331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: 07/01/2022 - 08/01/2022


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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Divine Movie


"Divine Movie"

“Our Life is just like a movie which is written by our ‘Destiny’ and directed by “Almighty” ‘Himself,
So it is always better to enjoy this movie in witness state with great charm and interest rather than sticking with its story and being annoyed or happy with the acting of its characters.
Because the whole story, role and all the scenes are put in this movie by the Director as per ‘His’ choices and liking.
So we cannot plan our destiny as it is already planned by “Him”.
So why should we always keep on trying to change our fate by hook or by crook.
By being influenced by our mind which always feel satisfied and happy to rule our Consciousness and try to control our Awareness.
We cannot even alter the story in spite of intense disliking as we are just audience.
But we can initiate for a good friendship with the ‘Director’ through ‘Deep Meditation’ and express our Liking and Disliking before “Him” regarding the movie.
So that “He” might add some stories or change its theme or put some more scenes or Launch another movie as per our Choice.”--‘Impulses’


Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The First Mobile Phone

Sahajayogis and yoginis have so many miraculous experiences. Many of them have been spelt out later on .  Following is one of such experience explained by one of the devotee of Mataji Nirmaladevi.  Adishakti Mataji can use any material in this world for any purpose and following is the example of it.

In 1986 there was the first New Year Puja at Alibagh. A miracle took place in the house. Shri Mataji reached there around 7.00p.m. from Ganapathiphule, and many other Western yogis too. When Mother stepped out of the car She was so surprised.

 ‘This place is so beautiful. I always wanted to come here,’ She said. Mother went into the bedroom and said to the other yogis, ‘I must tell Sir CP about this place and he must come and visit it.’ She asked one of the yogis if somebody could get Her a phone as She wanted to call Mumbai. Since it was not a developed village there were no phones. Then She asked Mr Koli for a coconut. He asked Shri Mataji if She wanted to eat one and She said She did not, but She wanted a fresh one from the tree. A village boy climbed up and got Mother one in ten minutes and gave it to Shri Mataji. She went into Her room and closed the door

.Many country leaders were sitting in the hall outside, and after an hour one of the leaders came and said that Shri Mataji was using the coconut as a phone and they had heard She was speaking to Sir CP for nearly an hour. Later the yogis found out that this was the year that mobile phones first came out.

Lena K.

 reference - https://sahaja-yoga-experiences.com/the-first-mobile-phone/

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Impact of Sahaja Yoga on day to day basis


What is Sahaja yoga meditation? Sahaja Yoga meditation is a technique that can bring forth innate awakening leading to self-realization. The word Sahaja has two connotations. One of the meaning is ‘spontaneous’ and the other means ‘born with you.’ It is usually an energy form that flows within you. Yoga also means uniting together. So, SahajaYoga brings you closer to your inner self.

When do the kundalini forces integrate? Just when the individual consciousness unifies with the collective consciousness. The integration of the kundalini forces brings together peace and balance within individuals.

The benefits of Sahaja yoga are so many that one does not know where to start. Usually, people who are not quite satisfied with life are the ones who benefit most from Sahaja yoga, the most. They are not quite satisfied with materialism and want to get much more out of life.

The reason for the dissatisfaction lies in the fact that they are seeking something beyond materialism, something that will make them break out of all the shackles that bound them, the attachments and bondages of life.

After acquiring self-realization, we get connected to theall-pervading divine power which takes care of us. We get embroiled in life, feeling burdened, unable to deal with the ups and down of life. The freedom from this bondage provides an unflinching joy which defines our Spirit.

Sahaja Yoga and its Impact on a Day to Day Basis

Sahaja Yoga is not only to cure chronic diseases or your deep-seated psychological disorders, but it can improve your whole being, little by little every day.

