331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: 01/01/2024 - 02/01/2024


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Saturday, January 27, 2024



Let the people see how you behave....That is how Sahaja Yoga will spread. They’ll see you in the society. They’ll see you everywhere. I was told the Governor of Nevada went to Bulgaria and there he saw some Sahaja Yogis in Bulgaria. He was so impressed by their behavior that he wanted to meet Me – but just now I don’t know if I’ll have time or not – but, he wanted to meet Me.

So our behavior should be such, should be very humble, sharing, caring, so that people are impressed by it. And there’s no need to have any shyness about it. Some people think we are very weak. We are not. You have got the powers. You are not weak any more. One thing. In the same way, you are very strong and that’s why you are very humble. Only strong people can be humble. People who are not strong always are aggressive. We have solved some problems in Sahaja Yoga, like morality and all that. Of course, I agree. But still, still I think the attention is not so correct as it should be – absolutely pure. We worship Ganesha, and the power of Ganesha must show because, as I have told you, that innocence is not lost, it’s only covered and it can be cleared out.

The whole world we can save. We have to save the whole world. My vision is too big; and you are My children, you are My hands. I cannot ask anybody else to do it. And that’s why I have to tell you that you just be worried about the people who are around, care for them, show them love, and I’m sure they will understand that you are something really different from others.

It’s not difficult, because some of the value systems in America are so much convoluted, so much perverse that if you just go against it, people will be amazed. “How are they like that?” You have capacity. What I’m saying, you have powers. You are just like diamonds. Diamonds can be seen anywhere. Only thing, you should chisel out yourself a little bit. Chiseling out is very important, and that’s possible through your meditation, introspection – simple things like that.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

All reactions:
Hitesh Barot, Chandrakant Pawar and 3 others

Wednesday, January 24, 2024



After realization when you start to use the flame, you must have seen that it is soothing and black things come out sometimes.
I know somebody who told me that the whole wall comes out, he was amazed how the wall came out. Then you have also seen that if my photograph is there then the flame reacts. Then you definitely, awaken that flame, because so many have been cured through my photograph.
What happens is that when my photograph is placed and you people put a flame there, then the flame gets awakened and the light that passes through that flame carryies the vibrations. Material things carry [vibrations], like sound, you have seen that, I can clear you out with sound waves. As such by different chakras, like today, I am clearing out your Hamsa, by touching this mic and on the right side there is a problem then I touch with the right side the vibrations were so much neglected. On the left side is not… then the problem of the fear of left side is just the other way around.
So even sound can carry the vibrations.... but unless until you are realized soul, you can not awaken the Mantras. So to say Mantras before realization like mad is wrong, now doing sadaka with the photograph, in all that nothing is wrong, but to pay so much attention to one sentence is not necessary.
Supposing there is a photogragh and you are try to look at the flame in front of the photograph, then you are paying more attention to the flame and not to the photograph. On the contrary if you pay attention to the photogragh, the flame puts the light to the photogragh, then you get complete [vibrations].
๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ”ฑShri Mataji Nirmala Devi๐Ÿ”ฑ๐Ÿ‘‘
๐Ÿช”๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’›❤️Jan 24, 1982๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿช”

Thursday, January 18, 2024



There was a question that, in America and in England, no trust which is not a religion can be registered. Of course, Sahaja Yoga is the religion, no doubt, is the universal religion, is a religion that integrates all the religion, brings all the principles of religions together and shows the – shows the oneness. It integrates all the incarnations. It integrates all the scriptures. It’s a very integrating great religion which we can call as the universal religion and, in Hindi, it is called as Vishwa Dharma.
Now to make it more particular, I thought that if you say universal religion then it may not be that particular because like the Buddhist, then we have got people who are called after Christ as Christians and after other people according to the incarnations. So this time the incarnation being Nirmala, I thought we can call it “The Religion which is Universal, in the name of Nirmala.” So to make it short, I thought we can call it “Universal Nirmala Religion”. What do you say to that?
Now Nirmala, you’ll be all called as ‘Nirmalites’. Is the one who have been enlightened by Nirmala, it goes, light shabda (word) goes, the word light goes very well with you people because you are enlightened. Others are just lights without any flame. So this is Nirmalites, means the ones who are being enlightened by Nirmala. So if you like the name, we can call it ‘Universal Nirmala Religion’. If that suits your people in the west, I think that’s a good name. So we have now proclaimed and pronounced that this is a religion which is a pure universal religion. When you say Universal Nirmala means pure or immaculate religion. And I hope you are agreeable to that.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
19 Jan 1985

