331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Fight Corona Virus with Sahajayoga Meditation


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Sunday, June 7, 2020

Fight Corona Virus with Sahajayoga Meditation

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Free Yoga Meditation Cornwall (Penzance ...

The spread of  coronavirus all over the world had been a matter of great stress for the people all over the world.  Though the medical teams, hospitals, doctors were doing their best to save the lives of affected people, the world has witnessed ever increasing death rate in many countries.
So as to save oneself from this pandemic people have tried different ways like washing hands with soap, keeping distance in movements, not going out of homes without need etc. but life cannot be static.
Human beings needs the supply of essential items life food, fruits, vegetables, medicines etc.  They need some time to move around the keep the body and mind in good condition.
It has been proved for many years that practicing yoga , sahajayoga  daily helps to promote relaxation and control the mind.  When the mind is controlled it has good effect on physical level too.  So daily morning and evening practice of sahajayoga has helped the yogis all over the world to promote their health in such a difficult situation.
Harvand Medical School has established that  modulating stress response system is possible and successful with the help of yoga. Sahajayoga also offers that benefit.  It leads to reduction in heart rate and healthier level of blood pressure.  It keeps at bay negativity all together. A Person feels confident and face the world. With the blessings of Mataji Nirmaladevi and awakening of kundalini it is more easy and proven one.
During the lock down period in first fifteen days around two lakhs of people across fifty countries attended online sahaja yoga meditation. By every increasing day of lock down the number of persons attending it is also on rise.  People are getting relaxed  from any mental and physical tension of Corona virus.
Jai Shri Mataji, the world is very thankful to you for this method of relaxation and getting rid of any of diseases. 

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