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Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Jesus christ and lord ganesha


I have said a lot of things regarding Christ before, and how Jesus Christ is related to Shri Radhaji, that he is the incarnation of Shri Ganesha, who was the son of the Adi Shakti to begin with. But then he was given to Shri Radhaji and Shri Radha created as Mahalakshmi, as Mother Mary, this great incarnation of Christ. Now, for western mind, it is impossible to understand how there can be a immaculate conception, because they have no sense at all, no sensitivity at all to spiritual life. We Indians can understand it. It is easy for Indians to understand because we had Shri Ganesha created that way, we just believe it we don’t doubt these things. Whatever is said about God is not to be doubted with this limited brain. That is not done in India. But in the west, from the very birth of Christ, they have had arguments, arguments, arguments, arguments with this limited brain they had, and the whole religion in the name of Christ is just a perversion. Such a horrible things have been said that is unbelievable. His purity, his holiness, his auspiciousness, is never understood in the west I think. Those who follow, follow Christianity, how can they be so debased in their moral character. They are alright for their political, their economical, we can say their legal side. But their moral sense is absolutely missing, it is very surprising. Those who are the followers of Christ should have the greater amount of morality. He has said that ‘Thou shall not have adulterous eyes’. Such a subtle thing, even the eye should not have adultery, should not have lust and greed. Such a subtle thing he has said it and just think, in the west people could not follow it because the whole religion got perverted under the influence of Paul and Peter. It’s a very serious thing that they have done against Christ and still going on. Still this Catholic Church though being exposed so much is still going on in India also, all over, is stupid this Protestant Church also is going on everywhere.
What good name they would have brought to Christ? One should see the first and foremost thing he has said that ‘You must enter into the Kingdom of God; that you must be born again.’ So it is all mental that you must be born again, you have a certificate that you are born again, finished. So this mental attitude of the west is responsible for killing the great incarnation of Christ. So I think is another crucifixion. Mentally you cannot understand spirituality. So they were telling me all ‘Brain Trust”, “Brain Trust”. I said brain trusting I cannot understand in Sahaja yoga. In Sahaja yoga what is the brain trust? Where is the brain? In thoughtless awareness, where is the brain? So this brain trust business might be alright for any other place. But for Sahaja yoga, I still don’t understand what do you do in brain trust? Because some people want to come on the stage and speak you see. They have kind of a madness, they can’t get over it. So they might be coming to the brain trust, may be. But it is not brain, it is the heart. It is the heart which has to be opened out. Because, with the brain what we do is all kinds of materialism. All kinds of nonsense has come from human brain only. Not so much from animal’s brain. You can see if you go to any forest, it is clean, nice, feeling so well. But you put one human being there and you will know that this filth, dirt has come from some human being. So, as it is they have made a mess of all the great incarnations, but worst is done to Christ and I feel what a waste it was. So, we must understand Christ in the right sense. He is the eternal child. He is the innocence itself. He is the source of innocence and he is the bestower of all blessings in all chakras. But that doesn’t mean that you are Christians, you should be very proud that ohhhh she is talking about Christ. Many I have seen Sahaja yogis, are still identified with Christ, while they have nothing to do with Christ at all.
Now, one has to understand that how Christ in his miraculous life has shown so many miracles. First of all his birth, was immaculate. Every kind of birth is immaculate. They are beyond sins. They are special people. They may come as human beings, they may come as angels, they may come as anything. They are divine, and we should understand that this little brain of ours cannot discuss about them and talk about them. But is to just surrender and worship them. They are much beyond us. So, for the western mind, it is important to understand that the life of Christ was such a blessing for them, that they have lost it, they have wasted it and they have never understood how to respect it. The whole thing became like a political, economical, nonsensical fraud.
I had told you long time back that how we can prove that Christ was Ganesha and he was the logos and he was the, what we call is he Bramhanad, the first sound. By looking at your left side from the right side, if you see the Mooladhara, you will see Swastikas, because it is made of carbon atom. If you see from left to the right you can see Omkara, and if you see from down upwards, it looks like Alpha and Omega. In those days, Christ has said “I am the Alpha and I am the Omega”. And now we have made the animation, we have no arrangement to show there. I don’t know if you could arrange it somehow. But you can see it clearly, what I have said can be proved. So as you worship Ganesha, you must worship Christ, in the same manner for all those who worship Ganesha. Because I have seen that the Hindus, they are stuck to Ganesha, and Christians are stuck to Christ. Even after coming to Sahaja yoga, they carry those traits. Ganesha is alright up to a point and then it is important that we must pray to his incarnation that is Christ. In the same way, those who worship Christ, must also worship Ganesha, because he is the source, he is the potential of Christ. All this was in the divine plan, done with divine discretion. Everything was done so beautifully, but as I told you human beings are good at massacring anything that is beautiful. And that’s how it has happened. It is very, very sad, and on his birthday today, we have to decide that he is to be born within us again, in a proper way. That he is the Alpha and the Omega. At that time of his time I didn’t know that anybody knew about these symbols. These symbols also must have come from unconscious to some of the great mathematicians in long time and that’s why these symbols are used exactly like Alpha and Omega, you see him clearly. It is so clear cut now in Sahaja yoga, we can prove so many things, all tangible. How Christ used to cure people, what did he do, it’s all tangible, we can prove it now in Sahaja yoga, how it works out, how these powers work out, but we have to first of all cleanse our lives. We have to lead a very honest, powerful and pure life.
Christmas Puja,
Ganapatipule (India),
25 December 1992.
u, Rajan Nettur and 1 other