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Monday, July 31, 2023



One should know that you have to be responsible: that’s a very, very important thing of life.
I personally think, unless and until you feel that responsibility, that heart, into Sahaja Yoga, you will enjoy just my talk as you would just enjoy anything else. Real enjoyment comes when your Spirit really blows out the vibrations. You are taking my vibrations, all right, you are feeling them, but what about yours? Are you blowing your vibrations out or they are just taking your brain. Simple questions is, are you blowing any vibrations outside? We have some Sahaja Yogis when they just enter into a house immediately everyone feels it. Everyone can feel it that somebody has come. Immediately the whole thing cools down in no time. Somebody has come. There are some here also, not that there are none, but they are few people.
You have to blow out vibrations otherwise you are just a liability to yourself. Why don’t you blow out vibrations? Because you don’t feel responsible. In your day to day life, morning till evening, you have to see that you develop this instrument of responsibility within you, otherwise the vibrations won’t flow because, the main reason is that, our nervous system comes to us through our Right Side.
Our nervous system is built up by our Right Side. All the elements within us have built [it] up. If the elements are weakened, if the chakras which are made by these elements — as you know all these charkas are made by elements — if the pot is weak, nothing is going to work out. You should be able to hold that water of love or you can say the water of bliss and should be able to pour it out to others. Unless and until you are able to do that, Sahaja Yoga won’t spread.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
18 May 1981

Thursday, July 27, 2023

The Ego commits Mistakes, not YOU


So, do not worry as to what guilt you have got. I never tell you what guilt you have got, if you remember it correctly. Never I tell you that you should say that you have got this guilt. Many people tell me that, “I have got a guilt that there is war in Vietnam,” or some sort of a nonsense, or “My forefathers went to Argentina and killed many Indians.” All this is nonsense, you see? The guilt is a subconscious action, is what you call the conditioning in the left. When there is some sort of an immoral behaviour that is done. Even you may not be knowing what is morality, if you do not know dharmas, might be something you are doing which you should not have done. So, forget about it, detach yourself. The one who has committed mistake is your ego, not you.
You are pure because you are Spirit.
So don’t condemn yourself for that. You are not to bother. For example, if there is defect in the instrument, there is no defect in the electricity. Electricity is pure. It is not carried out because there is defect in the instrument. So, we have to correct the instrument. Now, if you think you are the electricity you can correct it, but if you think you are the instrument, you can never correct it because again you go to your subconscious, try to find out, “Oh, what things I must have done?” It could be from your previous lives, also. It could be you might have caught it by saying something very filthy which you do not remember.
So do not tax your mind. We are not psychoanalysts, at all, to find out psychologically what is wrong with us by asking questions and this, then troubling yourself too much with ego. Psychologists only think of the left [side] but they don’t know when you try to do that you develop your ego. When you start thinking about it, from where this has come, immediately you develop the ego of a person and the person goes on to the ego trip and which is even more dangerous than subconscious problem. Because people who have ego trouble the whole community, while those who are superego only trouble themselves. People with ego are much more dangerous and troublesome than the people with superego.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Accepting Artificiality


Why do things which will destroy? You can’t create yourself; you can’t even create a nose for yourself, leave alone the whole body. Then, why should we be anti-ourselves first of all? Then why should we be anti the society that we have created? Then against the whole nation that we have created? And nations, and nations, and nations? What are they doing, these all these politicians today? Fighting for what? I just look at them, I can’t understand what’s the matter with these people – fighting to create more destructive forces, more horrible things to destroy innocent human beings? Those who are innocent are simply worried, they don’t know what to do, they don’t understand why they are to be dead tomorrow because some people have gone off their heads. And, those who have gone off their heads are sitting at the helm of affairs, and we select them and elect them, all such people who are sitting at the helm of affairs.
That’s how the negativity grows within us, we become negative. Both things are negative attitudes because they negate God. Negation of God is the first crime we have created. We are not afraid of that God or for Him. He’s Compassion, He’s Mercy, He’s everything. But in His Mercy only He’s going to destroy the world. He won’t allow you to commit more sins against Him. He destroys even, otherwise, from within. What is cancer? What are all these diseases that are coming in our body? They are nothing but our own destruction forces that we ourselves have built within ourselves [which] are breaking. There is no fear from outside invasion, or from any star, or from any extra terrestrial attack, no there is not. It is within us. The attack is built within us, of which we should be aware. In the name of freedom we have collected within ourselves all the germs of our destruction. It is such a built-in process within us that we are not even aware that they are growing, that they are there. We are quite satisfied with ourselves, with our artificial life, with our so-called etiquettes and superficial mannerisms.
Innately within us there resides the Spirit which wants to enlighten you, which is anxious to enlighten you, to give you the peace, the bliss, the joy of your being. This beautiful lamp of yours which is being created, is with a great purpose. It has to be enlightened. Respect yourself! There is no ‘respect’ word left in the dictionary today. Respect yourself! We have to respect this lamp which has the light of the Spirit, that it should be enlightened, and let us be that lamp that shows the path of glorification of your being, and in that light we can see God’s Glory, too.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