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Blind Bhakti full of ritualism is not useful


We don’t know that God almighty is the ocean of compassion and love. We human beings have to achieve a [certain] state to know Him. We don’t know God. We don’t know ourselves. First, we have to know ourselves. Once we know ourselves, then only we will know God.
I have seen ritualistic behaviour in the South(India) very much. I was surprised how people were doing everything with their heart, but they did not know why they were doing it. They have such Bhakti(Devotion), but such a blind Bhakti that it will lead them nowhere. I used to think that when will I be able to tell them to be beyond this. You have to have Shraddha(Faith), and Shraddha is enlightened Bhakti. Unless and until you have your enlightenment, the Bhakti has no meaning. Like this mike if it is not connected to the mains it has no meaning. Unless and until you connect it to this all-pervading power of Divine Love which we call as Brahm-Chaitanya Our Bhakti has no meaning because there is no connection– like telephoning to someone without the connection. The simple thing is that this connection, this Yoga has to take place.
You might have read lots of books or may know so many things like Vedas. So what? It’s like you have a headache and the doctor suggests a medicine. He writes the name of the medicine. You are reading the name of the medicine but are not taking the medicine. When are you going to take it? Unless and until you take that you are not going to achieve by any chance whatever is promised to you because it is such a deep ignorance about all these ideas we have learnt and has penetrated into us. Such a lot of ignorance. That ignorance is really like a ditch of no return. I have seen people who have read books after books. There are people who do one lakh mantras, fasting and reach nowhere. They are the most hot-tempered people or they have no joy in their heart. They leave their families, come out of it and think that they have done a great sacrifice. God does not want all this non-sense. Why will God who is your father who is so compassionate and loving personality want you to suffer?
Why should you suffer? By suffering how will you gain moksha is beyond me. If you take it the other way as Kabir has said. ‘By starving if you are going to achieve your moksha(Liberation) then already there are many people who are starving in this country so they will all get their mokshas. He says if by shaving your head you are going to get moksha then the sheep which is shaved every year should be there before you are there’. They all have made fun of them. They have all said all kinds of things for you to know that all these outside things are of no help. Of course you do it genuinely, because you want to have your liberation, your enlightenment. As a mother, I tell you, you don’t have to do all this. Please don’t do it. First of all, if you want to upset your mother you always say I will not have any food. So why do you want to do it. There is no need.
Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Madras 17-01-1994

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Sahajayoga is not just a Precept, it is Practice


