MY KUNDALINI IF YOU CAN. YOU CAN COME INTO MY KUNDALINI AND IT WILL BE DONE, JUST LIKE THESE THE HANDS SHOULD BE LIKE THIS, STRAIGHT.
So effortlessness is the keyword, absolutely effortlessly, whether you are meditating before Me, or before My photograph."
1st JANUARY, 1980 .

Monday, June 12, 2023

Message of Christ Resurrection


So we celebrate Easter to show how Christ resurrected Himself. The Spirit that is Christ has to resurrect out of the material manifestation of the Divine Itself. The matter is manifested because we ourselves have created it. Not that we are born out of matter, our body, but we are attached to it, we want it, we want to have it. Whatever you want, that sustains itself, by your desire, because now you are on the stage. If you want to sustain the matter, if you want to keep the matter as the first priority, it will remain. It cannot disappear. It has to go out of your mind that matter cannot hold you any further.
Christ rose out of the matter, came out of the tomb which symbolises the matter which has enclosed us within, which has to be opened out with our spiritual power. Throw away, throw away the stone that is covering this grave. Get out of that and stand outside it. This is the message of Christ’s resurrection.
The tomb that we have created, we have created ourselves, because we have allowed people to dominate us. We have allowed them to make these graves for us, we have allowed them to bury Christ within ourselves, because we were afraid. But Christ has to rise. So we create our own matter through our conditionings, through our fears, through our absolute wrong ideas about goodness and kindness and compassion. In the light of the Spirit you can see what we think as compassion is nothing but a kind of sympathy which leads you nowhere. But one should learn to see everything in the light of the Spirit. But do we use all the time the light of the Spirit? We do not.
For Christ, it was not difficult, because He was the Spirit. But He has shown you the way. He crucified Himself to show you the way. All the ideas about sophistication, about our standing in the society, how we relate ourselves to other dignitaries, or to our country, to our politics, to our economics and the world at large, all of them can tie us down to that tomb. You belong to another category, I’ve told you a hundred times. And a category which is the Spirit, which can rise above ‘all’ the tombs, can throw away everything. This way you are conditioned. All absurd ideas have been accepted, which you cannot explain why you were conditioned like this.
Why I talk more of conditioning, because of England. English are very much conditioned people. The others are Americans who are abandoned. I mean, you cannot talk to them about anything because they cannot be rooted into anything. But the English are too much conditioned people, and when they are too much conditioned they build their own tombs.
All these ideas are to be seen with a new dimension of awareness that you have. You are the Spirit. Why should you worry about anything else but your vibrations. Because you are saints. You should just worry about the comfort of your Spirit. Whatever is congenial to your- Spirit, just go on doing that, observing that, accumulating that and sucking within yourself. All conditionings will run away because these conditionings you accept because they look comfortable, but they are not. Christ is a great example and if He is the one whom you follow, if He is the one you have understood and recognised in the light of your Spirit, then you must know why did He go into the grave first of all. The Man who was so powerful. Who when He will come He’ll reduce all of them into ashes-such a great personality like Him of Ekadasha Rudra. Why did Christ allow Himself to be crucified and to be buried into that? Because He wanted to stoop down to the level of other people, to come down to that level so that people should see that through His life they are shown that you can be resurrected. Now the Resurrection has taken place. Sahaja Yogis are resurrected no doubt, but still one foot is in the grave! And the second one I do not know whether it will be out or in–it is just halfway through! One foot is of course outside, no doubt, but still is not yet touching the ground, ‘and the other cannot be lifted unless you push the ground, this matter, again, to push it up. If you live with your Spirit, you should have no fears, you should have no worry.
Easter Puja.
Hounslow (UK), 8 April 1985.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

I know I am Mahamaya


You can say from all sides the fear is burning like flames. And we are now here in Kali Yuga. We have started Sahaj Yog.
So the way we have to work out for our protection has to be mutual. Mother, of course, is there to protect you all the time. Her powers are there to protect you. But surprisingly, in the modern times, there’s one condition, which has to be fulfilled. Because in those days good were good and evil were evil. There was no mixing up. So once they asked for Goddess, they accepted Her, She came in her real form and She worked it out. But in modern times you must know that all these evil things are also lingering in your head, little bit here and there. People are extremely superficial. They are very much prone to the mass attitude, fashions, things like that. Sort of, their personality is not that developed as that of those bhaktas who knew they were right, who knew they were righteous, who knew whatever they were doing was correct and were standing on their legs, firm.