  • Sahaja Yoga meditation is very easy to master and any one can adapt it, catering to their lifestyle, be it to their professional or personal life.
  • People experience great improvement and harmony in their family life and social relations.
  • Children experience great improvementin studies as their memories improve, drastically.
  • Many people discover that their latent artistic talents get fully nurtured and developed.
  • People become more courageous and confident.
  • Peace, contentment, and joy are the chief properties ofSahaja Yoga.
  • It is based onscientific technique which does not depend on blind faith.
  • Self-Realization can be attained through Sahaja Yoga and it is completely free.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Benefits of Sahaja Yoga through Sahaja Yoga Treatment

 The benefits of Sahaja yoga are so many that one does not know where to start. Usually, people who are not quite satisfied with life are the ones who benefit most from Sahaja yoga, the most. They are not quite satisfied with materialism and want to get much more out of life.

The reason for the dissatisfaction lies in the fact that they are seeking something beyond materialism, something that will make them break out of all the shackles that bound them, the attachments and bondages of life.

After acquiring self-realization, we get connected to theall-pervading divine power which takes care of us. We get embroiled in life, feeling burdened, unable to deal with the ups and down of life. The freedom from this bondage provides an unflinching joy which defines our Spirit.

Benefits of Sahaja Yoga through Sahaja Yoga Treatment

The difference we feel after Sahaja Yoga Treatment is immense! We gradually feel the difference in our mind, body, and spirit as the time goes on.

1. Sahaja yoga treatment protects us from illness

The subtle energy system in our body helps govern our body; as soon as there is an imbalance, we awaken the dormant primordial energy Kundalini and it starts awakening the subtle energy or the centres (chakras) within us. This will help heal, balance, andrectifies andnourishes the subtle energy centres (chakras) througha simple cleansing technique, which is usually taught in Sahaja Yoga.

Once you can restore your center and you balance the energy, your health improves and your immunity increases, keeping at bay all kindsof illnesses. As Shri Mataji explains,“Once you are properly established, you don’t have to worry about your health at all.”

The health benefits of Sahaja Yoga are not merely a figment of somebody’s imagination but have been substantiated by medical doctors and psychologists who have backed their findings by clinical studies and research. Many have attempted to cure themselves of various ailments such as high blood pressure, asthma,diabetes, epilepsy, cancer and so on.

2. Improved Sleeping patterns through Sahaja Yoga

Adequate and quality sleep has numerous benefits, right from disease prevention to weight loss. But our modern lifestyle ensures we stay awake for long hours, managing to compromise on our sleep and consequently, our health. That is where Sahaja yoga comes in, as it helps us not only sleep better but deeper, and we wake up more refreshed in the morning.

Many people suffer from sleep disorders such as insomnia or unsatisfactory sleep, and they are not able to find out exactly why they suffer from sleep disorders,so they blame their lack of sleeplessness on just about everything right from the weather to bad bed springs.

But the fact of the matter is less sleep may be just a combination of a troubled mind, thinking about the past day’s events, or worrying and planning too much about the future. Through Sahaja Yoga, one can gradually let go of the past and start living in the present.

3. Spiritual Awakening through Sahaja Yoga

Sahaja Yoga has a great impact ondifferent aspectsof a person’s life, such asmaterial, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. A heightened spirit and a rejuvenated human being can find solace in the unknown depths of energy and creativity which helps improve theliving conditions, which again leads to a more satisfied and meaningful life.

The regular practice of Sahaja Yoga can provide the person a sense of calm which enables them to cope more easily and effectively with the everyday stresses of life. Thus, it not only helps cure the innumerable diseases which are a result of modern day living. The modern-day diseases such as high blood pressure, heart diseases, mental disorders, diabetes and so on are all a result of all our hectic lifestyle.

Medical evidence is also encouraging, SahajaYoga indeed cures and heals, say researchers conducting experiments to find out about the health implications of Sahaja Yoga techniques. There is increasing medical proof of the curative powers of Sahaja Yoga as per many experiments conducted. Its ability to cure daily everyday health problems such as alcoholism, smoking and even cases like drug addiction has been proved beyond doubt.