All reactions:
Chandrakant Pawar, Vivek and 5 others

Saturday, July 22, 2023




First thing to note is that on the night of new-moon and full-moon always there are dangers on your left and right sides. Especially on these two days, the nights of new moon and full moon, you should sleep very early at night. After singing bhajans, bow down before the photograph, meditate, and keep your attention on Sahastrara and go to sleep after taking bandhan. That means you go into the Unconscious the moment your attention is at your Sahastrara. There, give yourself a bandhan and you are saved. During these two nights it should be observed particularly.
The night of new moon, you should meditate especially on Shri Shiva. You should sleep after meditating on Shri Shiva, that is the Spirit, and completely surrender yourself to Him. On the night of full moon, you should meditate on Shri Rama and surrender yourself to Him for protection. The meaning of the word Ramchandra is ‘creativity’. You should completely dedicate your creative powers to Him. Thus you have to take special care of yourself on these two days.
However, on the seventh day (saptami) and ninth day (navami) of the Lunar fortnights you have my special blessings. Remember that you are specially blessed by me on these two days. Make some special arrangements so that you can have proper meditation on these days.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
29 May 1976

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Ritual Fasting affects Dieties and Chakras


Ritual Fasting affects Dieties & Chakras..........

… What is the need to do all this? They are fasting. Why are you fasting? I don’t understand. Why do you want to make your body weak? In this body the Lord is going to come, and this body is fasting? If fasting people have to get God, at least 30% people of this country should get it automatically. They are made to fast.
[Sahaja Yogi says]: Particularly women.

Shri Mataji: Women? “Santoshi Maa?”, fast. Any fast. You know they’ve gone to such an absurd limit. And these Brahmins I will put them responsible. They have given all wrong ideas, absolutely juxtaposition. How? On a Sankashti, the day when Shri Ganesh is born in the family, see, imagine, that day you must fast. Imagine the argument behind it. That day! You see, supposing somebody is born in your family? I mean you celebrate it, you’re so happy. [Mother speks in Hindi: Us din kush raho, shok rehana chayiye?] Supposing I come to your house and you are fasting. I run away the next moment. [Shri Mataji and yogis laughing]. You see, if you write “Today we are fasting”, nobody’s going to come to your house. If you have to share in fasting, you can do, like Garwa Chout, they share in fasting.

You should fast on only one day, definitely you must. That is Naraka Chaturdeshi. That day they will eat. Because that day Narakasura was killed, and he was put in the naraka, means the hell. He was put down there. And the gates of hell were opened for him, and all such people are put on that day into the hell. So, that day you should not get up early in the morning, sleep in your bed.
[Somebody says it is already in the calendar].

See, with the calendar I don’t know, who has made, [Yogi’s talking] You see, but we must use our brains. What is Naraka Chaturdeshi meant? Actually these must be some rakshashas, must be some devils who must have created these calendars for us, some of them. That you must fast. I don’t know who has written such a nonsensical thing. The day when the gates of naraka are opened that day they’ll get up at 4’o clock, take their baths and nicely eat. All the rakshasas are will be going with the food inside the stomach, in the Nabhi Chakra. The picture has come of - the picture has appeared of some Santoshi Maa. Everybody fasting on Friday. Then the absurd ideas about eating food. That makes the difference. Also this is been introduced. …

"..See the silence and the joy and the, the joy of the awe is deep, very deep like a sea. Sea on superficial level is very turbulent, but inside is silent, absolutely silent.
Feel that depth. Without awe, you cannot go down."

