331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Madness, Irritation, Uncertainty,psychological unstability caused byTranscendental Meditation removed and cured by Sahaja Yoga


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Thursday, July 14, 2022

Madness, Irritation, Uncertainty,psychological unstability caused byTranscendental Meditation removed and cured by Sahaja Yoga

 Following is the great experience and presentation by one of the world known doctor on how sahajayoga helps improvement of all physical and mental illnesses acquired throu transcedental meditation or by such other wrong, false yoga ideas. 

Dr Rustom Bujorjee: Yoga, is to take you to God, and any form of meditation, which doesn’t do that is obviously not true. Now we have heard that TM (Transdental Meditation) takes you only to bankruptcy, mental illness and physical illness. When I was a young doctor in London. I was working in a very famous psychiatric hospital, the most famous in England. And there, I used to find a lot of patients used to come about 6 or 8 weeks after having started TM.

Then, I attended a scientific seminar, a so-called scientific seminar on TM. And what we found them was the brain waves that TM eventually produces in people are the same as the brain waves that are produced in epilepsy. Most of the people who came from TM, in addition to having to be psychologically unstable. They are very irritating, they can’t bear any disturbance, their minds are not steady, they do not seem to be in control of themselves, and their intelligence is completely destroyed, their capacity to think is completely destroyed, they can’t do anything anymore. They are broken, empty.

I was a doctor. You see, so I was very interested in this. So it seems to be that, there is no technique for reaching God. Rather here is a technique which will enable you to destroy yourself. Many of the people who have done TM, either their families, members of families have had heart attacks, have bronchitis, pneumonia. The mother of this friend of Mr Marcus, who first brought him died in a hospital of a heart attack, and she was unconscious for I think something like 8 or 10 days.
So you see, anything that is auspicious, anything that is True, anything that is a good Yoga, should bring you blessings. It should not destroy you, it should not destroy your mind, it should not destroy your body, it should not destroy your family and it should not destroy your wealth. And I have never done TM, but I have never seen anyone who has benefitted from TM. All it does, it places your ego.

Sahaja yoga is the opposite of all this. It is, in fact, the only way. You see, through Sahaja yoga, the first thing that happens by the grace of the God, which is manifested in Mataji Nirmala Devi that your Kundalini awakens. As your Kundalini awakens your attention, your Chitta which upon now going there, there, everywhere is drawn inside into your subtle body, into the chakras, which sit in the subtle body and into the gods and the deities who sit in this chakras and rule the subtle body.

In the technique of this Sahaja Yoga, you say the mantras and you feel the chakras move. You take the names of Gods and you see where they are sitting. You see what qualities they rule over. You see what things you do which makes the chakra close, and you should not do them. And you see, what things you should do which makes chakras open. Your attention goes inside from outside and it becomes subtle and your chakras teach you the best way to live. And so your dharma is established in reality through your own feelings, not simply by listening. You learn from your own experience, and as you become deeper and deeper established in Sahaja yoga, you begin to feel the silence, that is your own spirit. And you begin to see the manifestation of your own spirit within you. So that it becomes, your attention becomes centered on your spirit, and you realize that your spirit is one with the Absolute.
Another side of Sahajayoga is that the Devi is ‘sarva vidya pradayini’. She is the giver of all True Knowledge. Now, I was educated at Cambridge, where I was taught by at least 20 noble prize winners. Whatever there was in science to know, I learnt and I knew. I did the research myself into brain cells. But what we know in science is very limited compared to what you can learn from the vidya of Sahaja yoga.
reference -https://www.discoversahajayoga.org/single-post/a-psychiatrist-s-experience-of-transcendental-meditation-tm

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