I know I am Mahamaya. I am really very clever at it! But I am truthful, I do not have crocodile tears: I cannot have. I am truthful. But still I am Mahamaya. So to recognise me, what should we do? If we recognise, then you are protected.
And the cleansing is the simplest thing in Sahaj Yoga is to be collective. If you are not collective, then know that something [is] wrong with you. If you are collective, then as if you are taking your bath in the River Ganges. You don’t have to go to Himalayas, you don’t have to do individual sadhana much, you don’t have to – just be collective!
If you are collective, if you are enjoying the collective, then you should know that you are clean; no blemishes there. You are absolutely all right!
Now the second part of this Mahamaya business: I had to be very close to you. I had to be extremely close, talk to you, to have a rapport, to tell you everything about yoga, to make you absolutely aware of yourself. This had to be done and, with all these complications within your mind, within your heart, within your body, I had to work it out.
To come close, in the real form would have been very dangerous, so one had to be a Mahamaya. But despite that, if you could recognise me, to understand me, that I am [a] Divine personality, it’s an incarnation, that’s all the Deities want. Then they’ll look after you in every way. They’ll give you all the powers. They’ll give you all the satisfaction, all the protection that you want.
This is the condition, which for a rational mind is very difficult to understand, that, “How can Adi Shakti be in one body? How can the infinite become finite?” But human beings cannot do that. Only human beings [cannot]. God can do it. He’s God, after all! And if so, you have so many miracles, you have so many photographs, so many things to see, but this is what one has to recognise.
Navaratri Puja.
Cabella (Italy), 13 October 1991

Friday, June 9, 2023

Spread the Fragrance of Life


" When this world was created there was no fragrance but in some areas there was, specially areas which we call as India and otherwise. It is unbelievable that here or anywhere abroad there are no flowers with fragrance.
So now you are born here, you have brought the fragrance, you are the people who are realised souls and you have got the fragrance to spread, so your responsibility – double I think – that you must spread fragrance. Fragrance is something very innate, even this soil which we should say is without fragrance, the people have fragrance in their character, in their behaviour, in their understanding and there is peace which they are aspiring
I don’t say they are peaceful but they are aspiring to have peace. This aspiration only suggests they are fragrant people, that they are very fragrant.
What is a fragrance in a human being is, his nature, his temperament, how he is and how he behaves towards others.
All the countries all over, still not aware that you have to become fragrant. If they were to be aware then all wars will end, everything will finish off and they will know we are all one.
We do not belong to different countries or anything which we have made. God has not made France. We have made that this is your country, this is their country and country-wise we fight. This country belongs to no one. This belongs to God. But people stupidly fight on the countries, that this is our country, this is our country. "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Cabella. Italy.
24th June, 2007 .

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Why take something Wrong


“Ego always takes to something wrong.