Talk on Chakras and Deities,
Delhi, India

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Deep Meditation provides Personal Improvement, Inner Improvement


Always try to go in deep meditation.......
"... My horizontal movement is quite large and is very subtle, and I do it quietly. But you must also understand that you can do a lot by your horizontal movement. By horizontal movement what happens, that you start meditating on a particular subject which is a very bothersome subject, and which is for the destructive of humanity. Anything. You just put your attention to it and meditate. If you are that deep, that means if your caliber has improved to that extent, you will immediately put an effect on that. Immediately you will see, there will be a change. There will be something happening in that direction. This is your power, which you have to actually develop."
"So we have to meditate, and by meditation we develop that strength within us, so automatically we start solving the problem. Like our antennae grow up to that point, the way we are strong inside, they grow outside, to help so many things which are to be helped. Now you see that people are realizing that the world is in a great mess, and there are lots of problems that have come through materialism, through wrong thinking, through emotional thinking, through stupidity we can say. We have no time for all this. What we have to do is to develop ourselves deeper and deeper and deeper, so that on horizontal plane also we are effective. Sahaja Yoga first of all is for personal improvement, is for the inner improvement as far as the personal side is concerned; means your intelligence must improve, your temperament must improve, your heart must clear out, your feelings must be all right; then you should, your health should be all right, then your relationship with others should be all right, your ego should go away, your superego should go away. All these things are there. But this only helps a personality, just a personality that is very limited, that is yourself. But now, this personality can become an instrument, if you can develop that depth within yourself. But normally what happens, people are very much still worried about themselves, say about their wives, about their children, about their husbands or their household or this and that. These are not important things, because we have to be those instruments which are what you call them, like pilotless bombs, we have to develop that depth within us. That depth is possible, and you can really cure many problems of your country if you could just meditate on them. "
Talk to Sahajayogies
Sydney, Australia.6/5/87

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Know the POWERs within YOU

May be an image of 1 person


"Now it is your responsibility that, whatever powers you have within you, you have to know them. What are all the powers you have? The first power you have is that you yourself can give Self-realisation to others.
The second power which will come inside you is that all the worldly wishes, desires and greediness will disappear because the darkness within you is destroyed by the light. Then you will always follow the enlightened path. In that light only, we find all the solutions, happiness. We get a lot of peace, and we were waiting for this very experience.
What we are experiencing today is not just for talking about, but for us to experience it, and when this happens, people will attain a special form; what I say is, they will be called great humans. The meaning of a great human is that person who can feel for everyone inside themselves. We call this collective consciousness.
This will be awakened within us, and with this collective consciousness, why would we kill anyone?
Who is the other person whom we are killing? We are killing our people.
Whom do we have to cheat? We are cheating our own people.
We have to understand that the whole world is inside us. It won’t happen by just understanding it. You have to feel it and experience it within yourself. When you experience this, you will be amazed to know that you are an Ocean of Peace.
Peace is seated in a beautiful form within you, and you want to spread that peace far and wide.
You will think, “Why should only I experience it? I want to give this experience to many people.”
In this way, an internal collectiveness will be established within you.
There is no need to talk about religion (“dharma”), no need to spread fear, no need to blackmail anyone. When you get your light within, then you will start honouring yourself, and in that honour, all these useless things that you are running behind in this world will be stopped. "
H. H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Types Of Powers Through Kundalini Awakening
Ramlila Maidan, New Delhi (India)
December 4th, 1997
(Translated from the original lecture in Hindi)