Now we have to understand a few things about Sahaja Yoga very clearly and there is no compromise on these few things that we have to accept. Because, as I told you, Truth cannot compromise for you, you have to compromise for Truth.
So the first is that Sahaja Yoga is not just a precept, is not just a precept: it is practice. It is not just a mental idea. Now you got realisation, all right, but it is not sufficient. Even if you think that you got realisation so, now, you are all right, you become the Spirit, all right; but still, it is more a mental conception than a real identification. So it is not that if you get your realisation, and you start the awakening of your Kundalini, starts very well. Still, it is to be understood that it is the practice of Sahaja Yoga which is more important than the precept of it. There are many people in India who can’t read or write, who don’t have all these mental activities as you have and are not so complicated as you are [Shri Mataji is laughing]; some of them are aboriginal people, just living in the villages, very simple people. They get realisation, they feel the joy much faster than the complicated ones will and they just start working on it. You have to work it out. This is not the compassion that speaks, talks, elaborates and advertises, but it works. Sahaja Yoga is a thing that works, the religion that works. And this is what we must understand first of all, that it is not the talking, it is not the precept that you are a great soul: you have to become.
Not that you are not, you are. But you have to be aware of it. More light has to flow into you. Definitely, you must be something special to get it, no doubt. But you must allow your lamp to be cleared out, cleansed, so that more light is given. And it works wonders for people who honestly want to ascend in spirituality.
As I told you before also that it is a concept that many people have that Sahaja Yoga cures people. It is not true. It is just as a by-product it may cure you; just as a by-product.So one must understand the blessing has come to you only because you are a seeker, you have done a lot of good in your past life and this life also and that God has chosen you to be in His Kingdom.
But it cannot be demanding, you cannot demand, you cannot demand anything from God, He has to give you because He knows what you deserve. And He gives you much much much more than what you deserve. I mean, I have seen people who have been in Sahaja Yoga that after one year they start asking, “Mother, what did we do to deserve all this?”. They just can’t believe it. I said, “Must be something, you must know there must be something that the blessings have come to you”.
This is one thing that one has to understand that you cannot make Sahaja Yoga compromise for you, you have to understand all the techniques and things about Sahaja Yoga. Now the thing could be that you may start doubting, you see, so that’s what we have people who are doubting about it and doing all kinds of things; you see, in the beginning, they are rather slow movers. So we have to sort them out, to begin with, because the second stage of awareness is doubtless awareness: you are doubtless about yourself, doubtless about the working of Sahaja Yoga, doubtless about God’s existence, doubtless about His Laws. You become absolutely doubtless, not mentally, it’s a state, it’s a state of your being by which you achieve lots of results and you really become powerful: you can see your compassion so powerful, so discrete, so understanding, so forbearing. And you are amazed at yourself, you really become a saint in the real sense of the word, that you become humble, flowering, beautifully, not taking anything aggressive upon yourself; and you are really in the Kingdom of God that you feel that you are looked after, protected, guided, blessed, every moment you walk along.
And that’s the state everybody should aspire to reach this doubtless awareness; and unless and until you reach that state, we don’t call you Sahaja Yogi, you may start calling yourself, but that’s left to yourself. There are not sort of… we do not have sort of certification, or things going on; or we do not give any written certificates to people, nothing of the kind. It is you who have to certify yourself.
So gradually people grow up into beautiful beings. They start having their self esteem fully established, understanding themselves.
Conversation with yogis. Melbourne (Australia), 13 March 1983.

All reac

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Effect of Sahaja Yoga Meditation on Quality of Life, Anxiety, and Blood Pressure


