331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: You must Worship Shri Ganesha


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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

You must Worship Shri Ganesha


Are you really worthy of Shri Ganesha’s pujari?”
These days people have become extremely cunning and they don’t mind any amount of cunning. They play all kinds of cunning games on others who are innocent and simple. They can justify themselves always, that whatever they are doing is the right thing in these modern times when everybody is so cunning. This cunningness can take you to the other extreme of right side, which is very much punishable, in the sense that some people develop all kinds of problems which are physical, you can say. Like, their hands can get paralyzed or their leg can get paralyzed. Also they can have other troubles with their liver treatments and all that. All this comes up. Then to punish them, a disease of a psychosomatic nature might set in.
At this time, when you have these problems, all such people who suffer from the right side should worship Shri Ganesh…The only thing that keeps you in the middle, in Sahaja Yoga, is Shri Ganesha’s puja, Shri Ganesha’s worship, by which you can always be in the centre. All these diseases of the right side can be cured by Shri Ganesha’s puja. You must worship Shri Ganesh.
Now there are various ways people worship Shri Ganesha, but there’s only a simple way: is to remember Him and sit before His photograph and take vibrations from Him. That’s the best way you can balance yourself. There are so many worries, there are so many struggles you have—all this can be neutralized by Shri Ganesh. He’s, though innocent, He is extremely clever, and when He comes to your help, you are amazed how He works it out and how He removes all the hurdles and all the worries from you…
As I have told you, ganas exist within us, very nicely settled down as these bodies – small, small bodies – who report, if there is any problem, they report to the brain that there is a problem. And on the sternum bone is the residence, or we can say is the throne of the Goddess Durga. So whenever there is any problem, we are found into some trouble, the sternum bone starts vibrating and these bodies, which are ganas, get the information. “Antibodies” they are called in the medical terminology. Then these ganas attack. They can target also. They know how to target the trouble and attack it.
One may think that only the people who are suffering medically are helped by ganas – is not true. Also the people who are mentally upset, who are mentally suffering are also helped by the ganas. These ganas are so good at targeting their problems that sometimes one is surprised how things have worked out. ..
It is really very remarkable how the protection is given by Shri Ganesh and His ganas. So we must respect His ganas. It’s very important, is to see that they are all around within us, they are acting within us. They see us, what sort of person you are, and in case you try to dislodge Shri Ganesha by your misbehaviour, they try to see that you again go back to normal. They give you a chance many a times, but even then [if] you go on with your cunning and ideas about your ego, you are very badly hit by Him. And that is the biggest, I should say, calamity for you people.
.. So that’s how any idol you get from the shops need not be worshipped. It’s not to be worshipped: any idol whatsoever. So whatever is not there, we should not worship because it’s made by somebody who has very bad vibrations, who is a cheat, who is very cunning and thinks no end of himself. With such a person if you buy a Shri Ganesha, it’s going to harm you, it’s not going to help you. You can have it for decoration in the house but not for worship. There is no photograph of the real Shri Ganesha so far.
There are eight Shri Ganeshas who came out of Mother Earth. I have seen them. But in those places, the pujaris – the people who are the priests – are horrible, horrible people. I went to one of them and he said, “I am getting asthma, I am getting paralysis. How is it I am worshipping Shri Ganesha, my forefathers have worshipped the Shri Ganesha, and how He is doing this to me?” I said, “You just introspect yourself: what kind of a life you lead, what do you do, are you really worthy of Shri Ganesha’s pujari?” And then he realized it. I said, “I will cure you now. It’s all right. But afterwards you see to it that you become an innocent personality. Try to lead an innocent life, not of outwitting another and being very cunning and clever.”…
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,
Shri Ganesha Puja, Cabella (Italy), 25 September 1999

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