That’s not all, Sahaja Yoga has also been able to cure several cases of diseases such as cancer, paralysis, epilepsy, and also asthma among many other diseases. The inner transformation of human beings, contributing to the overall transformation of the society and also to entire humanityis an ideal result. Sahaja Yoga brings about the integration of all the major religions of the world.


Saturday, July 16, 2022

Your Worries and Struggles can be neutralised by Shri Ganesha



May Shri Ganesha Bless us All 🙏
There are so many worries, there are so many struggles you have
- all this can be neutralised by SHRI GANESH
"For example, these days the life is very, very much busy with all of you. You are extremely busy with your work and you are doing extra work, I should say, than normal. But you think you are doing a very great job about it, as a result Shri Ganesha is neglected and such a man can become either very dry or very self-indulgent. One of the two things come up and he does not know where he is going. The only thing that keeps you in the middle, in Sahaja Yoga, is Shri Ganesha’s puja, Shri Ganesha’s worship, by which you can always be in the centre. All these diseases of the Right Side can be cured by Shri Ganesha’s puja.
Now there are various ways people worship Shri Ganesha, but there’s only a simple way – is to remember Him and sit before His photograph and take vibrations from Him. That’s the best way you can balance yourself. There are so many worries, there are so many struggles you have – all this can be neutralised by Shri Ganesh. He’s, though innocent, He is extremely clever and when He comes to your help you are amazed how He works it out and how He removes all the hurdles and all the worries from you."
- H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Ganesha Puja, Cabella Ligure (Italy),
25 September 1999


Thursday, July 14, 2022

Madness, Irritation, Uncertainty,psychological unstability caused byTranscendental Meditation removed and cured by Sahaja Yoga

 Following is the great experience and presentation by one of the world known doctor on how sahajayoga helps improvement of all physical and mental illnesses acquired throu transcedental meditation or by such other wrong, false yoga ideas. 

Dr Rustom Bujorjee: Yoga, is to take you to God, and any form of meditation, which doesn’t do that is obviously not true. Now we have heard that TM (Transdental Meditation) takes you only to bankruptcy, mental illness and physical illness. When I was a young doctor in London. I was working in a very famous psychiatric hospital, the most famous in England. And there, I used to find a lot of patients used to come about 6 or 8 weeks after having started TM.

Then, I attended a scientific seminar, a so-called scientific seminar on TM. And what we found them was the brain waves that TM eventually produces in people are the same as the brain waves that are produced in epilepsy. Most of the people who came from TM, in addition to having to be psychologically unstable. They are very irritating, they can’t bear any disturbance, their minds are not steady, they do not seem to be in control of themselves, and their intelligence is completely destroyed, their capacity to think is completely destroyed, they can’t do anything anymore. They are broken, empty.

I was a doctor. You see, so I was very interested in this. So it seems to be that, there is no technique for reaching God. Rather here is a technique which will enable you to destroy yourself. Many of the people who have done TM, either their families, members of families have had heart attacks, have bronchitis, pneumonia. The mother of this friend of Mr Marcus, who first brought him died in a hospital of a heart attack, and she was unconscious for I think something like 8 or 10 days.
So you see, anything that is auspicious, anything that is True, anything that is a good Yoga, should bring you blessings. It should not destroy you, it should not destroy your mind, it should not destroy your body, it should not destroy your family and it should not destroy your wealth. And I have never done TM, but I have never seen anyone who has benefitted from TM. All it does, it places your ego.

Sahaja yoga is the opposite of all this. It is, in fact, the only way. You see, through Sahaja yoga, the first thing that happens by the grace of the God, which is manifested in Mataji Nirmala Devi that your Kundalini awakens. As your Kundalini awakens your attention, your Chitta which upon now going there, there, everywhere is drawn inside into your subtle body, into the chakras, which sit in the subtle body and into the gods and the deities who sit in this chakras and rule the subtle body.