Saturday, July 8, 2023

On Realisation you become Universal Being shading all conditionings


First of all there’s a big difference between you people and other people who got their Realization. First big difference is this, that this power you have achieved Sahaj, easily. Others had to go to Himalayas, stand in the cold air for days together, so many died, live in the caves, eating fruits, sometimes nothing. Even Buddha’s time they had to use only one piece of cloth to cover their body and they had to ask for alms in the villages and somehow cook some food and eat it – whether it was cold or hot, no comforts. On the contrary, He taught them that you should give up all our comforts because you can live without comforts. But none of them got Realization and none of them could do the work of awakening of Kundalini.
So the difference is too much, the way you got your Realization, the way your Kundalini, in a very Sahaj manner, was awakened and the way you are manifesting those powers that you have got. For example you can give Realization to others, you can cure others, you can feel the vibrations of others, there are some Sahaja Yogis who can control rain, sun, moon, everything. Sahaja Yogis, some of them, have tremendous powers of prayers. Just by praying they have saved the lives of many people. And these powers were available to some of them, even to the rishis and great munis on those days, but their powers were not based on love and compassion. This is your special field because you have to work for the benevolence of the people. Their field was to protect themselves or to destroy. So they developed powers of curses, like sharp, they could curse people. You haven’t got that power; you cannot curse anyone. Very nicely that power I have cancelled. Nor do I curse, I can, but I never curse anyone, because our basis is love and compassion and tenderliness. They were very hot-tempered people, most of them, extremely hot temper, and sometimes they used also terrible harsh languages whenever they spoke about the people who were not realized or who were troubling them. This was very funny the way they were angry with the society, the way they described them. Some of them did not look at the society, did not denounce the society, did not say bad things about the society but they were only satisfied with themselves or they wrote about the blessings that they are having. But you have a new dimension; you have to use your powers for the benevolence of the people. So also, your Kundalini was awakened so Sahaj; it is because of the love and compassion of your Mother. So this time, we should say, your Kundalini can only be nourished if you develop within yourself the sense of pure love and pure compassion.
First I’ve used the word “pure”, that’s My name also. That means you have to be innocent to begin with. If you are not innocent then you have certain problems, maybe with your lust. Maybe your love might be directed towards some person, only. Kundalini is not like that. She rises, She goes to all the chakras, She doesn’t get involved into any, She tries to cure every chakra, nourish that chakra, and She is only worried about Her ascent. In the same way a Sahaja Yogi should not get involved into any relationship as such. Is possible. You don’t have to become like Buddha’s disciples. For example, as I have always told you, the sap in the tree rises and goes to various parts of the tree and then evaporates or comes back.
So this passage should be kept open, and once this passage is kept open the Kundalini can rise very easily without any trouble. But this passage can be closed, in case you get too much involved into one thing, because there are some people who get involved, say in their parents to begin with. All right, in the beginning I know, those who come in the beginning to Sahaja Yoga, will start saying, “Mother, my father’s, sister’s, husband’s, this things, that, is sick, so will you please cure that person.” Very common. They’ll write long, long letters describing the relationship and I really lose the connection – who is this one? Without writing the names they will give all the connections that they have. These are all artificial connections. Tomorrow some calamity comes on you, these relationships are of no use; on the contrary you’ll find they’ll take advantage of it. You cannot depend on these relations of yours, in what family you were born, in what religion you were born, in what country you are born, because now you are a universal being.
So you are no more related through these artificial relationships but you are related through your spiritual relationships. Unless and until we establish that within ourselves – that doesn’t mean you give up your husband, give up your wife, give up your children, nothing of the kind; but that means that if we have to give up our conditionings we have to give up all these things. There are all kinds of conditionings we have. If there are some good conditionings, still we should give up in the sense they should not be conditionings but we should be master of them. For example Indians have one good conditioning, in a way, in their own country, that they must have their bath early in the morning. I used to do the same. Then England is horrible for that. It takes its respite, if you do that in England, it’s a cursed country, you just can’t do that. You have to take your bath in the night otherwise give up bathing; and one has to change. But if you have that conditioning, then you will feel very sad, “Oh, oh, I’ve missed my bath, I’m feeling, I can’t sleep now, I can’t feel all right, I am not normal.” It’s a good conditioning but still it is enslaving you.
So whether it is good or bad, if it is a conditioning you should try to see it clearly, it’s a conditioning. That doesn’t mean that you should go in the opposite direction, that, “All right I’ll never have my bath”, that’s not the way. It is that, “All right if it doesn’t suit in the morning I’ll have it in the evening, also doesn’t matter once in a while I’ll miss it. The bath cannot control me, I’ll control the bath.” Nothing should control you, then the Kundalini moves for us, because you must have complete liberty. If you do not have complete liberty then the Kundalini won’t move.
We have conditionings of our families, of our religion, of our country. These conditionings, as far as possible, is to be seen clearly that we have got it through our family. If you are born a Christian you’ll always be more attached to Christ. Christ you have not seen, you don’t know whether He existed or not, whether this Bible is true or not but you’ll be more attached to Bible. Now if you are a Hindu, you’ll be more attached to Gita or to Vedas or something. This creates imbalance, because we must have the same attitude towards all the religions, towards all the scriptures; that’s the sign of a saint. So this conditioning has to go. In what country you are born is another conditioning which has to be fought out; very important it is. I don’t want to discuss the conditionings of different countries but you know very well. After Realization when you rise higher than your society which is surrounding you, you start understanding and you start describing. I’ve come to know about the stupidity of all these countries through the people who belong to that country. For example a Frenchman will say, “Mother, this is typical French mind, he’s a French otherwise born.” Or a Hindu will say, “Mother, this is typically a Hindu man, he will do like this.” So then you understand that you are not typifying that country, you are a universal being and you are living like a universal being.
Once you become the universal being then also you realize that this skin-deep complexion makes no difference in the world. So then you don’t start hating somebody who is darker than you or who is fairer than you; both ways it works. It’s not only the people who are fair hate the darker ones, but “darkers” also hate equally. And mutually they believe that they are all absolutely wrong. If you ask a fanatic about another religion he’ll say, that’s the worst religion, his is the best. And you ask the another fanatic, he will say his is the best, the rest of it is the worst. That means all of them are the worst, in a general opinion. Everybody seems to be the worst, all the fanatics are the worst, if you take a general consensus, you see. Nobody will say that, “All right, my religion is all right and at least one another is all right”, nobody.
Kundalini puja,
Cabella Ligure (italy), 21 June 1992.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Two Types of Meditation


