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Monday, June 10, 2019

Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Audio Talks

Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Audio Talks

Ego is not your Self

Posted: 10 Jun 2019 06:16 AM PDT

Please enjoy the following extract of a talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga. This talk took place on the 22nd October 1979 in London.


“Today only, I was discussing about the way people give you C.O.B., I don’t know, V.I.P., and M.A.D., like that, and we carry those banners with us, and we expect everybody to respect those banners which have been given to us, you see, because we have done some work, somebody has recognized us, branded it, stamped it, so we believe “really this must be something great.” So we accept that brand and we want to keep it up. So it’s a doubly fixed thing that you are really rewarded for what work you are doing. That’s why people start, become nuisance also. Supposing in a society some people do not find any significance to their lives, then they will go to Oxford Street, stand there, wear funny dresses, start jumping, and singing something nonsensical, and make a nuisance out of themselves. We have seen people who paint their hair in different colors, put pencils in the noses I think… and do all kinds of mad things, just to attract the attention of others because we want to attract the attention of others, because our ego is not yet satisfied, but this ego is never satisfied. It goes on asking for more food, more food and you enjoy it too. When such a ego is bloated within us we cannot understand what we are doing. People can befool you like that. It’s very easy to befool a person who is ego oriented than to befool a simple person. A simple hearted man cannot be easily befooled, because he is not on a trip you see. But those that are on a ego trip, you tell them that “This is the best way to go to hell,” they will be the first booking their seats. There will be a queue for it and people would be asking for it, “alright if it is so, it’s good.” That is how many gurus in this world have come forward, have befooled you, by telling you that “You will get these powers, those powers, that will happen, this will happen” and they know how to pamper your ego. For example, they might say “This is a world organization of spirituality, and you are the head of the world organization,” and you believe it.

Ego means misappropriation. You believe in it because you think that, “After all I must be something, and I have done this, I have done that “. But actually what happens physically is then, when this balloon spreads on your head all over, the aura of the brain surrounds the heart normally… normally! But when there is ego problem, then ego surrounds the heart, and when ego surrounds the heart, the brain is cut off from the heart. So you are a non-integrated person, or we can say disintegrated. Your heart runs one side, your brain runs another side, your body runs third side, your emotions run fourth side. So four people running four horses and that’s how you are completely torn. I mean it’s impossible to stand on two stools, but if there are four, with two legs… it’s a big feat to exist.

So this kind of ego trip comes in by which you start behaving and living in this world in a very unnatural way, and if somebody says that “No, not your ego, not that, that’s not you, you have to be yourself, ego is not yourself. Do not be satisfied with this ego”, then you don’t like it. Because you are much higher than ego, much greater than ego, much more than what you think your ego can do. With ego, at the most what can you do, say? At the most what can you do with your ego? What people have achieved through ego? Nothing, whatever they have discovered, even in the sciences has come from the unknown, from God’s own treasures. If God has given you some knowledge of the unknown, you should not feel pampered about it and think that “Oh, this is what we have found,” no! He graciously gave you this knowledge, which has come to you so just take it with humility.

And this ego is very, very dangerous for kundalini awakening. Now you look at the diagram, imagine the whole of your head is covered with that yellow stuff, and this blue thing becomes a very small one. So first of all the desire, to seek itself, is diminished. You see you go for seeking as if you are going to a cinema hall. There is no combination of what you are thinking and your heart. You are not seeking from your heart, you are seeking just with your brains, because you have read three-four books, there’s a fashion, everybody is seeking, everybody is looking as if they are seeking something, so let us also seek. It is not coming from your heart because you can see that the activity of heart has become practically zero. You do not desire anything, it is what your ego desires you run after. Anything that doesn’t satisfy your ego you get upset about it. One must go on all the time saying that, “You are the fastest horse, you are the greatest person, you are the most unique personality,” then only you are satisfied.

It cuts you out so much from your heart, that’s why we cannot find joy, because joy you can only get through your heart. But this Mr. Ego gives you some sort of a satisfaction which is very superficial, temporary, leads you nowhere. With this ego orientation only, you get so many diseases, as I have told you before, like diabetes, heart attack, we can say also cancer, could be, one of them, arthritis, you might get. You also get with this too much thinking, paralysis, paralysis is because of that, and kidney failures. The worst is liver, because of over-activity liver is neglected. We are least bothered about the liver. If you tell a child “Don’t eat chocolates in childhood,” I mean, it’s an impossibility, you cannot talk like that. I just once said that “Why not stop giving chocolates to children, who cannot digest it, because their liver is not that [strong], or make something that is digestible to their liver from childhood, till they grow up, and why not dilute the chocolates also a little bit more. So?” The question comes in then, that “How can you do it Mother? It would be chucking out everything and children would protest without chocolates!” Gradually they’ll forget. The liver problem starts within you: you become thin, lean, pale, aggressive, all the time grumbling, grudging, sulking. Never in joy, never in happiness, you call it “tension”, “stress”, all these things. It’s nothing but over-activity of this chakra. Tension is because the whole of it is covered with this balloon and the balloon is still going on and on and on. That has to reduce. Sahaja Yoga is the only way really we can face our ego, because through Sahaja Yoga only, we can see ourselves. But it is an impossibility with human beings to face themselves, even after realization, they find it difficult. For example, all our misidentifications are there, say I’m dealing, say, with English disciples here, before I start saying about the misidentification of the English, I must condemn all the Indians of the world, and all the Japanese, Chinese, Greeks, everybody else, and then I should say “There’s also something wrong with English,” otherwise I’ve had it. Unless and until, at every stage, I condemn all the rest of the world I cannot talk of saying that we also have certain misidentifications which are sitting on our heads, by which we are oppressed, we think that “This is the correct way of life,” by which we have oppressed others.”

