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Saturday, November 14, 2020

Birth and Rebirth


Mataji Nirmaladevi has described the process of birth in one of her lectures.  As well described by Mataji human being takes birth as per own karma, in different categories of human beings.  Only when the person attends moksha, the chain or birth and rebirth is broken.  So mataji has always tought to be good, humble, noble, kind hearted, delighted, helpful, for the others , for their sufferings.  Mataji has always vouched for good condut and warned against all ailments of heart and thoughts like being angry, being crook,  being mischievous, causing physical and mental harms to others- knowingly and unkonwlingly.  

So please be guided by the lessons of Mataji Nirmaladevi. It is very hard to practice it, but we have no option. Real Sahajayogis have  to follow it without any iota of doubt. 

following is the text of her speech on birth - 

A soul is thus born again ang again.

A soul is thus born again ang again. In the mother's womb the sperm, formed by the Mahasaraswati power and containing the soul (consisting of the five elements less the earth), and the spirit enter into the ova (formed by the Mahakali power), which is the earth element, and an embryo is formed.

When the embryo fixes itself to the wall of the uterus, the Kundalini enters through the fontanel bone (Brahmarandhra) at the top of the skull. The foetus now starts growing. Actually it is the entry of the Kundalini that fixes the foetus to the uterine wall. In ordinary language, we can call the soul, spirit. The spirit properly so-called, the Atma, is actually dormant, and only manifests its light after Self-Relation has occured.

When Self-realised souls die their Kundalini stays in the soul, as the spirit (Atma) becomes one with the Kundalini. Even in this category, though, there are three or four distinctly different types of souls who take their birth according to their achievements and advancement.

Realised souls areable to see the Kundalini as twisted, coiled identities in the atmosphere. They can also see good and bad souls as round bodies, their colours expressing their quality. They do not see the body of the souls, but possessed people can see such bodies as thex belong to the subconscious strata themselves.

H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - The Book of Adi Shakti - Incarnations Chapter 5