Following is the  result of some research and findings of research paper -

The positive perception in quality of life may be due to the fortified tranquil concentration in meditation. EEG studies showed increasing h oscillating networks during meditation.11,12 Theta band power is related to orienting, attention, memory, and affective processing.11,12,37 The increasing h band power was observed to be correlated with experience of happiness during meditation.11 Previous study also showed lower perceived anxiety reported by individuals with higher h power.38 When facing negative emotional stimuli (such as viewing an adverse movie clip), nonmeditating controls experienced a heavier emotional workload, indicating by a greater c synchronization in EEG than individuals who practice meditation.39 The better coping of negative stimuli may contribute to a better-perceived quality of life and greater reduction in anxiety in the meditation than controls. Among self-reported hypertensive patients, at baseline, patients who practiced meditation had better blood pressure control than patients who received conventional treatment. After treatment, systolic blood pressure decreased by 9.4 mm Hg in the meditation group. The finding is of clinical and public health significance. High blood pressure was the primary or contributing cause of 11.31% deaths in United States in 2003, and the estimated direct and indirect cost of high blood pressure was $63.5 billion in 2006.40 If further validation of the effectiveness of meditation on hypertension control is obtained, cost-effective intervention programs could result in significant lives saved and savings to individuals. Hypertension is also a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and stroke, and it is estimated that a population-wide 2-mm Hg reduction in diastolic blood pressure could prevent 6% risk of coronary heart disease and 15% risk of stroke or transient ischemic attack.41 Previous study showed that a 12 mm Hg decrease in systolic blood pressure for 10 years was thought to prevent 1 death for every 11 patients treated.42 The decrease in blood pressure associated with meditation treatment could potentially lead to decrease in cardiovascular mortality and morbidity. Table 4. Effect of Meditation on Anxiety Level and Blood Pressurea Clinical anxiety (n = 129) Systolic blood pressure (n = 41) Diastolic blood pressureb (n = 41) Pulse (n = 41) R2 0.5539 0.8494 0.9326 0.7454 Parameters Est. p Est. p Est. p Est. p Meditation (reference: controls) - 8.46 < 0.001 - 12.01 < 0.001 - 5.42 0.081 Meditation versus controls in hypertensive patients with diabetes - 12.32 < 0.001 Meditation versus controls in hypertensive patients without diabetes - 6.12 < 0.001 Baseline value 0.48 < 0.001 0.80 < 0.001 0.59 < 0.001 0.70 < 0.001 Self-reported history of type 2 diabetes - 0.32 0.77 a Covariates in models for (1) systolic blood pressure and pulse: meditation and baseline value; (2) diastolic blood pressure: meditation (stratified by type 2 diabetes), baseline value, history of type 2 diabetes; (3) clinical anxiety: meditation, baseline value, physical activity and marital status. b p-Value for interaction between meditation and self-reported history of type 2 diabetes on diastolic blood pressure: 0.0053; Est., estimated. 594 CHUNG ET AL. The present study also showed that meditation was associated with greater decline in diastolic blood pressure compared to conventional treatment. The rate of decline was greater for patients with both hypertension and type 2 diabetes, with an estimated 12 mm Hg reduction in diastolic blood pressure. Hypertensive diabetic patients are at a greater risk of developing complications such as retinopathy43 and nephropathy.44 For patients with type 2 diabetes, tight blood pressure control reduced by 32% the risk of diabetes-associated death, by 44% the risk of stroke, and by 37% the risk of microvascular disease than less tight control.45 While it requires three or more drugs for patients with type 2 diabetes to control blood pressure, meditation may be an effective lifestyle intervention for hypertension management. The study was subject to several limitations. Because this was an observational cohort study, participants were selfselecting into the study groups. It was possible that individuals who practice meditation regularly could response better to treatment than controls. The distribution of confounders between two study groups could not be balanced by randomization. Although results were adjusted for covariates such as baseline quality-of-life values, duration of meditation, and other confounders, between-group differences could still exist. The small percentage of foreign patients recruited in the study might influence the generalizability of the results. In multivariate analysis, Indian nationality was associated withhigher psychologic quality of life than non-Indians. However, the effect of meditation treatment versus controls was significant after controlling for country difference. The study evaluated the effect of meditation within the specific setting of the Health Center, and the effect could be partly attributable to the rigorous life in the Health Center. Doctors in the Health Center also meditated, which could contribute to better health care delivery and less perceived anxiety in patients. Quality oflife is best measured by self-report. The concern regarding responses that were positive but not truthful was controlled in the study by adjusting the tendency to provide socially desirable answers. The sample size of the hypertensive subgroup was small; nevertheless, within-group or between-group differences in blood pressure were sufficient to result in reasonable power. The estimated post-hoc statistical power of observing the 9.41 mm Hg decline in systolic blood pressure was 62% in the study. A common challenge in behavioral studies is the recruitment and retention of the participants. This challenge did not hamper the current study, and the retention rate was very high. Since the study period was brief (2-week commitment from each subject), the burden of participation was minimized. Based on the finding of the study, we suggest future investigations on the effect of Sahaja yoga meditation on hypertension or hyperglycemia control. Another area for investigation is derived from the observation that participants in the meditation group did not smoke or consume alcohol; how meditation influences health behavior and interferes with disease progression is to be elucidated. Conclusions The current study reports that patients who receive Sahajayoga meditation treatment in conjunction with conventional treatment benefit in perceived quality of life, anxiety, and hypertension control. Further investigation on the effectiveness of Sahaja yoga meditation for managing chronic conditions, such as prehypertension, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes is recommended.

