331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Sahajayoga changing life of thousands of addicted people


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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sahajayoga changing life of thousands of addicted people

Sahajayoga is highly dependable, easy to follow, free meditation technique, wherein with the blessings of Mataji Nirmaladevi, total transformation takes place in the person who becomes sahajayogi. It happens naturally and hence permanent. All kinds of wrong practices or habits can be given up.

There are thousands of people - fully addicted to drugs, smoking, drinking, whose life was completely ruined, have now got the real meaning of life and made dramatical change in their life style. It is all with the divine power of Mataji Nirmaladevi.

Kindly read one such experience of one lady who gave up drinking habit naturally.

My Experience In Sahaja Yoga

Olga Dementieva

Vilvoorde, Belgium

The way my life has changed

Hello, I’m Olga.I come from Tambov, Russia,though I live in Belgium now with my husbund Stefan and our four children.

I was still in Russia, when I came across Sahaja Yoga. Me and my mother went to spend a holiday in a beautiful resort city in the Nothern Caucases, Piatigorsk. My mother, who had been practising Sahaja Yoga for one year than, suggested to go once to a programme of Sahaja Yoga, that took place in the neighbouring city Jzelieznovodsk. That was the place where she had learnt about Sahaja Yoga one year before the event I’m writing about.As I was interested in all kinds of spiritual teachings, I agreed with pleasure.

So we went. Sergey, who was leading the programme, thought that my mother had already explained everything about Sahaja Yoga to me, so we had a meditation, and then we sang some bhajans – we did everything the way as if I was aware of what I was doing. But I just wasn’t! Sergey asked me at the end of the programme how I felt. I felt very good! My whole being was filled with joy and contentment.

Soon we had to leave for Tambov. There were no sahaja yogis in Tambov at that moment, except for my mother and my sister. They went on practicing Sahaja Yoga, while I completely let it out of my attention.

Once I went to see my friends at their place. Since they were having a drink,I was served a glass of an alcoholic drink I used to like. To my greatest surprise, this time I didn’t like neither the smell, nor the taste of the drink. More over, I was so disgusted, that I couldn’t finish the glass. That was the last time I’ve drunk alcohol. That happend in November 1994 ,more than seven years ago. At that moment I didn’t see the connection between my Selfrealization and being disgusted by alcohol. But little later I met many other sahaja yogis, who had similar experiences. It is known in Sahaja Yoga, that after one gets his Selfrealization, one’s destructive habits (drugs, alcohol, smoking, etc...) fall off.

That was just a small example of how much my life has changed for the better after I started practising Sahaja Yoga. The other positive changes are:

  1. My health has improved. Unpleasant chronical diseases,like cistites,disappeared. More over, I’ve learnt to work on my subtle centres in such a way, that deseases don’t get much chance to appear
  2. I don’t have to look for the cause of what happens to me in the outside world, but rather try and introspect myself.I’m not reluctant to admit my mistakes,but try to correct them
  3. Many destructive qualities, like anger, letargy, lack of selfesteem, deminished
  4. My attention has become sharper, thahks to which my ability to learn improved
  5. I’ve learnt to controll myself in all kinds of stressfull situations
  6. Sahaja Yoga meditations brought a new dimention into my life, which is hard to express with words, but which I wish to everyone of you to experience

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