In the technique of this Sahaja Yoga, you say the mantras and you feel the chakras move. You take the names of Gods and you see where they are sitting. You see what qualities they rule over. You see what things you do which makes the chakra close, and you should not do them. And you see, what things you should do which makes chakras open. Your attention goes inside from outside and it becomes subtle and your chakras teach you the best way to live. And so your dharma is established in reality through your own feelings, not simply by listening. You learn from your own experience, and as you become deeper and deeper established in Sahaja yoga, you begin to feel the silence, that is your own spirit. And you begin to see the manifestation of your own spirit within you. So that it becomes, your attention becomes centered on your spirit, and you realize that your spirit is one with the Absolute.
Another side of Sahajayoga is that the Devi is ‘sarva vidya pradayini’. She is the giver of all True Knowledge. Now, I was educated at Cambridge, where I was taught by at least 20 noble prize winners. Whatever there was in science to know, I learnt and I knew. I did the research myself into brain cells. But what we know in science is very limited compared to what you can learn from the vidya of Sahaja yoga.
reference -https://www.discoversahajayoga.org/single-post/a-psychiatrist-s-experience-of-transcendental-meditation-tm

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Real Guru manifests divine power and free from lust, greed, power, materialistic life

Many fake gurus, kugurus are marketing dharma, extracting money from disciples, pampering devils, and seeking power for self promotion. In Kaliyuga we must know who is real gurus, what can be his or her qualities. What does he or she offers to us and what expects in return from us.

Following are key indicators of real guru and his functioning. We are fortunate to have Mataji Nirmaladevi as our gugu, incarnation of Adishakti, who offered sahaja yoga for the benefit of mankind, free all the life. She made everybody his own guru, by awakening the kundalini and related powers attached to various chakras in our body. Jai shri mataji.

following is text of her message in one public program -

1. We have to be our own master. We have to rise above the temptations of lust, greed, and our channels have to be perfectly clean so that the Divine Power can work through us.

2. We have to be able to stay in Thoughtless Awareness. When we see without thought, we become the witness, the Sakshi. When we watch without thought, there is no obstruction for absorbing the knowledge about that thing. Complete absorption takes place, it becomes our knowledge and it manifests joy.
3. Our Gravity must manifest. In this state we become silent and our gravity acts like a magnet. We have to touch that depth inside us which can carry the Divine Power and manifest it. Without saying or doing anything outwardly, our powers manifest. This is how the Divine Power works within us.
4. We have to achieve Self-Esteem through introspection. We have:
- powers of love
- powers of compassion
- powers of grasping things
- powers of creativity
- powers of giving realisation
- powers of salvaging mankind
We have to know that we are Gurus and we have to assume our powers.
5. Reach the state of Silence. In any crisis we have to try and reach that axes of silence which makes us really powerful because we are not only in our own silence but in the silence of the cosmos. In this silence we are in connection with the Divine power which is working out the whole cosmos and this power works through us. This silence is a sign that we are definitely in the Kingdom of god and that God is looking after us.
6. The Guru Principle gives us Balance. A Guru is not ascetic by nature, but he is so detached that he becomes ascetic. Nothing can tempt, nothing can disturb or trouble him, neither food nor money nor power. Nothing can dominate a Guru. Once this balance settles in, we become absolutely fearless because we know that nothing can bring us down because we are above all these things.
7. A Sahaja Guru is a motherly Guru, a sweet Guru. A Sahaja Guru is different from classical Gurus. He has to use his power of love, Compassion and understanding. As we ourselves grew from the normal human level to a higher state in Sahaj Style, in the same way we have to give it to others. No harshness is required; we should have kindness, sweetness and concern towards others and be kind, understanding, patient and sweet.
In Sahaja Yoga we have a collective Gurudom and we have to assume our powers and correct our self-esteem. With all this knowledge we have to become humble, to bow down like a tree laden with fruits. And this humility will give us that special edge which can penetrate into any heart. Thus we become apostles of truth, and the real faith that God Almighty becomes one with us.
Once the faith in God Almighty becomes absolute and once we know we are his messengers - then we are in the Gurupada
Suraj Thapa, Meena Sonawane and 7 others
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