 Acknowledgment The study was sponsored by the travel grant of University of Pittsburgh. The authors would like to express their gratitude to Dr. Isha Pandilwar (International Sahaja Yoga Research and Health Center), Drs. Prashant Salvi and Reshma Vishnani (Mahatma Gandhi Mission Hospital) for their assistance with data collection, and Ms. Tracy Tischuk for editorial support. Disclosure Statement Dr. Sandeep Rai and Dr. Madhur Rai were both affiliated with International Sahaja Yoga Research and Health Center. References 1. Testa MA, Simonson DC. Assessment of qualit

reference -THE JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE Volume 18, Number 6, 2012, pp. 589–596 ยช Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. DOI: 10.1089/acm.2011.0038

Saturday, January 6, 2024



Samarpan: Kuch bhi nahi karnahai (Surrender)

How will you go forward? Accepting that this event takes place towards consciousness and that consciousness itself makes it happen, we should stop trying to make any effort completely. When we are in inaction / akarma then only this consciousness happens. That means you don’t have to do anything at all. This is a very difficult task for human being. If nothing else, man keeps thinking. But when this event takes place then your thoughts stop as well because till now whatever sadhana (daily spiritual practice / effort) you have seen involves some kind of an action from you, and these actions/efforts take you outwards. Sahaja Yoga is an event that happens inside. When people ask how do you surrender, it is straight-forward, you do not have to do anything, then you are surrendered.
Human beings have never walked on this path or in this direction, so this is a new thing and a new way for man in which he does not have to do anything. Instead, things happen on their own. Because man has done a lot and has gone very far away from his inner self, and that is why it is very difficult to pull such a person inwards. That is why someone’s Kundalini gets awakened instantaneously and they get their self-realization, whereas for some even their awakened Kundalini falls down again. Not doing anything, that is what surrender is. If you reach that point where you don’t do anything, where you are wordless, thoughtless. But this also is an action. For human beings, even this is doing something. So leave it all to the one who will do it. You do not have to do anything. Just leave it.
If someone new has come and asks what do we need to do, then just open your palms towards me, that is it. Just keep your hands straight like this and it will happen. For those for whom this does not happen, these people here will help you afterwards. Today there are so many Sahaja Yogis here and each of them have achieved their self-realization. Not only that, they have a very deep knowledge of the Kundalini science / shastra. Each person seated here is proficient in the Kundalini science and can raise the Kundalini of thousands of people by just using their hand and finger movements, and not only that, they can also give them self-realization. And you may ask why don’t they do it then?
The reason is that people do not come to Sahaja Yoga very easily. It is very difficult for a human being to come to such a place where it is told that you don’t have to give any money, where you don’t have to do anything, but just have to sit in silence. But when they are sinking, then they come. That is why Sahaja Yoga cannot work too fast because you have to give up some things in Sahaja Yoga. Meaning that all the time thinking we have to do something, we have to think about something, or we have to stand on our head or we have to perform some dravidi pranayam (Hatha yoga) or we have to read some books or we have to memorize some texts or we have to say some mantras, just leave all of this. Then after getting your self-realization you become deserving. Then whatever needs to be done happens.
Akarma / Inaction only comes into action, karm rath (karm = action, rath = chariot) takes place. So how? See for yourself. Whatever has to happen will happen and whatever should not will not. There is no compulsion in this, no arguments. For whom it has to happen will happen, and for whom it doesn’t have to it won’t. If someone has blockages in chakras preventing self-realization so be it. These chakra blockages can be cleared but not argued with. People have various issues. People say we did not do it. But if they have issues then they do. These issues should be cleared. Now look out for your own swartha / selfishness. Know the meaning of Swa (Swa means self and artha means meaning).
This is not going to benefit me, it benefits only you, fully. Only you are going to get all the benefit. Understand this and open your palms like this. When the event takes place, then first the kundalini rises and crosses the agnya chakra. When this happens you become thoughtless / Nirvichar. It can be called Samadhi, but Samadhi does not mean being unconscious, going into trance. But instead, you are totally conscious and aware. You are fully alert but at the same time you are thoughtless and silent. But you are listening to everything and there are no thoughts arising inside from your ego or superego. You are in peace and joy. And when Kundalini pieces your Brahmarandra / Fontanel bone then inside you these chaitanya / vibrations, about which Shankaracharya has spoken, start flowing. It is so straight-forward. You don’t have to do anything in this. Like one lit lamp can instantaneously light another, and takes the lamp from the finite to the infinite, this happens in the same way. There is no role of intelligence in this.
Everyone keep your hands like this and sit comfortably. Those who have not received their self-realization yet should keep their eyes open for some time. If you have a problem sitting down, you can sit on chair. Are you sitting comfortably? If someone’s hands are shaking then keep eyes open, otherwise keep your eyes closed. Even with the eyes closed if the eye-lids are moving then you can open your eyes. Those who are swimmers they will first teach you how to swim. So keep sitting peacefully. Don’t move your hands or feet. They will come and teach you. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Are your eyes moving? Do you have any guru? Jay Shri Mataji!

