The third chakra which is known as the nabhi chakra actually it is known as Manipur chakra rests above this triangular bone and it controls the solar plexus in the gross form in the human beings, and this is the chakra which represents our dharma, our religion. Now when I talk of religion immediately the modern mind gets after me saying what are you talking about these things. When I say dharma I mean ... everything has got religion. For example, you take a mango from the mango tree if you plant it you will get the mango. Or else you can see, as I told you yesterday, that a gold bangle is gold because it is not tarnishable - that is the dharma of gold. The water has got purification dharma. In the same way a human being has got his own dharma which is expressed in the bible as the ten commandments. These are ten dharmas a human being is born with but he has to establish himself into dharma when he has to go into dharmartit state beyond that. But these ten must be established. If these are not established we can play about with dharma. If you play about with them then this is a problem in your awakening and in your realization. The nabhi chakra is the most important one and there rests the great incarnation or we can say the aspect of God we call Narayana himself and Vishnu and his power is Shri Lakshmi. Vishnu represents the subsistence - the dharma aspect of God. And Vishnu is responsible for the evolution of human beings.
We never find out why an amoeba has become a human being. What has made him come up to a level of human being? And what is going to happen to a human being? And after all why is he made into a human being. You are made for some purpose. What is going to happen to this human being afterwards - we never think of that. This evolutionary power comes to us through Shri Vishnu himself. Shri Vishnu is not the Hindu’s God. He does not belong to India; he does not belong to one particular state or one particular area. He belongs in the primordial being - in the great primordial being who we call in Islam ‘Allah hu Akbar’. He is the expression of that primordial being who is great. God has many aspects and one of the aspects is of his greatness. And that’s why as Vishnu he wants us to be great. Yesterday I told you that the body of Viraata contains everything that he manifests and we have to realize that we are a part and parcel of that great virata. And that we are in the process of realizing him because we are made in the image of God.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. (23 Jan 1976)
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