Two types of meditation............
So there are two types of meditation, two types, where one is the meditation where, we can call it the Antarmana, that we meditate inside ourselves. To see for ourselves what's wrong with us, and how we have to correct, what we have to do about it. And another is Bahirmana , is outside, how we have to live outside. You have to have a discipline, which is not imposed on you but, very happily, which you have accepted and have imbibed. For any art, say in India, I don't know here, but you have to put yourself into a rigorous training to achieve any height. You cannot haphazardly move about it. You cannot take just easily everything. In Sahaja Yoga there is no tapascharya, there is no penance for you. It's all blessings. But one should not get lost with those blessings, if you have to really get into yourself in its full depth."
"So, for the Antarmana it is important that you all should meditate, morning and evening, every day. Is all right even if you do not brush your teeth, but you must meditate, is an important thing. That is the reason I find that in the West people go on catching, again cleaning, again catching. Every time I come, find somebody is suffering from either, for some sort of a conditioning, or say, some sort of a badha, or sometimes it's ego or something. It comes and goes. It is not something that is detached permanently. As we have to take our bath every day, we have to wash ourselves every day, in the same way we have to wash ourselves within. So meditation is the Antarmana Tapaha, as you can call it. But it's not such a tapahaeven. You don't have to go to Himalayas and sit there. You have to just do this meditation early in the morning. ..."
"So now, what you have to do is to, at the very first shot when you get up in the morning, you first say that: "Let me see, what is my responsibility, as a Sahaja Yogi?" After some time you will start enjoying it, because it will give you such tremendous powers, such tremendous experience. Now then, you just sit down with very humble mind, and first of all say: "Mother, if I have any ego, please take away. Mother, if I have any conditioning, please take away; because I'm a seeker out and out, I don't want all these things." But if you do not meditate, then this Mr. Ego will secretly crawl upon you, and you may try to become the leader, or some sort of an assertion you'll do, some sort of a stupid ego actions, which we have many in Sahaja Yoga. If you write them down, you'll not know how to stop laughing. So to warn yourself, I would say that the only way to protect yourself is to do the meditation in the morning and evening, and also to keep yourself in complete bandhan. Yours is a very important role and a very important time, extremely important. You have no idea, that in the history of spirituality no one could do so much as you can do. So, if you really do the Antarmana, if you really see inside yourself, while meditating you see yourself, your chakras and all that, and then you find out this introspection: "Why am I like this?" Just separate from yourself, see for yourself: "Why am I like this? Why I did like this? Why do I think like this? Who am I?" These questions when answered, you will know all your worth, your value. "
Shri Bhavasagara Puja
Brisbane, Australia, 6/4/91