Still we are living in a relative world if you understand. We do not what is right and wrong is. Shri Krishna has said that there are three types of people in this world which create problems. The first type is the type which always takes to something wrong, destructive, and run after it and destroys oneself, emotional things. He gets emotional attachments to wrong things, he doesn’t value his life much relatively, and he destroys himself. Then the second type of people who are which he calls as the rajasikas who are futuristic, the first are the ones who live in the past, are the rajasikas, are the people who are futuristic, as we are in the West, very much futuristic. We are planning all the time what we are going to do next moment, but this moment, when we are here, we are not there. They are not capable of knowing what is right and wrong. Sometimes they may do right but mostly they go towards wrong because they do not know what is right and what is wrong.
The reason why we go towards wrong much more is this: that we have come from carbon, say earlier, from matter. Matter always fights the spirit. Say for example, we get used to anything that is material, a chair, we cannot sit on the ground. If you are used to a bed we cannot sleep on the ground. So the matter is always trying to give us habits. It is trying to overpower us, and that’s how we start getting into a comfortable understanding that we have to be dominated by matter. So such people who are on the rajasic side, we call them the rightsided people, are guided by the ego that developed because they convert matter into some form and they think they achieved a lot. As I said, a tree dies and they create a chair and that chair sits on your head and you think you have achieved a lot. So this is what happens that the ego, as you see on the right hand side, starts developing and when it develops it guides you. It can misguide you many a times, because when there is ego pampering we feel happy and when there is no ego pampering we feel unhappy. …
So the concept of the goodness is not there. Benevolence is not there, but the concept of something standing out, something out of the blue, they want to show off that they are something greater. ..
The third type of people are the seekers, the sattva gunis. They try to avoid extremes, they try to keep in the center, they are the ones who are best seekers. ..
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Melbourne (Australia), 14 March 1985.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Three Conditions for Effective self realisation


So, as you have no questions we could have the session of Self-Realization. First thing I have to tell you that it is a living process and nobody can be forced. If you have a pure honest desire to get your Self-Realization then it will work out spontaneously. Please have full confidence in yourself!
Now, there are three conditions before we start. First, as I said, you must have full confidence in yourself. The second is, you should not feel guilty at all about anything, whatever has happened in the past. Because we are all human beings, and if we have committed mistakes it’s all right. You are not God. So, to feel guilty is absolutely of no use. On the contrary, if you feel guilty then the center on the left-hand side here catches very badly. And this is a very dangerous thing that happens. With this catch you develop a disease called angina, and also spondylitis, and also the left-side organs become lethargic. So, please forget the past at this moment, you have to be in the present! The third condition is very simple but people think it is difficult. The third condition is that you should forgive everyone without thinking about them individually. Many people say, “It is very difficult to forgive.” Whether you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything. Logically, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands and you torture yourself unnecessarily while the person who has troubled you is living happily. So, if you just say, “I forgive everyone in general”, don’t think of them, immediately you will feel very much lighter. So we must have respect for ourselves because we have no ideas to how glorious we are inside, that there is Divinity within all of us which has to manifest to give us joy, it’s all waiting there. So please, forgive everyone – without thinking about them!
Now, we have to take out our shoes to take the help from Mother Earth. Put your both the feet away from each other as these are two powers. Left power is the power of desire, and the right one is the power of action. So, we have to put our left hand like this towards Me, symbolic that we desire to have Self-Realization. We have to use our right hand for nourishing our centers on the left hand side. First we put our right hand to our heart.
Aside:”Somebody should show.”
First, I will show you, and then we will close our eyes. Here resides the Spirit. If you are the Spirit, in the light of the Spirit you become your guide. So you become your own master. So now, take down your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of your mastery. Now, take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of pure knowledge. Then, you raise your right hand again in the upper portion of your abdomen. Then again on your heart. Now, between the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right fully. This is the center which I have told you goes out of order when you feel guilty.
So now, you have to raise your hand on your forehead across and put down your head as far as possible. This is the center where you have to forgive everyone in general. Now, please take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from this all-pervading Divine power. Now, please stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of your head, on top of the fontanel bone area. Now, please put down your head as far as possible. Now, please push back your fingers, please do this, push back your fingers otherwise there won’t be proper pressure. And now move your scalp seven times clock-wise, slowly. Push back your fingers, put down your head!
That’s all we have to do.
and I cannot force Self-realization on you. You have to ask for it. So now, please move your right hand with a pressure on your scalp, move your scalp seven times clock-wise saying, seven times: “Mother, please give me my Self-realization!”
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is blowing into the microphone.
Public Program Day 1.
CA-Tent, Vienna (Austria),
5 August 1991.