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Sprout like a Seed and enter the Kingdom of God


Only because He loved this world, He created you, the whole universe. And if you have to get your realisation also it is He who has organised within you long time back a method by which you have to have it. So even to say that sahaja yoga is something modern could not be correct. But sahaja yoga has been throughout, is the living process of the whole creation. Sahaja—is born with you. As the seed sprouts you also can sprout. This has been with us, the whole universe has been created and today the time has come for human beings to be enlightened. Their awareness, the human awareness is definitely higher than that of an animal.
For example if you want to take a horse through dirty places it would work; But if you want to take a human being through some dirty lake he would immediately faint. Human beings can see the colours and can make out that this colour is not good that colour is ugly, that [one is] horrible. The sense of beauty is not among animals. There are so many things that human beings have got which animals do not have. Still there is all pervading ignorance [agnyan]. Still we are ignorant. The light is not there. Still we are in the dark. We don’t know why God has created us. We don’t know what is our fulfilment. We don't know why we have to live in this world, to be born in this world, then eat your food, then earn some money, leave some money for your children or for example have an election then break somebody’s head and then die. Is this the way we are going to live day to day? Is this what God wanted us to do?
Because thousands of years have been taken from amoeba stage to this stage. And now what are you going to do out of us? Those who are supposed to be human beings who have got a proper nose eyes and everything intact. Are we going to waste our life the way we have been doing, the way our forefathers have done it. What is the meaning of this human being, what is the fulfillment of this being?
This question must come to every sensible personality. But it does not. It does not [unclear]. We have had our food today and as long we have insurance for some thousands of rupees then why should we worry. Our attention is so limited we just think of our very very ordinary means. But within us there is a tremendous being to know why we are on this earth. What are we going to do about this being who is born again and again on this earth. What is the achievement, what is the speciality? We have not evaluated ourselves the way[UNCLEAR] ourselves till morning, till evening. We are worried about all useless frivolous things. You are human beings. You are something so great. God has created you, this greatness has been given to you for some purpose. All the saints have been talking about it. We thought that these saints must be mad. We have crucified them we have killed them we have poisoned them. Most of them in the modern times have run away and sitting in some hills and mountains however they do not want to come down. So what have we achieved though this being?
First and foremost question we must ask ourselves, Have we been able to know why we are here? The problem is very few people know, have knowledge and the rest of them are in ignorance. Such an all pervading ignorance is there and one blind is leading the other blind. You will reach nowhere. There must be some arrangement within us after all we became human beings spontaneously by itself. What did we do? We don’t even remember we were amoeba. We don’t even remember we were monkeys. We don’t remember anything. What we know is that we are human beings. Now here we are talking of new vibratory awareness. We are talking of human awareness which is enlightened. Like when there is no light in this room you just can’t see anything. Everybody is blind, blindfolded and whatever they have found out on that is based on blindness. Ignorance leading to ignorance.
Unless and until you have found out your absolute whatever you are doing is irrelative and [relating just to relative has no meaning]. Like somebody said Mother are you for communism or for monarchy. I said both are madness. They said how? I said I am only for the kingdom of God. They said where is the kingdom of God? I said that is the point. If you are asking this question when you do not know where is the kingdom of God then you are ignorant like children. What can I tell you about it. You have to find out your absolute which is within you. Which is all the time present.
Public Program, New Year, Mumbai, India ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ (2nd January,1980)