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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The relationship between the chakras and the physical organs

Posted: 10 Jun 2019 06:15 AM PDT

Please enjoy the following extract from a talk by Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga, at the University of Sydney on the 4 March 1992 .


“Now, as you are students I will be able to tell you something about what problems you might feel. It is very important that if you understand it, what problems a student can face when he is studying very hard, and it is very important that he should study, but with Sahaja Yoga these problems won't arise.

Now there's a centre here, the second centre as you see, the yellow one is the centre which has many functions to do. It has to look after your liver. It has to look after your pancreas. It has to look after your spleen. It has to look after your kidneys and it has to look after your bowels. All this has to be done by this one centre. But the most important thing for it is to supply energy for the use of brain, because when you are using gray cells, these gray cells get worn out and to replace them with the energy you have to have some mechanism in your body, and this is the centre that converts the fat cells from the body and gives it to the brain. So you must know that the brain is made of fat. That of course you must be knowing. So this conversion takes place and when this conversion takes place you will be amazed that how much energy you are spending in reading, studying and working. With this thing only we have been able, with this principle only, we have been able to cure so many diseases. If you apply this disease you can find out.

One of the persons who did work on asthma, one of the doctors, has used the same theory, and it has worked wonders. So many people are cured of asthma. Now, so what is the principle? We must keep an open mind as students. When you come in the university you have to keep an open mind but if you are already worked up it won't go into your head. So please listen to me. This center – of course these doctors do not know of course. I have done medicine myself. They don't know this, but in a subtler way you can know many things. Now this center you use too much, all the time. After all, you are studying, working very hard, thinking too much. As a result you might develop a bad liver, a heated liver. The liver, you see, is the worst enemy of human beings because it absorbs, the liver absorbs all the heat of the body and releases it. That heat comes as poison into the blood stream. But supposing this liver is neglected because of the over activity of this center. For thinking people, for futuristic people, studying people also, this heat can start rising higher. As a result of that, this centre that you see on the left side of the heart gets heated up, and that is the center which looks after your breathing, and that's how one can develop asthma. This heat can even reach your heart and can really engulf the heart so badly that if there is a heart attack in young age it's always fatal, even the first one.

Supposing some people are working very hard as students, also playing very hard, because the right side is affected by too much physical and also by too much mental activity and drinks, plays tennis or some sort of a very fast games, plus studies, is very hard and puts too much pressure on his right side. Then what happens? Then this heat starts traveling to the heart also on the left side and completely gives you a massive heart attack, and at young age these heart attacks are always fatal. You cannot save people from this. Very seldom it does happen. Another thing is this heat now travels to your pancreas. As a result the pancreas goes out of order and people get diabetes. In India, in villages, unless and until you put so much sugar that the spoon has to stand at a perpendicular angle, they don't think it is tea. They drink so much of sugar in the villages but nobody gets diabetes. Only the bureaucrats and sedentary people who sit and write and think too much and plan, plans which never come through and work out lots of this thinking and rigmaroles, they are the ones who get diabetes. Or the ones who plan too much. Even the housewife. She is a big planner; she might get diabetes.

Then the third disease is even worse because of the spleen. Now spleen is a speedometer in our lives and it has a certain rhythm. Whenever we are in emergency the spleen liberates or creates lot of RBCs, means red blood corpuscles, for the use of emergency. But if a person is a hectic type, as our life is very hectic. Say, early in the morning you get up after a hang-over maybe, I don't know how, and then you start just somehow or other dressing up, getting into the car, you have not taken your breakfast or you are carrying breakfast, eating it at the same time. Then you see a jam. Then you get again upset. But if you read newspaper it is even worse. So the whole system is in a jeopardy. Not only that, it's so hectic, the life is so hectic that this poor spleen doesn't know how to carry on with this crazy personality which suddenly starts becoming very emergent. Suddenly it demands more RBCs; so, it becomes vulnerable and any attack from the left side you can get blood cancer. You will be happy to know Sahaja Yoga has cured many blood cancer patients. Has cured. I'm not saying I have cured. It's your own Kundalini, and one of the boys has got MD in that subject.

So it is already recognized in India because this is an ancient science from India. This is the science of the roots while you have the science of the whole civilization. But you don't know the roots. We have to know the roots and if it is coming from India it doesn't matter. Not only in India it has been said, even in the Bible. Tree of life is mentioned and appear before you like tongues of flames. These centers look like really beautiful, very soothing tongues of flames. We call them as petals in India. So then this heat can travel up to your kidneys and the coagulation of the kidney takes place. When the coagulation takes place they put you on the dialysis but I assure you nobody can be saved out of it. All your life you go on spending money on this dialysis. It's a horrible thing, and after some time they have to die. It has to be accepted. Then the worst is the bowels. You get into a funny situation where you might get a bilious temperament where all the time you feel nauseating, you can't eat food and you vomit out some bile all the time. Your attention is never happy. Then the last one is this constipation because of the heat.

All these things are because of one center. So it is very important that we should understand about our being inside and get into balance, and must know how to get it cured and how to work it out. It's all our knowledge and is our body and we can do it without going through that MBBS course which takes you out like [unclear]. It's very simple to keep yourself all right. But with this you develop a new awareness which we call as collective consciousness, and this collective consciousness gives you the complete indication of pure centers because of selfhood and self-knowledge on your fingertips.”

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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